How to Reset IP Address: Mac, Windows, Linux & More

Step-by-Step Guide to Resetting Your Computer's IP Address for Improved Network Connectivity

 Disclaimer: Resetting your IP address for improved network connectivity can temporarily disrupt your internet connection and may lead to the loss of network settings. Ensure you have backed up important data and have the necessary technical knowledge to reconfigure your network.

In our day and age, having a decent internet connection is a necessity. I realize how frustrating it must be to face network problems like poor internet speed, frequent disconnections, and limited connectivity. However, sometimes a simple solution can be resetting and renewing your IP Address. 

In this article, I will explain how to Reset IP Addresses for every operating system. Whether you have Windows, Max, or Linux / Ubuntu, I got you! This will ensure that your gaming experience is as smooth as possible and you will not have any IP-related network issues. 

Key Takeaways

There are 3 different ways to change the IP address in Windows. 

  1. You can use the command prompt. This is a very fast and efficient way. 
  2. You can also use Settings to manually change the address or request from the DHCP server. 
  3. Similarly, the control panel offers similar functionalities.

  • For Mac, you have to access System Preferences > Network > Advanced. 
  • In Ubuntu, you can either change your IP once or dynamically. 
    1. You can change your IP once through the dhclient. 
    2. You can change the address dynamically by running a bash script.

For Windows

In Windows, users can change their IP address in 3 different ways. They can do so by using the command prompt, Settings, or the Control Panel. And do not worry. Every method is easy, however, we do recommend using the command prompt one since it’s the quickest way. 

Use the Command Prompt

With CMD, you can use the IPCONFIG command[1] which is the fastest and easiest way to renew your IP address. With its efficiency, you will be done in no time. 

  1. Press Win+R to open the Run application. 
  2. Type in cmd and press Enter. 
  3. Then, in the command prompt, type ipconfig/release.
  4. Once you are done with that, type ipconfig/renew in the command prompt.

However, often this command does not successfully renew your IP address. This happens when your network configuration is set up so that it assigns the same IP address to your device each time. An error can look like the following picture. 

Some users face an error while renewing IP address using CMD
An error while changing the IP Address using CMD – Image Captured by eXputer

In this example, we can observe that the command only managed to change the Wireless LAN adapter Wi-Fi 2’s address but failed for the rest. You will have to follow the alternate methods listed below. 

Use Settings

The settings options allow you to reset IP addresses through automatic Automatic (DHCP) or manually[2]. I will explain what Automatic (DHCP) is later in the article.

  1. Open your Settings by searching for it after pressing the Win button. 
  2. Next, navigate to the Network & Internet section. 
  3. Then, go to Wi-Fi, which will sit below the Status option. 
  4. After that, click on your Wi-Fi Connection. 
  5. Under IP Settings, there will be an option to Edit. Click on that.
    Open Edit IP settings to reset IP address
    Open Edit IP settings – Image Captured by eXputer
  6. Now, you have two options. Automatic (DHCP) or manual. In the Automatic (DHCP) option, your device requests an IP address from the DHCP server, which assigns an IP address automatically. This is recommended for most users.
  7. If you are keen on changing the address manually, click on that option and turn the IPv4 toggle bar on to make changes.
    How to Change Internet Protocol Address manually in Windows
    Change Internet Protocol Address Manually – Image Captured by eXputer
  8. You are recommended to keep the address in the same format as before.

Several users report that it is quite technical to understand how IP addresses work and how to reset them. Hence, we have tried to simplify it as much as possible.

That is pretty much it for this method. 

Use Control Panel

You can also use the control panel to change your IP address effectively. The functionality is similar to the Settings method. 

  1. First up press Win > search for Control Panel. 
  2. After opening it > click on Network & Security.
  3. Click on Network and Sharing Center.
  4. Then, next to connections > there will be an option for Wi-Fi or Ethernet depending on what you use. Click that.
  5. Go to properties. If there are multiple users on the PC, you will have to verify that you are the administrator.
  6. Now, press Internet Protocol Version 4 from the list > click on properties once more. 
  7. Similarly to Settings, you can either choose to change the IP automatically or manually.
    How to Change IP through Control Panel
    Change IP through Control Panel – Image Captured by eXputer

That wraps all the methods on how to reset IP on Windows. 

For Mac

For Mac OS, you cannot change your IP address manually like you can in Windows. Mac OS only allows you to change it through the DHCP server[3]. However, I already recommend using the server instead of assigning it manually since manual assignment leads to errors sometimes. 

