The Finals: All Maps & Points Of Interests

Learn about the current Map pool in The Finals.

The Finals, with its official launch with four maps to play, added one new map to the list with its release in December. This guide will provide you with a comprehensive list of all maps and their variants, along with general tips and tricks to help you climb the leaderboards.

Key Takeaways
  • There are currently four maps in The Finals.
  • Las Vegas is the new addition to the map pool after Beta.
  • Seven variants are chosen randomly each time when loading into a map.
  • Variants provide different modifiers to the map.
  • Some maps have different versions where the weather is altered.

Important: The current map list in The Finals is as follows:

  • Las Vegas
  • Monaco
  • Seoul
  • Skyway Stadium

Las Vegas

Map : Las Vegas
The Finals Map: Las Vegas [Image by Me]
Upon The Finals’ official launch, Las Vegas was introduced into the map pool, featuring expansive casinos, underground areas, and numerous destructible interiors. The map primarily consists of broad yet compact casinos containing open rooms, leading to engaging and extended fights. Although Las Vegas has few tall buildings, their strategic use heavily relies on the objective’s location.

POI’s to know are:

  • Argon Casino
  • Glamora
  • Casino Eastwood
  • Zaraby


Monaco The Finals
The Finals Map: Monaco [Image credits: Me]
Monaco, set on the city streets, offers a more open layout with fewer obstructing buildings. The map’s residential nature results in a flatter terrain compared to others. Flat rooftops favor long-ranged weapons but eliminate height advantages. Targeting enemies at street level is feasible, yet narrow alleyways allow quick enemy disappearances, requiring precise shooting.

POI’s to know while playing this map are:

  • Cathedral
  • Construction
  • Royal Plaza
  • Villas
  • shopping district 
  • Hotels
  • Cliffside
  • Forest
  • Residential District
  • Pocket Park
  • Park


Seoul Map The Finals
The Finals Map: Seoul [Image credits: Me]
Unlike Monaco, Players engage in battles across skyscrapers in Seoul, the South Korean capital, on this frantic map. There is an abundance of ziplines, jump pads, and bridges to help you traverse from one section to the next. Furthermore, there are plenty of narrow alleyways to hide in or ambush your enemies. In addition, this map features versions with altered weather conditions, including editions with fog and night-time settings.

Moreover, this map promotes close-range combat and provides ample opportunities to destroy every aspect of the environment thoroughly. You’ll need to bring your best light build, as well as the best weapons if you want to win here.

POI’s to know while playing this map are:

  • Petronelle Plaza (Mall)
  • Iseul-T Tower
  • 6° Of freedom Residence (Appartments)
  • Hospital
  • Data Center

Skyway Stadium

Skyways Stadium The Finals Map
The Finals Map: Skyways Stadium [Image By Me]
Finally, the Skyway Stadium, a mixture of Seoul & Monaco, is an arena distinctly different from the parts it is made up of. Numerous highrise office buildings are available for demolition, along with lowrise residential areas. You can travel between these two sections via bridges and jump pads. I recommend rocking either a medium or a light build to traverse this map terrain with maximum efficiency. 

POI’s to know while playing this map are:

  • Hotels | DIORAMA M-01
  • Shopping District | DIORAMA M-02
  • Mansion | DIORAMA M-03
  • Office |  DIORAMA S-01
  • Construction | DIORAMA S-02
  • Med-Tech | DIORAMA S-03

All Variants In The Finals

In addition to maps, the game randomly selects seven map variants while loading the map. These variants alter aspects of the environment or introduce new mechanics for traversal or combat. I noticed that some of these modifications demand constant alertness during gameplay, making it harder to get comfortable.

The table below covers the current list of variants 

Standard IssueA standard arena, ready for destruction
Under ConstructionPart of the arena is currently under construction
Moving PlatformsVaults of cashout stations could be found platforms moving around the arena
Suspended StructuresCashout stations are suspended high above the arena
Duck and CoverOur duck mascot has decided to crash the party and crush the arena
Up Down Left RightCashout stations could be suspended or on the move
High RiseThe middle part of the arena is elevated

My Thoughts

As a light build main, I like playing both Monaco and Seoul, especially Seoul’s nighttime setting, to get on the more offensive side with the verticality and the natural terrain of Seoul and the open-ended characteristics of Monaco, favoring the light build.  

Additional maps are in the works for The Finals, especially following its full release. However, Embark Studios hasn’t confirmed the specifics. As you engage in battles on existing maps or await new ones, be sure to check out the weapons tier list and the best gadget tier list for The Finals by Muhammad Sannan Khan.

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Irfan Ansari is a Senior Editor and Guides Writer on eXputer. He has seven years of Video Game Journalism experience and has been gaming for more than 22 years. Over his editorial career, he has gained experience at multiple sites, including TheGamer and VeryAli Gaming. Irfan has also earned a degree in Writing and Editing from the University of Michigan. Learn some more about Irfan's gaming journey on his Steam, PSN, and Xbox profiles.

Experience: 7+ Years || Worked for TheGamer and VeryAli Gaming

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