Star Wars Jedi Survivor Cheats & Trainers

The best Star Wars Jedi Survivor cheats and trainers out there!

The recent release of Star Wars Jedi Survivor has seen a rush of trainers hit the market, and choosing the best one is a difficult task. Trainers provide cheats to get through the rough missions set in the game and enhance the overall gaming experience. Check out our list below of the best Star Wars Jedi Survivor Cheats and Trainers in the market.

Key Takeaways
  • Star Wars Jedi Survivor Cheats and Trainers are mods that will alter the game’s internal settings and mechanics.
  • Some cheats for Star Wars Jedi Survivor using the trainers include Infinite Health, One Hit Drain Enemy Stamina, and Invisibility.
  • Using trainers will modify the settings as they require to get access to the cheats.
  • Although there are many trainers available, the 3 best ones for Star Wars Jedi Survivor are
    1. WeMod Trainer: Offering 13 different mods alongside its very own application to safely run the trainer on. Mods have been divided into different categories for ease of use.
    2. CheatHappens Trainer: Easy hotkey assignments paired with 20 different mods to choose from.
    3. Cheat Evolution Trainer: Providing 20 different cheats to choose from.

Star Wars Jedi Survivor Trainers

Choosing a trainer is not an easy process due to the high number of trainers available. To narrow down your selection process, I have found 3 of the best trainers out there and included all the benefits there are to them. 

Before You Start: Make sure to disable any anti-virus or Windows Defender when you install your trainer. If not the files will be corrupted, and you will have to begin again.

WeMod Trainer

WeMod trainer website
The WeMod Trainer website.

WeMod is one of the best and most popular trainers on the market right now, a preferred trainer by everyone. The trainer not only offers multiple cheats, but it has its own application to safely run the trainer on. 

WeMod is well known in the industry due to them having trainers for almost all games out there and being trustworthy.

This trainer for Star Wars Jedi Survivor offers 14 options, which have further been divided into 6 different categories such as Player, Game, Enemies, Inventory, Stats, and Physics. All details about the mods available can be found on their website.

To install this trainer, visit the WeMod website and click on the download button present at the top-left corner. Once you have successfully installed the application, set your desired hotkeys to your cheats, and enjoy your cheats!

CheatHappens Trainer

CheatHappens Trainer website
The CheatHappens Trainer website.

CheatHappens is a good alternative trainer if you do decide to not opt for WeMod. The major plus point for CheatHappens is that it offers more cheats than any other trainer out there. So while the norm is 14 cheats for Star Wars Jedi Survivor, CheatHappens has 20 different options to choose from!

Visit the CheatHappens website to take a gander at all the available cheat codes they have!

Installing this trainer is a fairly easy task, just visit the CheatHappens website and click on the white button labeled “Download Trainer.” Once downloaded and successfully installed, you can begin setting hotkeys and using them in-game.

Cheat Evolution Trainer

CheatEvolution trainer website
The CheatEvolution trainer website.

Another great addition to wrap up this list is the Cheat Evolution Trainer to get Star Wars Jedi Survivor Cheats. This trainer, just like CheatHappens has more cheats to offer, 19 to be exact. The website includes a detailed list of all available mods.

To install this trainer, visit their website, scroll to the bottom, and click on the download trainer button. Once you have it all installed, you can set it up as per your liking and begin gaming!

Star Wars Jedi Survivor Cheats

Cheat codes are the one thing that I have always loved when playing games. They offer help and demand nothing in return, so how can I not love them? Now that I have chosen one of the trainers from the above list, I can begin using them for the cheat codes I want. Below I have mentioned a few of my favorite cheats using the trainers above and how to best use them.


Having the availability of going Invisible is something I would love in real life, but I might be able to make do in-game too. Using the mod on CheatHappens and WeMod, I can now become an Invisible Jedi and roam around the streets with no one knowing. Find your desired hotkey and become Invisible any day of the week and terrorize the game. 

Unlimited Health

For more basic reasons, Unlimited Health is more like a never dying mod, and how can I not love that? So now, no matter how many attacks I may get from the Dark Side, I have Unlimited Health always to power through. This is a cheat that I prefer and use a lot too, so I have made sure to assign its hotkey where I can access it easily. 

Weak Enemies

Having the ability to make sure your enemies are always weak is what I have always wished for, but having even the strongest of enemies weak might be the best thing to ever happen! Combining the Weak Enemies mod with the Unlimited Health mod is a match made in heaven, so make sure to use these mods wisely!

Final Thoughts

This is all you need to know about Star Wars Jedi Survivor Cheats and which trainers to use. Choosing any of the 3 trainers mentioned above is a good choice, so going wrong here is not a possibility. While playing Star Wars Jedi Survivor, I found knowing different tricks even without cheats is always a good thing, so visit the Increase Maximum Health In Star Wars Jedi Survivor guide. Let me know in the comments below if you would like more guides like this one!

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Javaria Ali is a Codes Writer on eXputer who’s obsessed with the Sims franchise. She has several years of writing experience and a background in Business Management. Along with Sims, Javeria is also a huge Genshin Impact fan, which is why she is in constant search for redeemable codes. Following her passion for games, Javeria now likes to track down codes and curate guides around them on eXputer.

Experience: 2+ Years || Education: Majored in Business Management ||  Mainly Covers Game Code Guides.

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