DotA 2 Devs Are Daring; That’s Why It Continues To Evolve Even After A Decade

Despite having a community that dislikes changes, DotA 2 devs surely don't hesitate from making some drastic changes.

Story Highlights

  • DotA 2 has been out for over a decade and still continues to evolve.
  • A big reason behind DotA 2’s success is its developers, who don’t shy away from making changes.
  • Recently, Valve introduced Facets and Innate abilities, which have made the game even more fun.

DotA 2 has been out for more than a decade. Considering the game’s roots, we can even consider it a lot older than that. But, despite all that, the game continues to evolve to this day, and most of its credit goes to the daring devs. Most RTS and similar games as DotA don’t usually introduce big changes because their community dislikes changes, but that isn’t the case with DotA 2.

As a DotA 2 player myself, I can assure you that the game takes years and a fair amount of talent to get good at it. There’s so much to keep track of that even a minor update that changes a very insignificant thing can have a drastic effect on your games, and that is why the players don’t usually appreciate updates unless these updates are fixing a broken or overpowered hero.

DotA 2 And How It Has Changed Over The Years

Talents in DotA 2. | Image Source: Reddit
Talents in DotA 2. | Image Source: Reddit

Evolved from a community-made mod for Warcraft III: Reign of Chaos, DotA 2 was launched as a game by itself in 2013 by Valve Corporation. Over time, it has become an integral part of esports and remains in Steam‘s most-played games consistently alongside Counter-Strike 2.

DotA 2 has kept changing and evolving over all these years, but we didn’t get to see major game-changing updates often. The last time I remember Valve introduced some big changes was when they introduced Talents. Talents are a feature that allows the players to play and improvise their hero depending on the game’s situation. The player has an option to choose from two Talents, each giving a different benefit.

The introduction of Talents changed DotA 2 for good. There were many players, including myself, who didn’t like the change initially, but then we got used to it, and now, I couldn’t be more thankful for the change. Recently, Valve introduced another big change called Facets and innate abilities, features that let you decide how you want to play your hero before the game even begins.

Facets And It’s Impact On The Game

Facets, and what they do. | Image Source: DotA 2
Facets, and what they do. | Image Source: DotA 2

Facets is an incredible feature that lets you dictate the way want to play the game. It gives you two options to choose from and may provide buffs or skills that will help you play the game in a certain way. Because of these Facets, you can play the same hero in multiple different ways, making match-up knowledge even more important in pubs and competitive play.

Facets also add a new layer to the competitive gameplay, giving rise to unique new tactics and team compositions that weren’t possible before. Needless to say, DotA 2 is currently the most fun it has ever been, and that is because the developers don’t shy away from making big decisions like this. But, like many other changes, Facets were also met with raised eyebrows from the fans initially, but many fans have started to appreciate the change, and how fun it makes the game.


DotA 2 has always been a mechanically advanced game, where even a little change can make a huge difference in how you play the game, which is also why many players don’t like frequent updates. However, DotA 2 devs have never been one to shy away from big changes, as they introduce Facets, a unique feature that lets you dictate how you want to play the hero before the game even begins.

Combine Facets with Talents that were introduced a few years ago; the players have more options to improvise now than they ever did in the past, making the game extremely fun. The change also makes competitive games even more interesting to watch than it ever was before, all thanks to the developers having the guts to push out major updates on a game where the fanbase doesn’t like big changes.

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Fahad is a news reporter at eXputer with a huge passion for fighting games. For the past year, he has been utilizing his skills to report on the latest and greatest in the gaming industry. Side by side with his bachelor's in computer science, Fahad has also acquired a certification in English for Journalism from Coursera. Fahad now dedicates all his time to either playing video games or reporting news at eXputer.

Experience: 1+ Years || Covers News Stories at eXputer || Bachelor's in Computer Science.

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