Disney Mirrorverse Jack Skellington: Definitive Guide

The guide on Disney Mirrorverse Jack Skellington entails its Profile, Talents, Abilities, and steps to Unlock it.

Who is Jack Skellington in Disney Mirrorverse?

Disney Mirrorverse Character
Who is Jack Skellington

Jack Skellington is a curious skeletal leader also known as the Pumpkin King. He can inspire spirited vibes in those around him, as he is capable of conjuring incredible holiday great mash-ups. He has his powers rivaled by his holiday spirit. While you’re at it, consider reading our Disney Mirrorverse Tier List.

Key Takeaways
  • Jack Skellington can be unlocked by opening crystals. These include Stellar Crystals, Timekeeper Crystals, and Famed Crystals.
  • He is a support-type character as he can heal allies, provide attack buffs, and purge detrimental status effects.
  • Jack Skellington’s core ability is Stocking Suffers.
  • His special ability, Tricks and Treats, buffs allies’ attack by 10 percent, nerfs enemy’s attacks by 10 percent, and heals all allies.
  • Jack’s Signature Ability, Caught in the Weeds, inflicts a debuff on all enemies. 
  • When this ability is used again and the enemies attain a second debuff, they take 200 percent more damage.

Jack Skellington Traits

Jack Skellington is an important character featured in Disney Mirrorverse. The traits of Jack Skellington are mentioned below. 

  • Tall
  • Scary
  • Royalty
  • Leader

Jack Skellington Talents

The guide below has covered a discussion on Jack Skellington’s talents in the game.

Festive Fortitude

It unlocks at level 12 and gives 20% additional health at the start of the combat.

Inventive Improvements

It grants 20% health at the beginning of an encounter and unlocks at level 15.

The Naughty List

You can unlock the naughty list at level 20. When Jack purges a buff from the enemy, the enemy is also inflicted with -30% defense debuff until the end of the encounter.

The Nice List

The nice list can also e unlocked at level 20. It grants all allies a 30% attack buff that remains with them until the end of the combat.

Restorative Moonlight

Purging buff from an enemy grants all allies a 100% chance to heal 2.5%, and this unlocks at level 25.

The Perfect Gift

The perfect gift unlocks at level 30, and whenever Jack uses his special ability, he has a 50% chance to heal 2.5% per second for 5 seconds.

Jack Skellington Character Profile

Jack Skellington Profile
Jack Skellington Profile

The profile of Jack Skellington, including his Role, base DMG, DMG Resistance, Max Armor, and many more, are discussed below.

Role Type Supporting
Base DMG 567 
DMG Resistance 13.72%
Max Armor 3,972
Critical Chance 8.88%
Bonus Critical DMG 270
Max Health 7,092

Role: Jack Skellington is the best support role character, as he can heal allies, can purge attribute buff on the target, and provide allies with ATK buff. 

Base DMG: He can deal a base damage of 567.

DMG Resistance: The damage resistance of Jack Skellington is 13.72%. Characters usually get their damage resistance increased by 1% after taking a heavy attack.

Max Armor: The Max Armor for Jack Skellington is 3,972.

Critical Chance: The critical chance is 8.88% for Jack Skellington.

Bonus Critical DMG: He has critical bonus damage of 270; the higher it is, the more damage the character can take.

Max Health: The maximum health for Jack Skellington is 7,092.

Disney Mirrorverse Jack Skellington Abilities

The character possesses many abilities, which include Stocking Stuffers, Tricks and Treats, and Caught in the Weeds. 

Jack Skellington Abilities
Jack Skellington Abilities

Stocking Stuffers- Core Ability 

Jack’s heavy attacks purge one attribute buff from enemies. Whenever an ally purges a buff from an enemy, Jack heals 2.5%. It also grants allies a 10% attack buff for 10 seconds. 

Tricks and Treats- Special Ability

The special ability, tricks, and treats of Jack Skellington provide attack buffs to all the enemies. Until the end of the encounter, all allies gain a 10% attack buff, and other allies heal 2.5% per second. This healing takes place for almost 5 seconds. Similarly, this ability will inflict all enemies with a -10% debuff until the end of the encounter.

Caught in the Weeds- Signature Ability

All enemies gain a trick buff at the start of an attack which remains with them until the end of the combat. These are treated as 0% attack buff with a maximum stack of x1. The next buff purging inflicts an additional 200% damage to the target. 

How to Unlock Jack Skellington in Disney Mirrorverse

We have discussed the profile, abilities, and traits of Jack Shellington in the above guide. It is evident that unlocking him would be of great use. You can unlock him by following a few simple steps mentioned below.

Steps to Unlock
Steps to Unlock Jack Skellington

Items You Need

There are a few items that you need to have before unlocking Jack Skellington, including crystals, other items, and Jack Skellington Chips. 

Opening the Crystals

You can easily obtain Jack Skellington in Disney Mirrorverse by opening crystals, including Stellar Crystal, Famed Crystal, and Timekeeper crystal. 

Buying Items in the Shop

You need to buy items in the shop, as buying anything will be counted as badge bits. 

Jack Skellington Chips

Jack Skellington is a Battle Mode hero, and to unlock it, you will need 10 Jack Skellington Chips. 

Steps to Follow

You need to follow the simple steps mentioned below to unlock Jack Skellington; a character player wants to have. 

  • First of all, you will be asked to choose the number of battles. 
  • In the next window, you will see an unlock option below the number of tokens. You must have 80 Tokens to unlock this character. If you have 80 Tokens, click unlock. You will be required to collect more tokens in case the number is less than 80. 
  • Clicking on “Unlock” will shift you to a new window where you can level up your character.
  • Leveling up your character will increase its base stats. However, you can only increase its level to your current player level. For example, if you are at player level 40, you can only increase the stats level to a maximum of 40. 
  • You will see the next option, “Tier up,” where you can equip your character as desired. This step will be followed by unlocking the character’s abilities. 
  • Following these simple steps will unlock Jack Skellington, and then you can use it for battles.

It is not difficult to unlock Jack Skellington, as you will be moved on to the next window by the game itself while following the above steps. 


Jack Shellington is a dream character for most of the players. We have discussed its abilities, stats, and traits in the guide above to let you know what you are missing on by not unlocking this character.

We have also covered the simple steps you need to follow to unlock Jack and enhance your in-game fun experience. Make sure to follow all the steps and collect all the items you need to unlock Jack beforehand.

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Kashaf is an RPG and Battle Royale enthusiast and can be seen spending most of her time battling other players in Naraka Bladepoint or improving her skills in Diablo 4. She loves to curate builds based on her own expertise and writes guides to help the audience become pros in no time. She kicked off her writing career on eXputer with several years of experience. You can follow Kashaf's gaming activity on her Steam profile.

Experience: 3+ Years || Education: Bachelors in Journalism.

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