Armored Core 6: All Prisoner Rescue Battle Log Locations

Learn all about the battle log locations in the Prisoner Rescue Mission in Armored Core 6, to get its Battle Log achievement.

Completing the LogHunt is a priority for most players since it yields several distinct parts for their mechs, which is why the Armored Core 6 Prisoner Rescue Battle Log locations are all that significant. However, it may be challenging to get these specific logs as they’re locked behind formidable enemies. Furthermore, you must complete AC6 twice before attempting this mission at NG+. 

Key Takeaways
  • The Prisoner Rescue mission in Armored Core 6 is the 9th Mission in Chapter 1, which players can only attempt in NG+.
  • This mission has 2 Combat Logs which can be obtained after destroying specific mechs and bosses.
  • For the first Battle Log, players must head northeast from the starting launchpad and kill the Quad Leg MT at the end of the cliff.
  • The next Battle Log can be procured after killing G2 Nile, the main boss, towards the end of the mission.
  • Upon completing Prisoner Rescue, players will receive 250,000 COAM and bonus currency, along with their LogHunt progress detailing the Battle Logs they received.

For added guidance, you can learn more about the exact Battle Log locations in Prisoner Rescue from the video below:

YouTube video

Armored Core 6 Prisoner Rescue Battle Log Location

prisoner rescue mission 9 armored core 6
Prisoner Rescue Mission Briefing (Screenshot by eXputer)

Once you reach Mission 9: Prisoner Rescue in AC6, your main objective will be to free the members of the Rubicon Liberation Front. As such, you’ll assist your ally RLF Helicopter in this rescue mission while ensuring it doesn’t take too much damage.

  1. Upon starting the mission, use your boosters to sprint northeast from the landing pad towards the antenna towers past the trees.
first combat log prisoner rescue ac6
Heading Northeast from the Launchpad (Screenshot by eXputer)
  1. At the far end of the cliff, just before the dam, you’ll spot a camp and a Quad Leg MT with missile launchers attached to its back, killing which will yield the first Combat Log.
quad mt prisoner rescue
Tetrapod MT near its camp (Image taken by eXputer)
  1. After that, carry on with the mission, going from objective to objective and assisting the Helicopter in extracting its comrades.
  2. Once you extract Father Dolmayan, the third and final comrade, you’ll have to face G2 Nile and a Balam MT Squad.
G2 Nile Armored Core 6
G2 Nile boss fight (Screenshot Captured by eXputer)
  1. Defeating the boss and the MT units and letting the Helicopter escape will reward you with one more Armored Core 6 Prisoner Rescue battle log achievement and 250,000 COAM for completing the mission.
  2. AC6 will also show your LogHunt progress detailing the Combat Logs you collected and any parts you may have unlocked.
Loghunt AC6
Loghunt Program info post-mission (Screenshot taken by eXputer)

If you couldn’t secure both Battle Logs from this mission, you can always head to the Replay Mission tab in the Sortie menu for a re-attempt. Here, you’ll also see a Battle Log section underneath the Mission Info, showing Complete if you collected all Logs or Pending if any are left.

How To Kill G2 Nile

g2 nile armored core 6
G2 Nile in the Arena (Image Credit Copyright: eXputer)

G2 Nile is the acting Deputy of the Redguns squad, so he’ll primarily stay on the ground and engage in close-range combat. While he isn’t a threat alone, the surrounding MT squads can hit you with several attacks, lowering your AP and increasing your chances of ACS Overload. You must also defend the RLF Helicopter, ensuring its HP doesn’t go to 0, or you’ll lose the mission.

To tackle this fight, use the following procedure to secure victory quickly:

  • Use a tank-like build for optimal grounded mobility and higher AP and Attitude Stability, significantly raising your ACS.
  • Take out the weaker MT mechs first so they don’t interrupt your attacks or harm the Helicopter.
  • Equip yourself with close-range weapons like bazookas and shotguns, and stay close to G2 Nile while attacking him.
  • Always remain aggressive and attack his ACS meter to make him vulnerable, giving you much longer windows to deal damage.
  • G2 will regularly enforce Pulse Shields to save himself from oncoming attacks temporarily, so wait for the shield to diminish and reload your weapons.
  • Once Nile’s down, another four minor MT mechs will jump down, which you quickly take out with an AoE weapon like the aforementioned bazookas and shotguns.
Backup MT prisoner rescue
Backup MT Squad (Image Credit Copyright: eXputer)
Important: For practice, you can also face G2 Nile as Rank 07-A in the Arena, where you can duel against him to understand his moveset and counters further.

That wraps up this brief guide on all the Prisoner Rescue Battle Log locations in Armored Core 6, along with strategies to complete the mission. As highlighted, this is mainly a late-game mission, so this will be one of the final spots to complete your LogHunt.

Therefore, if you want to unlock and test all the parts that this title has to offer, then completing this calling is worth the effort. Additionally, you can visit this Subreddit Post to see how the community found the Prisoner Rescue’s Combat Logs.

For other similar guides to increase your Hunter Rank, check out the location of the Infiltrate Grid 086 mission Combat Logs in Armored Core 6. To gain some insight into what goodies you can attain from the Loghunt program, here’s a deep dive into the Karasawa in AC6. And with so much to unlock in NG++, learn more about the Coral Weapons, which you can obtain at this stage in-game.


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Sulaymaan Ahmad is a Senior Writer on eXputer who covers all the latest and greatest games. He has an engineering background and a knack for decimating players in First-Person Shooter games. He also enjoys narrative-driven games with characters he can emotionally invest in. Sulaymaan's love for gaming has been going strong for several years which is evident on his gaming profiles at Steam and PSN. Experience: 3+ Years || Written 150+ Guides || Mainly Covers Strategy Guides on eXputer

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