Star Wars Jedi Survivor: Abandoned Shack Walkthrough

Here's the easiest way to Investigate The Abandoned Shack and Phon'Qi Caverns to get Max Stims and Map Upgrade in Star Wars Jedi Survivor.

In Chapter 2 of Star Wars Jedi Survivor, you will discover a Rumor to Investigate “The Abandoned Shack.” Now, in this game, the side quests are named “Rumors,” and these so-called Rumors might seem a bit of a drag, but they are extremely fun. They have a special reward for us at the very end.

Key Takeaways
  • You must meet the Prospector in the Stables in order to discover “Investigate Abandoned Shack.”
  • Mount the Nekko and super jump off of him onto the blue rear wall.
  • Use BD-1 to hack the console to spawn roller mines.
  • Force pull and push the Roller Mine onto the Melted Door of the Shack.
  • You will receive a stim canister from the yellow chest inside that increases “Max Stims,”
  • In order to get the Map Upgrade: Chests, you must follow the right path down the Phon’Qi Caverns.
Before You Start: In order to reach this level and part of Star Wars Jedi Survivor, one must complete the chapter 2 questline of The Forest Array In Koboh. In it, I unlocked the Forest Array Door, reached The Forest Array, moved Through Tanalorr, defeated Dagan Gera, and then checked On Mantis.

You can watch our Abandoned Shack video or continue reading this guide:

YouTube video

Discovering The Rumor 

Discovering Investigae The Abandoned Shack In Star Wars JEdi Survivor
Meeting Up With The Prospector

After you have done everything that the prerequisite says, you will just come back from the Forest Array. This will all occur in the Rambler’s Reach Outpost, which is also a great area to loot. An undiscovered area of “The Stables” will appear, and a man will be ready to talk about the spooky Abandoned Shack inside the Stables. His title will appear as the “Prospector,” and he will tell us about Qi’s Workshop.

This “Qi’s Workshop” is actually the place you want to investigate. As soon as you’re done talking to the Prospector, you will discover the Rumor. 

Heading To The Rumor 

Heading Toward The Shack
Gliding Over To The Abandoned Shack

Now, once you have discovered the Rumor, open the map. It will appear on the far north side of the Rambler’s Reach Outpost. The Region is called the “Foothill Falls.” This will be an undiscovered area far north that you will run to or walk to if you like; after going through the hills, you will reach a zipline from where you will land at the Foothill Falls in Koboh. 

To Reach the Abandoned Shack, you must tame a Relter Beast. You will see it as soon as you drop into the Foothill Falls. Glide over to the Rumor and start investigating the abandoned shack in Star Wars Jedi Survivor. Open up the main door of the shack through the Force Push.

Investigating The Abandoned Shack

Investigating The Abandoned Shack in Star Wars Jedi Survivor
Rumor Location On Holographic Map

Now, Foothill Falls is not such a big area to discover, but it has a lot of important loot that should be discovered. In order to complete the Rumor, you must get inside the Abandoned Shack and open up the weird, almost melted door. In order to do that, you must perform a small drill of parkour in the surrounding area.

Mounting Nekko

Nekko In Star Wars
Using Nekko To Superjump

Now, to start the drill, you must find Nekko and use it to climb the upper level of the Foothill further. Go past the shack and towards the right-opening tunnel. After following the Tunnel, there will be a small water pond, and near the edge of the pond, you stumble upon a Nekko. Mount the Nekko and go past the Shack towards the Blue Rear wall. Super jump off of the creature in order to parry off of the wall on the upper level. 

Unlocking Roller Mines

Hacking The Console
BD-1 Slicing The Console

After you have reached the Upper Level of the area, swing past the hurdle poles and onto the next platform. The next platform is the most crucial part of the entire rumor. You will be using BD-1 to hack a console after interacting with it. It will slice up and hack the console. From beneath the technical hole will spawn a roller mine that starts rolling towards us. 

What you need to understand now is that you may not get touched by this Roller Mine. Instead, use this bot to your own advantage and let it follow. 

Opening The Melted Door

Yellow Chest In Game
Yellow Chest WIth Stim Canister

Once it starts following you, jump onto the shack and into the small opening on top of the roof. Now, force-pull the Roller Mine toward me. Before it explodes, Force push the roller Mine. This will be the moment when the Roller Mine will explode and break open the shut melted door. Once you are inside the small Room, you will find a yellow-colored chest.

Completion Of Rumor

Investigating Abandoned Shack Completed In Star Wars Jedi Survivor
Completion Of “Investigate The Abandoned Shack”

Now interact with the chest, and you will get a Stim Cannister. It will be really helpful for you further into the gameplay. That is because this Stim-Cannister will increase the Max Stims that you can use during battles. Once you have opened the yellow chest, you will have completed the “Investigate The Abandoned Shack” Rumor. 

Map Upgrade Chests

Map Upgrade In Game
Map Upgrade: Chests Completed

Now, this part of the article isn’t really related to the competition of the Rumor. However, it is an important part because we will be discovering a BD-1 upgrade. This upgrade will allow you to see all the unopened chests, Stim Upgrades, and BD-1 Upgrades on the Holographic Map. This is a really important upgrade to have in order to fully complete the Exploration of certain regions of the map on different planets in Star Wars Jedi Survivor. 

In order to get this Map upgrade, you must go into the Basement Bulkhead Celler beside the shack. From there, follow the path into the Phon’Qi Caverns in Star Wars Jedi Survivor. Go inside and follow the right path of the tunnel. From there, be careful of the exploding orbs and keep going until you reach the Map Upgrade Section Room.


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Sameer is a Senior Writer & Editor for all sorts of guides on eXputer. He has dove deep into many gaming genres and ended up investing 8,000+ hours on COD titles, Pokemon games, Witcher 3, Minecraft, and Bloodborne. Sameer has a degree in Writing and Editing from the University of Michigan. Additionally, he has several years of writing experience and has worked for Mashable previously. Get familiar with Sameer's gaming library on his PSN and Steam profiles.

Experience: 5+ Years || Previously Worked for Mashable || Education: ACCA

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