Returnal: How To Increase Repair Efficiency

Surviving is already hard as it is in Returnal, but you would want to avoid decreasing your Repair Efficiency through different ways if you want to make it to the end!

The Repair Efficiency of your suit is the most important factor when it comes to survival in Returnal. Since the game is extremely difficult, it is important to maintain the Repair Efficiency if the players want to make it to the end of the game. The players will be able to increase the Repair Efficiency of their suit in the game by using different objects that they can obtain by exploring certain levels and biomes. 

Key Takeaways
  • Repair Efficiency in Returnal is the amount of health that the players will replenish when using consumables like Silphium. 
  • It plays a crucial role in the integrity of the suit and is directly tied to the survivability of the game. 
  • Repair Efficiency can be increased through different consumables and upgrades. 
  • You will be able to increase the Efficiency through different Malignant Objects; however, they can cause malfunctions. 
  • Other ways of increasing the Repair Efficiency include using Repair Enhancers that can increase the integrity for 60 seconds in the game. 
  • Players can also use Repair Augments and needle tooth parasites that can increase the Repair Efficiency by 20%. 
  • In case the players get malfunctions, they can use certain parasites or ethers to cleanse them. 
Important: By increasing the Repair Efficiency of your suit, you will make sure that all your Silphium Pickups and Silphium Vials provide you the maximum boost in the game.

What Is Repair Efficiency 

Before I delve into the different methods by which you can increase the Efficiency of your suit, it is important to understand the concept of how Repair Efficiency works. 

Using Silphium
Using Silphium [Image Credit Copyright: eXputer]
Increasing the Repair Efficiency will also increase and double the amount or percentage by which any item or Healing Object works on your character.

Furthermore, you will also be looking to improve the Integrity of your suit and any Enhancers that you use on it.

So, by increasing the Repair Efficiency of your suit, you will also be increasing the effect your equipment and consumables have on your gameplay experience. Repair Efficiency is an important factor if you want to increase your survivability and make the healing items that you use along the way much more effective. 

How Malfunction Affects The Repair Efficiency 

Malfunctions decreasing the Repair Efficiency [Image Credit Copyright: eXputer]
In Returnal, maintaining suit integrity is crucial for life stats and influences your health bar. All related stats reset upon death. Repair Efficiency allows you to repair your suit and heal, with small Silphium providing a modest base health increase and large Silphium offering a larger restoration.

  • Optimally, aim to collect at least three Silphium Resins to expand your current base health limit, enhancing survivability.
  • Health becomes especially crucial in locations set by the White Shadow Broadcast, where difficulty significantly increases.
  • Higher Repair Efficiency correlates with elevated adrenaline, enabling you to confront hordes of enemies without constant health concerns.
  • Doubling Repair Efficiency enhances your combat effectiveness, emphasizing the importance of maintaining a healthy suit in the game.

Increasing Health

Enhancing Repair Efficiency through Malignant Objects can lead to suit malfunctions, potentially causing significant issues, especially in critical situations. Parasite debuffs or malfunctions during this stage can be fatal if not handled properly.

  • Using Silphium, whether small or large, only recovers a minimal percentage of your base health when countering debuffs from parasites or suit malfunctions.
  • It’s crucial to address the core issue rather than relying solely on consumables for health recovery.

When dealing with a parasite or malfunction, prioritize completing related tasks or objectives to remove the debuff and return your suit to its normal state. This proactive approach is essential for effective problem resolution.

How To Increase The Repair Efficiency 

There are several ways of increasing the Repair Efficiency and improving the integrity of the suit in Returnal. Below, you will see all the different ways of increasing the Repair Efficiency and ultimately increasing your health and survivability in the game. 

Using Malignant Objects

Returnal Repair Efficiency
Suit Integrity [Image Credit Copyright: eXputer]
Using Malignant Objects in Returnal increases Repair Efficiency and suit integrity but may introduce debuffs or malfunctions. Ether is a crucial solution to cleanse these objects and maintain survivability.

