Spider-Man 2: Best Ways To Level Up Quickly [Our Picks]

Learn from the expert how to reach the maximum level quickly in Spider-man 2.

There are many unlockables in Spider-Man 2 that are tied to your level in-game. However, there aren’t exactly that many opportunities to farm for XP to level up. But, by using the Spider-Man 2 best ways to level up, you’ll be able to reach the maximum level in no time. 

Key Takeaways
  • There are multiple ways to get XP and level up in Spider-Man 2, but there are primarily only four different methods
  • The benefit of using the best leveling methods is allowing you to reach the maximum level quicker, which unlocks almost every upgrade, skill, suit, and other equipment. 
  • These methods are quite impactful for your gameplay, as you’ll be able to defeat different enemies with ease.
  • The disadvantage of these methods is that the main method requires you to progress through the story, so essentially, there is no way to unlock everything before the endgame in Spider-Man 2. 

Why Trust Us: Usama has completed the Spider-Man 2 100%. Therefore, his expertise and recommendations can be trusted.

Alongside reading my guide, you can also view the following YouTube video by eXputer on how to level up fast in Spider-Man 2:

YouTube video

Spider-Man 2 Best Ways To Level Up Overview 

Here is an overview of the best ways to get XP in Spider-Man 2…

MethodEstimated XP
Main Missions+2000XP
Side Missions500-1000XP
Crime Missions100-500XP

1. Progressing Through The Story 

spiderman 2 best ways to level up and get XP
Main quest XP Showcase in Spider-Man 2 [captured by us]
  • Why I Chose This: By far, the best method to level up and gain the most amount of XP in Spider-Man 2 is by completing the main missions and progressing further in the story.
  • The XP that you can get from the main missions can vary but is usually within the 1000-2000 range.
  • You will often run into shorter missions that require you to just talk to certain characters.
  • But, in missions where there are multiple fight sequences, you can expect to gain at least 2000 XP, which is a huge boost to your level.

When I was progressing in the early game, I was leveling up almost after every mission. So, I’d definitely recommend relying on the main missions as your primary method for leveling up. 

2. Side Objectives 

Spider-Man 2 best ways to level up – side quests showcase [image by eXputer]
  • Why I Chose This: Side missions are a bonus way of getting Hero Tokens as well as additional XP.

It is easier to distinguish between the side missions and the main missions in Spider-Man 2, thanks to the new FNSM app that Ganke developed.

  • Both Peter and Miles have their own set of side missions that they can complete, allowing you to gain a significant amount of XP.
  • It isn’t as much as the main missions, but with certain side missions, you can get somewhere near 1000 XP.
  • Furthermore, these missions aren’t as intense as the main missions and allow you to explore fun mechanics like the spider-bot

3. Crime Missions

spiderman 2 best ways to level up
Completing The Crime Missions in Spider-Man 2 [screenshot by eXputer]
  • Why I Chose This: Crime Missions are easy to complete, making it a quick way of leveling up with speed.

Crime Missions were one of the best ways for me to level up in the first Spider-Man, and it seems to be the same case in Spider-Man 2 as well.

  • These missions pop up randomly as you spend time in the city.
  • They’re a bit more refined this time around as they tend to be closer and have more variety.
  • The missions do get progressively harder, but they are still a great source of XP regardless of what point you are in the game.
  • Additionally, some Crime Missions tend to have all sorts of bonuses like completing optional objectives or completing them as both Peter and Miles, which can add on to the XP boost

4. Collectibles 

spiderman 2 best ways to level up
Spider-Man 2 Best Ways To Level Up – Collectibles Showcase [image by me]
  • Why I Chose This: Although not the most lucrative method, going around New York and collecting all the different collectibles, such as Tech Crates, Spider Bots, Photos, and much more, is a viable method of acquiring a bit of XP.
  • In many cases, simply acquiring each collectible can grant you XP around the 50-150 range. 
  • Additionally, there are usually some sort of missions at the end of each collectible, giving a decent amount of XP, sometimes even more than side missions.
  • For example, there is a mission at the end of collecting all the Spider Bots called “The Message” that offers 1000 XP.
  • Furthermore, you’ll also be able to unlock certain suits or equipment by acquiring these collectibles. 

My Thoughts 

In general, I never really had that much trouble in terms of leveling up in Spider-Man 2. Just completing the main missions and doing side content whenever I felt like it would usually give me enough points to experiment with all sorts of skills and gadgets. But if you want to optimize your spending, I would recommend checking out the guide on the best gadgets and skills.

With that, you know all about the best ways to level up in Spider-Man 2. You have multiple options for leveling up, but by far, the best method is to progress through the main story simply. But as you progress further, you might want to unlock new things. I’d recommend checking out my guide on suit tech upgrades to unlock interesting upgrades. 

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Usama Mehmood is a Games Specialist, and writer on eXputer who's either hunting for the richest loot in Destiny 2 or endlessly playing his favorite games such as Yakuza or Final Fantasy. Usama has been gaming for 15+ years during which he has accumulated 4000+ hours on Destiny 1 & 2. His constant adoration for video games has allowed him to pursue eXputer as a platform to showcase his striving talents in writing helpful articles. Get familiar with Usama's extensive gaming library on his Steam, PSN, and Xbox profiles.

Experience: 2+ Years || Mainly Covers Reviews And Guides || Education: Bachelors in Physiotherapy.

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