Atomic Heart: How To Get Dominator Blueprint

Looking for something powerful? Try out The Dominator in Atomic Heart.

Are you tired of using the PM and Melee to fight against the enemies in Atomic Heart and are looking for something that can blast off the enemies in one shot like a Dominator? If that is the case, then worry not you have chosen the right place to visit. 

Key Highlights
  • The Dominator acts as Personal Polymer Weapon.
  • It deals a great amount of damage upon impact.
  • The blueprint for Dominator can be acquired from Granny Zina’s place.
  • The Volan codes are also obtained from Granny Zina’s place that can be used to access the Security System.
  • Resources used for crafting the dominator are Metals Parts, Synthetic Materials, and Superconductors.

Acquiring The Dominator Blueprint

As you progress through the main story, you will come across a mission “Breath of Fresh Air“, where you have to open the village gate. But the gates are locked and the only way to gain access is by connecting to the security cameras.

Closed Village Gates
Village Gate is closed [Image Captured by eXputer]
A special camera diagnostic system, known as “SDC-2 Volan” allows you to hack into the security system and connect to the security cameras. The Volan is located in a tower. Players can use the scanner to locate its coordinates.

Locating the Volan Tower
Volan Tower Located [Image Captured by eXputer]
As you reach the Volan tower then you can activate the lift that will carry you to the top of the tower where the Volan system is located. When you try to access the Volan, it asks for a security code to access it.

The Volan
The Volan [Image Captured by eXputer]

Meeting Granny Zina

As you try to access the Volan you will get a call from Granny Zina, who will tell you that she has some codes that might help you to gain access to Volan. But that’s not it. Further, she specifies that she also has blueprints for some big guns that might come in handy and asks you to visit her place.

Go to Granny Zina’s place and meet her. There she will provide you with the codes that can be used to access Volan. She will also give you the Dominator Blueprint.

Getting Dominator Blueprint
Dominator Blueprint Acquired [Image Captured by eXputer]
She asks you to feed the blueprint to her vendor where Dominator can be crafted. But you have to make sure that you have the available resources that are used for crafting the Dominator. The resources required are listed below:

Resources Amount Required
Metal Parts 144
Synthetic Material 77
Superconductor 22
Crafting The Dominator
Crafting The Dominator [Image Captured by eXputer]
Now you can head back to the Volan tower and open the village gate via the Volan using the codes provided by Granny Zina.

Security System Accessed
Accessing the Security System via Volan [Image Captured by eXputer]


The Dominator functions as a Personal Polymer Weapon (PPW). In Dominator, the polymer is utilized as a means to directly inflict damage, rather than being used as ammunition. The weapon’s functioning mechanism relies on creating electrified polymer spheres inside its chamber.

Upon firing, these polymer rounds maintain their shape due to their electromagnetic fields, and upon impact with the target, they explode, unleashing a tremendous amount of energy that causes precise and severe damage.

Wrap Up

That sums up the guide on obtaining the Dominator Blueprint. Although acquiring the blueprint was not that much of a big headache, we made it even more simple.


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Sameer is a Senior Writer & Editor for all sorts of guides on eXputer. He has dove deep into many gaming genres and ended up investing 8,000+ hours on COD titles, Pokemon games, Witcher 3, Minecraft, and Bloodborne. Sameer has a degree in Writing and Editing from the University of Michigan. Additionally, he has several years of writing experience and has worked for Mashable previously. Get familiar with Sameer's gaming library on his PSN and Steam profiles.

Experience: 5+ Years || Previously Worked for Mashable || Education: ACCA

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