You Don’t Hate Fortnite, You Hate The Playerbase

Fortnite has reputation for being catered toward children, but it's a pretty good game regardless.

Story Highlights

  • Fortnite is a pretty good Battle Royale shooter with several different modes.
  • The game is associated with children thanks to the loud and sometimes obnoxious playerbase.
  • Many gamers dislike the game thanks to how popular it is.

Thanks to the internet and the ever-growing number of gamers, many fanbases are becoming vocal about how much they like their favorite games. Some games benefit so much from their fanbases that they wouldn’t be nearly as successful without them. This could have a major positive effect when developers tweak games according to what the fanbase wants.

However, some popular titles have the opposite effect like Fortnite and Minecraft. A game and its fanbase is always a package deal as one cannot exist without the other. When a fanbase is so unnecessarily toxic or unappealing to a certain demographic, that reflects poorly on the game.

Fortnite is a great game, don’t get me wrong. It has stunning visuals and great gameplay, and it always gets constant updates that introduce new features and changes to the title. On the other hand, the fanbase has some bad eggs that ruined the game’s image for many gamers.

Is Fortnite Really That Bad?

Many gamers hear Fortnite and think about a game filled with wacky build mechanics and try-hards who build castles after hearing a single bullet. However, that isn’t the case as Epic Games continues adding new modes for players who only want a fair shooting experience. I’m talking no builds mode and other limited-time modes. This isn’t even mentioning the amazing Lego Fortnite and rhythm mode that add more depth to the game.

Additionally, Fortnite’s core gameplay has seen a major overhaul. Movement and better, and weapons continue to get tweaked to ensure a fair experience. Naturally, iconic weapons like the Golden SCAR are still present, but that isn’t the only gun players go for anymore.

YouTube video

The map feels like an adventure and it’s cool how Epic continues to tell stories through map changes. Tilted Towers may be gone but other iconic locations have replaced it, and characters from various pieces of media are constantly coming to the game as skins. Whether you like anime or comics, this game has a character for you.

The Fortnite Playerbase Is Associated With Children

Fortnite has made a reputation off of its weird celebrations and questionable dance moves. As a result, the Fortnite fanbase also tends to perform these said celebrations and dance moves on social media and gaming-related events. Because of this, the game is often associated with loud and obnoxious kids.

It’s great that these kids enjoy and show their love for the game, but it doesn’t paint a good picture. There’s a trend with media that the shows, movies, and games with the loudest fanbases often have the worst image, and that’s what Fortnite is victim to. Other games that suffer from this include League of Legends and Counter-Strike, but not to the extent Fortnite does.

Fortnite is actually really good now and you should give it another try if you didn’t like it before.
byu/nintrader inpatientgamers

Honestly, I don’t blame many players for associating Fortnite with children. How could we forget all the shenanigans Ninja went through and the whole Marshmellow in-game concert thing? However, because of this image players who I think would enjoy the Epic Games’ Fortnite would be caught dead letting their friends see them playing it.

Popular Doesn’t Equal Bad

I think the biggest reason so many players dislike Fortnite is because it’s too popular. As with most mainstream things, the Fortnite fanbase became so big that some players started thinking it would be uncool to play. It seemed everyone was playing it at one point and hating it was a way to distinguish yourself.

Fortnite Is Actually A Good Game That’s Hurt By Fomo
byu/SaviorAssassin1996 inpatientgamers

Personally, I think this mentality is terrible. Not giving something a shot because so many people like it doesn’t make sense. On the contrary, it should motivate people to try it out even more if so many love it. Alas, that’s called being a human being. However, I definitely urge you to give Fortnite a shot if this is why you didn’t yet.

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Hannan is an Opinion Piece writer at eXputer. He is a BBA student who started gaming when he was just three years old with his trusty Nintendo 64 and hasn't stopped since. Dabbling in all sorts of games, he's the type to never bash you for liking a particular game, even if he'll judge you for liking Mass Effect: Andromeda. When he isn't sitting on his worn-out gaming chair playing something, he's either writing about games or on his bed thinking about what to play next, even if he'll eventually replay Skyrim for the 100th time.

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