Baldur’s Gate 3: Chest Of The Mundane [Location & Usage]

Learn the exact location of Chest of the Mundane and how to use it to store items in vast capacity.

Baldur’s Gate 3 has several items that are often carried by the players, and one such item is the Chest of the Mundane. This peculiar item is a shiny chest that helps you to manage various items in an organized manner. This is the best way to accommodate the abundant extra items and can carry lots of items that you can use in quests.

Key Takeaways
  • The Chest of the Mundane is a storage box that carries all the items in Baldur’s Gate 3.
  • The best thing about it is that it carries items with reduced weight by 0.5 to accommodate more items.
  • Players can find the Chest of the Mundane in the Underdark by going to the west side near the Arcane Tower, and the exact map coordinates for the chest are X:37 and Y:265.
  • Looting the Chest of Mundane also uncovers rare items, including the Scroll of the Protection from Evil and Good, Boots of Mystra’s Grace, Scroll of the Mage Armor, a Gold Ingot, and the Hearthlight Bomb.

Before You Start: It is highly recommended to have a company of Level 4 adventurers along with you when you visit the underground in search of the chest.

Chest Of The Mundane Location In BG3

Baldur's Gate 3: Chest of the Mundane
The exact location of the Chest of the Mundane [Image Credits: eXputer]
  • The chest of the Mundane can be found in the Underdark, which has a lot of entrances.
  • Choose any of the ways to enter and travel to the west side of the underground.
  • When you spot the Arcane Tower, you must know that you are going in the right direction.
Baldur's Gate 3: Chest of the Mundane
Finding the Arcane Tower [Screenshot Captured by eXputer]
The place will be occupied by a lot of sentry turrets that attack anything that moves in front of them. You can dodge the attacks by doing one of the following ways:

  • Either use the turn-based mode so you can easily move through the spaces to avoid the turrets
  • Or you can equip the Sussur flowers from the Sussur tree nearby and use them to launch an attack on the sentry turrets.

After reaching the main entrance, I recommend following my steps below:

  1. Send someone from your company to go through the nearby open window to enter the building.
  2. You should visit the balcony, and when facing right from the main door, you will spot the Baldur’s Gate 3 Chest of the Mundane placed on the railing.
Baldur's Gate 3: Chest of the Mundane
Traveling the company to spot the chest on the railing [Image Captured by eXputer]
  1. The exact location of the chest is at X:37 and Y:265.
  2. Go near the chest and press the right-click button to add the chest to the inventory of the character.
  3. It is better if players do a preparation check, also known as the “Arcana check,” to identify it, but it will work without the check as well.
  4. When you open the Chest of the Mundane in Baldur’s Gate 3, loot all the items inside.

Below is a list of all the items I acquired after opening the chest:

  • Scroll of the Protection from Evil and Good.
  • Boots of Mystra’s Grace.
  • Scroll of the Mage Armor.
  • A Gold Ingot.
  • Hearthlight Bomb.

How To Use It

Players can use the chest as a carrier, and this way, they can carry way more items than before. The best thing about the chest is that the weight of the items is reduced by 0.5. As such, you can carry more items as the overall weight becomes much less.

Important: There is a limit to reducing the weight in the chest of Mundane, which is once you exceed 125 items, the weight stops reducing, so choose wisely.

Baldur's Gate 3: Chest of the Mundane
Chest of the Mundane in the inventory [Image Credits: eXputer]
The best thing to do at this point is either find a merchant or you can also use other characters to carry the loot along with you.

I stored the items in the chest in the following sequence:

  1. You must store the chest in the inventory first, which weighs about 20 kg.
  2. Then, players must choose the items that need to be carried inside the chest.
  3. Drag the chosen items and put them on the icon of the chest to use the space inside the chest.
  4. You can accommodate a large number of items, so it is up to you to choose the items for carrying inside the chest.

That wraps up this brief on locating and using the Chest of the Mundane. As mentioned, this chest is best for storing excess items like armor pieces, rope, Greatswords, and many more. This way, you can carry more items with you on journeys. That’s it from my side. You can see our other articles, such as how to open the Selune chest and how to solve the Defiled Temple puzzle


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Experience: 8+ Years || Manages Teams, Creates Strategies, and Publishes Guides on eXputer || Education: Bachelors in Journalism.

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