  1. Select System Preferences from the Apple Menu. 
  2. Double-tap on the Network icon.
  3. Once you are in Network Settings, you will have to go to the Advanced section. 
  4. Next, click on the TC/ICP tab. 
  5. You will find an option for Renew DHCP Lease. Click on that to change your IP address. 
  6. Press OK.
    How to Change Internet Protocol Address on MacOS
    Change Internet Protocol Address on MacOS – Image Captured by eXputer

For the tech geeks out there, we hope you were not disappointed by the fact Apple restricts its users from changing their IP manually. 

For Ubuntu / Linux

Ubuntu is known for its powerful terminal. You can do wonders with it. You can even have a dynamic IP, which allows you to change your IP every passing second, basically making you invisible. 

Using the dhclient 

The all-too-powerful terminal of Ubuntu never ceases to amaze its users. To renew your Internet Protocol Address in Ubuntu, all you have to do is press CTRL+ALT+T and type the command sudo dhclient.[4] 

How to use the sudo dhclient command on ubuntu
Sudo dhclient command on Ubuntu – Image Captured by eXputer

Dynamic IP

If you want to be invisible from the government for any reason ( We won’t ask), you can use a specific script to get your IP to change every second. Just follow the steps down below. 

  1. Open a text editor like Nano or Vim. You can do this by opening the terminal and writing a command like Nano or Vim
  2. Next, paste this shell script into the text editor. Remember to save the file as a .sh file. 
  3. Then, make the script executable by writing this command: chmod +x
  4. Now run the following line on the terminal: sudo ./

However, there are a few things you must keep in mind when you are running this script. 

  • This script does not check if the IP address it uses is already used by someone else on the network. This can cause network conflicts. 
  • If you decide to change your IP address dynamically, some applications on your PC might act abnormally. 
  • Also, if your PC uses DHCP, the server might overwrite your new IP generated by the script. For this, you have to configure your interface for static IP addressing.

I hope this Ubuntu tutorial helped!

How Does Resetting IP Address Help Gaming?

Resetting your Internet Protocol Address helps with networking issues, which can either solve specific network-related gaming issues or improve the gaming experience[5]. It is important to do this once in a while to make sure you are not facing issues because of your IP Address.

If you want to learn more about optimizing your gaming experience, read our Best Windows 10 Settings/Optimization For Gaming article.

Network Troubleshooting

Resting your IP should be your first solution when testing your network for problems. For example, if you are facing high latency, slow speeds, frequent disconnections, or other connection issues, resetting your IP might improve that. 

It also helps in clearing any temporary network glitches like Steam Download No Internet Connection Error and Could Not Connect To Steam Network Errors, which helps improve your overall gaming experience. 

IP Conflicts

Sometimes errors are caused when multiple devices on the same network end up with conflicting IP addresses. This can cause an array of different network problems.

Resetting your Internet Protocol Address allows you to get a new unique address, which helps solve these types of problems.

Refreshed Connection

As time goes on, your network connection will start to gather temporary data. This type of data is usually cache or routing issues or logs. When you request a new IP, the temporary data clears up the cache and gives you a fresh & new connection to the game performance. 

This can potentially improve your network performance, which can result in lower latency and faster speed. 

Bypassing IP Blocks

Some gaming platforms or servers have imposed IP restrictions on their users. If your IP falls under these restrictions, you will not be able to play your desired game. This issue has plagued gamers forever.

Renewing your IP can help you potentially bypass these restrictions. Which means you can play the game you could not access before. 

Final Words

We hope this article helped you in resetting your internet protocol address, and we wish you a wonderful gaming experience ahead!

If you want to elevate your gaming to the next level, make sure to check out Best Nvidia Control Panel Settings: FPS & Performance and Best AMD Settings: FPS & Performance. 


Can phone IP be reset?

Yes, it is possible to do so. You can do this by adjusting router settings for your Android device.

Does VPN change IP?

Yes, VPN changes your IP to make it look like you are connected from a different geographical location.

Can I hide my IP address?

Yes, you can do so through proxy servers and VPNs.


  1. Microsoft Learn Article: “IPCONFIG.”
  2. Microsoft Support Article: “Change TCP/IP settings.”
  3. Apple Support Article: “Renew your IP address from the DHCP server on Mac.”
  4. OSETC TECH: “How to Release and Renew IP Address from DHCP Server in Linux.”
  5. IP Location.Net: “Benefits of Changing IP For Gaming.”
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Ayyoun is a Freelance Writer for Error Fixes, and Game Settings on eXputer. He’s been passionate about games and technology since he got his hands on the PlayStation 1. He has a software engineering background and loves to play games from a technical perspective. He has a knack for uncovering solutions for the latest games and presenting them in easy-to-follow guides for his audience. You can keep up with his gaming activity on his Steam profile.

Experience: 7+ years || Worked For VeryAli Gaming and IGN || Education: B.S Software Engineering, Google IT Professional Certificate, Editing Mastery from Udemy, and Digital Journalism.

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