Star Wars Jedi Survivor: Spawn Of Oggdo [How To Beat]

Unlock Poncho by defeating star wars jedi survivor spawn of oggdo located in Fort Kah'lin on the planet Koboh.

The Oggdo was a strong opponent for Cal Kestis, the game’s protagonist in Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, and he is back to take revenge on Cal Kestis. I will show you how to find him, battling strategies that are not pretty simple. So, let’s get started with this Star Wars Jedi survivor spawn of Oggdo guide.

Key Takeaways

To defeat the Spawn of Oggdo in Star Wars Jedi: Survivor:

  • Study its attack patterns and parry effectively.
  • Use force abilities strategically.
  • Focus on its weak spots.
  • Deflection is more effective than dodging, except for the charged red snapping attack.
  • Dodge the jump attack by double jumping backward or dashing under it.
  • After defeating it, access the customization menu for the Star Wars Jedi Survivor poncho.
  • To unlock the “A Presence I Haven’t Felt Since” achievement/trophy, collect all costumes, including the Star Wars Jedi Survivor poncho.

Who Is Spawn Of Oggdo?

The Spawn of Oggdo is a formidable enemy in the Star Wars Jedi: Survivor video game, carrying on the legacy of its parent, Oggdo Boggdo, from the previous installment, Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order. As a legendary opponent, the Spawn of Oggdo is not to be underestimated and offers a significant challenge to players.

  • As an optional boss on the planet Koboh, the Spawn of Oggdo can be found in Fort Kah’lin.
  • To locate this elusive creature, players must first venture to the meditation point and use the ascension cable to reach the droid-infested area.
  • Once the Spawn of Oggdo is defeated, players can head over to a chest within the arena to claim their reward, a coveted Poncho.
  • Additionally, players will encounter a frog-like creature that they can interact with.

How To Find The Oggdo

Fort Kah'lin. star wars jedi survivor spawn of oggdo
Fort Kah’lin.

Travel to Planet Koboh: Begin your journey by traveling to the swampy planet of Koboh, home to the fearsome Star Wars Jedi Survivor spawn of oggdo. Locate Fort Kah’lin: Once on Koboh, you’ll need to locate the ancient ruin known as Fort Kah’lin. This is where the Spawn of Oggdo can be found. Reach the Meditation Point: As you progress through Fort Kah’lin, find the meditation point, a place where you can rest, save your progress, and prepare for the upcoming battle.

  1. Travel to Planet Koboh: Begin your journey by traveling to the swampy planet of Koboh, home to the fearsome Spawn of Oggdo.
  2. Locate Fort Kah’lin: Once on Koboh, you’ll need to locate the ancient ruin known as Fort Kah’lin. This is where the Spawn of Oggdo can be found.
  3. Reach the Meditation Point: As you progress through Fort Kah’lin, find the meditation point, a place where you can rest, save your progress, and prepare for the upcoming battle.
  4. Use the Ascension Cable: From the meditation point, locate and use the ascension cable to scale a nearby wall. This will take you to an area infested with battle droids.
  5. Fight the Droids: Engage and defeat the battle droids as you progress through the area. Be prepared for tough fights and use your combat skills wisely.
  6. Find the Suspicious Platform: As you make your way through the droid-infested area, keep an eye out for a suspicious-looking platform. This platform is the key to encountering the Spawn of Oggdo.
  7. Step onto the Platform: Once you have located the platform, step onto it. This will trigger the descent of any remaining battle droids into the arena, followed by the emergence of the Spawn of Oggdo.
  8. Prepare for Battle: With the Spawn of Oggdo now revealed, get ready for a challenging and intense battle. Remember to use your surroundings to your advantage and rely on your combat skills to defeat this formidable foe.

Battle Strategy For Defeating Oggdo

Fighting Oggdo star wars jedi survivor spawn of oggdo.
Fighting Oggdo

The Spawn of Oggdo is a formidable boss that challenges players with its unpredictable attack patterns and high damage output. In this comprehensive guide, I will detail the battle strategies you need to conquer this fearsome beast and emerge victorious.

Here are some additional tips and tactics to consider:

  1. Learn Attack Patterns: Study Oggdo’s attack patterns carefully during the battle. Understanding when to dodge, block, or parry can make a significant difference in your survival.
  2. Block and Parry: While evasion is essential, don’t underestimate the power of blocking and parrying. Successfully blocking or parrying attacks can create opportunities for counterattacks and conserve your stamina.
  3. Use Force Slow: Your Force Slow ability can be a game-changer in this battle. Use it to slow down Oggdo, making it easier to evade or parry its attacks. This ability can also help you create openings for attacks.
  4. Stay Patient: This battle can be a test of patience. Avoid rushing in for attacks and prioritize your safety. Wait for the right moments to strike, especially after dodging or parrying one of Oggdo’s attacks.
  5. Health and Stimpack Management: Keep an eye on your health and stimpacks. Don’t be overly conservative with your stimpacks, but also don’t waste them unnecessarily. Use stimpacks when your health is low, but try to time their use strategically during safe moments.
  6. Target Weak Points: Focus on targeting Oggdo’s weak points, such as its exposed underbelly and mouth. These areas are vulnerable during specific attack animations, so capitalize on these openings for maximum damage.
  7. Environmental Hazards: Be aware of the environment during the battle. Some areas may have hazards or objects that can be used to your advantage. If possible, position Oggdo near these hazards to deal additional damage.
  8. Upgrade Skills: If you find the battle particularly challenging, consider upgrading your skills and abilities. Some skill upgrades may provide advantages in combat, making the fight more manageable.
  9. Practice Timing: Timing is crucial in this battle. Practice your dodges, parries, and counters to get the timing just right. The more you practice, the better your chances of success.
  10. Stay Calm: It’s easy to become frustrated during challenging boss battles, but try to stay calm and composed. Keep a clear head and focus on executing your strategies effectively.

Remember that defeating the Spawn of Oggdo may require several attempts, but with perseverance and the right tactics, you can overcome this formidable foe. May the Force be with you!

Poncho Reward

Poncho star wars jedi survivor spawn of oggdo

You can access the treasure chest at the back of the room after killing the Spawn of Oggdo. You may get the Star Wars Jedi Survivor poncho in this way. Even though it’s simply a jacket, it does seem stylish. In any case, by accessing the customized menu, this specific item can be equipped.

  • Remember that there are several Cal Kestis cosmetic items in the title in addition to this one. You do have color choices other than pink, so don’t worry.
  • Black, yellow, green, white, and brown are more colors. You can also access the trophy or accomplishment “A presence I haven’t felt since” by doing this.

This is it from my side. I hope you found this Star Wars Jedi Survivor spawn of oggdo guide pretty helpful. Feel free to check out our Increase Maximum Health and Survivor Crashing


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Rabiya is a versatile writer at eXputer who can cover everything from guides to tier lists and the hottest news in the gaming industry. Rabiya earned her Bachelor's in English Literature, further enhancing her writing skills. With hundreds of hours on Persona 5 and Genshin Impact, Rabiya has proudly played video games for eight years. Follow Rabiya's gaming activities on her Steam and Xbox Profiles!

Experience: 2+ Years || Mainly Covers Tier Lists & Guides || Education: Bs English Literature, Ms. Applied Linguistics, Writing & Editing Course, English for Journalism.

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