Delisting These 6 Games Should Be Considered A Crime

No way other than paying a premium or just happening to be "in luck" to play these gems today.

Story Highlights

  • The video game industry has seen constant releases every month, every year from the day it was born.
  • Some high-quality, greatly received games that came out a long time ago, however, can’t be played anymore.
  • Fans, including myself, wish there was a way to bring the likes of Deadpool and Blur back in 2024. 

You don’t always get what you want in life; the same can be said for passionate gamers who have been playing since the early days of modern-day gaming. Some of the gems, hidden treasures, and absolute delights of titles that we loved back in the day aren’t playable anymore, no thanks to the respective IP owners pulling them from digital storefronts, leaving only the conventional, physical method out. 

I’ve put together this article to shed light on some of the best now-delisted games that we’ve lost in the pursuit of modernity and developing advancement. If you enjoyed these titles back in the day, then you realize that the pain of losing them now is real. 

I Miss What These Games Had To Offer

While I acknowledge that quite a few games dating back to the 2000s and early 2010s, or even before, are no longer available on platforms like Steam, the forthcoming entries only reflect my personal opinion. If you have more to add to the list, comment down below and spark a discussion. 

Also, before we go on, you should know that a title getting delisted means that it’s not going to be available for further purchases on any digital storefront where it was previously available. However, those who purchased the game ahead of time get to keep it forever. In addition, purchasing the physical edition of the title and playing it on the relevant console is also possible.

Difficult, but possible, considering you’ll have to look for it. And if you happened to miss out on either scenario, seems like watching walkthroughs on YouTube is going to be your best bet.   

1. Unreal Tournament (Series)

Unreal Tournament 1999 | Image Source: Styxen94 on Steam Community
Unreal Tournament 1999 | Image Source: Styxen94 on Steam Community

The Unreal Tournament franchise by Epic Games reigned supreme back in the day for its cutthroat gameplay, all-out mayhem, and terrific multiplayer fun. It’s a major pity and fairly strange as well that none of the Unreal Tournament games are around anymore, considering that Epic owns all the licenses to the franchise, but, oh well. 

The broad consensus on the series’ best game is that the first Unreal Tournament, which came out in 1999, blows the competition out of the water. Talk about great level design, smart AI bots that give you a sense of rush,   

2. Marvel Ultimate Alliance 

Marvel: Ultimate Alliance
Marvel: Ultimate Alliance Has Remained an Amazing Superhero Game Over the Years | Source: Steam Community 

Moving forward, another video game gem that I personally invested a lot of hours in is Marvel: Ultimate Alliance. With Raven Software doling out its take on the superhero game genre, this particular title was a hit on release, accumulating a massive cast of characters, featuring stellar gameplay, and boasting great atmosphere.

Ultimate Alliance is something you could never get bored of, and it’s a shame that the folks up high decided to let it go. The game’s first release was back in 2006, but a remastered version did arrive in 2018. Due to licensing issues, however, that too couldn’t stick around and had to bite the dust on all digital marketplaces online. 

3. Transformers: War For Cybertron

Transformers War For Cybertron
Transformers: War For Cybertron’s Entertainment Knows No Bounds | Source: YouTube 

Activision has botched its line of Transformers games for quite a while now, with the video game franchise now stuck in limbo due to licensing issues. War for Cybertron, in particular, is one Transformers game that I’m sure many would love to see re-listed, thanks to its fantastic character designs, amazing voice acting, and capable multiplayer, which, unfortunately, isn’t a thing now. 

News did surface earlier in the year that Activision wants the Transformers games up and running again, but don’t hold your breath.

4. Deadpool

The Deadpool Game
The Deadpool Game Needs to Be Revived | Source: BGR

Posing itself as one of the most fun-to-play superhero games ever made, Deadpool is a long-forgotten gem that’s not just in desperate need of a revival, but a sequel as well. Honestly, money is being left on the table every second a new Deadpool game isn’t being visualized, especially considering the hype of the upcoming Deadpool 3 movie, which stars Hugh Jackman as Wolverine as well. 

The game rose to heights back when it came out in 2013 for its good, on-point humor, enjoyable combat, and fourth-wall-breaking sequences as well, among other positives.

5. Blur 

Blur Is One of the Best Racing Games Ever Made | Source: IMDB 

I have way too fond memories of Bizarre Creations’ Blur, a unique racing game from 2010 with a twist to its name in the name of usable power-ups. Those have you not just bolting past your opponents but decimating them in the process as well. The multiplayer of the game, in addition, was amazing back in the day as well, amounting to heaps of never-ending, relentless fun.

Definitely a title we all miss from time to time. 

6. The Amazing Spider-Man

The Amazing Spider-Man 2
The Amazing Spider-Man 2, On the Other Hand, Wasn’t Received as Well | Source: DSOGaming

Another high-class Marvel game that’s stood the test of time metaphorically but not literally is Beenox’s The Amazing Spider-Man, an open-world Spider-Man title that everyone thought was the best webhead game at the time. Little did we know what Insomniac was going to cook in the future. Unfortunately, if you feel like visiting Marvel’s Spider-Man ancestors some day, you’ll have to tend to videos only. 

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Huzaifa, an Online News Editor at, is a video game industry aficionado with a talent for unearthing the juiciest stories for his beloved readers. Currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in Data Science, he dives deep into the abyss of news, meticulously dissecting every tiny detail to serve his audience. When he's not unravelling breaking news, he becomes a master storyteller, conjuring up captivating tales from the depths of his imagination. With a wealth of experience as a Video Game Journalist, he's penned his mighty words for numerous other video game outlets, leaving no video game unturned and no pixel unexplored! Experience: 4+ Years || Education: Bachelor of Science in Data Science || Previously Worked at VeryAli Gaming & TheNerdMag || Covered 100+ News Articles

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