To farm Ether, consider completing Daily Simulation Challenges, providing at least five units of Ether daily—a fast and easy method.

Explore various regions in Returnal to find Ether. Each map typically offers at least three Ether units in random locations, identifiable by a faint purple glow. Be cautious and read item descriptions to avoid collecting malignant drops that can adversely affect your health.

Finding Ether

Collect Ether by defeating bosses encountered in gameplay, as they drop a substantial amount. If you find a boss easy, consider replaying the fight to farm Ether, gaining around five units per completion.

Interact with the fabricator in Returnal as an alternative method, particularly when facing severe Ether shortages. However, this approach is recommended only under extreme circumstances.

Accumulate Ether for cleansing debuffs from malignant objects and maintaining the Repair Efficiency of your suit in the game. Prioritize Ether collection to enhance your overall performance.

Using Repair Enhancers 

Repair Enhancers are one of the consumable items in return that will double your suit Repair Efficiency. However, it will only last for a minute in the game. On its own, it won’t be of much use to the players. However, when combined with other items, it can increase and enhance their Efficiency by 100%.

Returnal Repair Efficiency and how it works
Repair Enhancers [Image Credit Copyright: eXputer]
It is a greenish liquid stored in a xenotype vial that the players can access through their inventory. You can also try pairing the Repair enhancers with Silphium. Doing so will give you double the amount of Repair Efficiency in the game. 

Utilizing The Repairs Augment 

By using the Repairs Augments that augment, the players will be able to increase their Repair Efficiency by 20%. These Repair augments can be obtained from different fabricators that are located in random areas of the map.

Returnal How to increase Repair Efficiency
Using Augments [Image Credit Copyright: eXputer]
The augments will allow the players to obtain bonuses and extra healing for a certain amount of time. However, these resources will mainly work to increase your maximum health instead of actually healing you. So you might want to consider them before using them. 

Finding The Needle Tooth Parasites 

Certain parasites in Returnal can also help increase the Repair Efficiency of the suits in the game. One such parasite is the Needle Tooth Parasite, which will allow the players to increase their Repair Efficiency by up to 20%. It is no doubt that parasites can offer both advantages and disadvantages in the game.

However, any needle tooth parasite that you use will increase your Repair Efficiency just like how a Repair Augment would do.

Returnal Repair Efficiency
Parasites [Image Credit Copyright: eXputer]
So, it is important to read the description of any parasite you come across before you interact with it. However, you might want to avoid any Affecting parasites in Returnal because these parasites are notorious for reducing the repair efficiency in the game by 30%.

If you are suffering from a malfunction using a malignant object to increase your repair efficiency, you can also look for some parasites to help you with it. A parasite called a wire-tailed parasite would help you decrease the malfunction probability significantly in the game. So, these parasites can actually help the players out a lot. 

Summing It Up 

With this, I conclude my detailed guide on Returnal’s Repair Efficiency and how to increase it through different methods. To summarize, the players will be able to increase their Repair Efficiency by using Repair enhancers that can double up the Repair Efficiency for 60 seconds in the game.

Furthermore, the players can also use the Repairs augment and needle tooth parasites that can increase the Repair Efficiency by 20%. These parasites are located in random locations and can be picked up and utilized for different buffs. The players can also try using malignant objects that will help them increase the Repair Efficiency and integrity of their suit significantly. 

By doubling up and increasing the Repair Efficiency, the players will be able to maximize their base health as well, allowing them to survive for longer periods of time in the game. 

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Kashaf is an RPG and Battle Royale enthusiast and can be seen spending most of her time battling other players in Naraka Bladepoint or improving her skills in Diablo 4. She loves to curate builds based on her own expertise and writes guides to help the audience become pros in no time. She kicked off her writing career on eXputer with several years of experience. You can follow Kashaf's gaming activity on her Steam profile.

Experience: 3+ Years || Education: Bachelors in Journalism.

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