Farthest Frontier: How To Avoid Food Shortage

In this guide on Food Shortage of the game Farthest Frontier, you will know how about all the good kinds food, how to keep your keep it good, and avoid it from getting short.

To avoid food shortage in Farthest Frontier, you have to make sure you have ample food. It is the main source of your survival in the game. You are, of course, going to have some food given to you at the beginning, but that food will start to rot away soon enough.

Furthermore, to avoid that from happening, you have to find more food and that too, in time.  

Key Highlights

To avoid food shortages in Farthest Frontier, consider the following tips:

  • Gather food from nature, including herbs, berries, fresh meat, and fish, especially at the beginning of the game.
  • Establish permanent food sources like cropping fields and vegetable farms as your population grows.
  • Build barns for animal husbandry, such as cows, to increase food production.
  • Construct an Arborist for fruit trees and consider baking bread from grains to supplement your food supply and prevent shortages.

Where To Get Food To Avoid Shortage

There are several ways through which you can provide food to your people in Farthest Frontier to avoid its shortage. From natural foods to harvesting crops to make food, and then finally baking your bread, the process is fun yet complicated.

  1. Nature: At the beginning of the game, rely on natural resources such as foraging for herbs, berries, and hunting for fresh meat and hides. Fishermen can also catch fish from nearby lakes.
  2. Cropping Fields: As your population grows, consider farming by cultivating fields and harvesting vegetables. Farming becomes a more permanent food source.
  3. Barns for Animal Husbandry: Build barns to house domestic animals like cows, which can provide a consistent source of food. Ensure the cows’ needs are met, and store enough food for them during the winter. Cows can provide meat, hides, tallow, and compost for crop fertility.
  4. Arborist: Construct an arborist to plant fruit trees like peaches and pears. Although fruit trees take time to grow, they can supplement food production.
  5. Baking Bread: Grain is essential for food production. Use windmills to grind grains into flour, which can be stored in granaries for extended periods. Build bakeries to turn flour into bread. Avoid overproducing bread, as it can spoil.
Farthest Frontier Food

Spoilage Would Increase Food Shortage

Spoilage leads to food shortages. To avoid this, store your food properly. Without refrigerators in Farthest Frontier, food easily spoils. Each food type has a shelf life indicated by a number. Use root cellars to prevent spoilage. Storing food in cellars is better than storehouses. Upgrading storage improves insulation, reducing spoilage.

Barrels To Avoid Food Shortage And Spoilage

To prevent food shortage and spoilage, use barrels. They transport food to cells, marketplaces, and storehouses. Cooper craftsmen make barrels from iron and planks, or merchants can provide them.

Replace barrels periodically to reduce spoilage risk by 5%. Storehouses can hold around 5 barrels, while root cellars accommodate up to 10. Combining root cellars with barrels reduces food spoilage by 50%, addressing food shortages in Farthest Frontier.

Preservation Of Food To Avoid Shortage

Prevent your food from getting spoiled by preserving it in the early stages, thus avoiding food shortage in the Farthest frontier. You need to process certain food to gain benefit from them. Smokehouse can be of great help in this process.

It can turn the meat you get from barns and the cabin of hunters into meat that is smoked. Also, it can convert fish into smoked ones. If you manage to get a Smokehouse early in the game, you can gain benefit from it as the processed food stays good for longer.

With the use of cheesemakers, you may also make cheese from milk. Additionally, you can also store berries in the jar, fruit you take from arborists, and even root vegetables.

Food Shortage Due To Rats

Rats are very much a part of the Farthest Frontier, as they are of our daily lives. If not taken care of, they can get the buildings infested, spread diseases, and even eat up all the food that you have stored! Initially, only the food will disappear from storage.

However, if you do not take care of the matter on time, it can also result in some deadly diseases spreading in your town. To avoid the food shortage in your town by rats, you need to install a rat catcher in the Farthest Frontier.

Farthest Frontier Food measures

Having a Rat Catcher in your town can save your food and time both. Granaries have got Rat Detectors, but they are not much effective. A Rat Catcher can save your food supplies in that case.

Best Food To Get In Farthest Frontier

You don’t have to build a farm right at the start of the game; however, you should plan your farming way ahead. Players can use this hack for planting cover to increase Fertility or even remove the obstructions.

Following this, we have created a list of the best kinds of foods you can grow on your farm in Farthest Frontier.

To make your city grow in the best way possible, it is vital you know your crops. 

  • Turnips: First up, we have Turnips, which grow very rapidly and survive under any weather. Players can harvest more than one crop of Turnips as there is no fear of them dying due to bad weather.
  • Peas: These crops have a hard time during the summer days; however, they do bring a change in the field of Fertility. Peas help in keeping that field healthy and thriving. 
  • Beans: Beans make a perfect crop during summer days, and they resist heat at their best, making the fertility much better.
  • Buckwheat: Buckwheat grow amazingly fast and are a g natural suppressant for weeds.  They help in lowering the maintenance of fields that farmers have to do.
  • Carrots: Last but not least for sure, we have carrots. Carrots have a hard time growing in the presence of rocks. However, they can even nourish when there is bad fertility. This allows the farmer to sneak out and harvest extra crops.

With this, we come to the end of our guide for Food Shortage in Farthest Frontier. We hope that now you have a good idea of how to grow food, avoid it from being spoiled, and most importantly, how to avoid food shortage. 

Related: Farthest Frontier Make Beer

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Nice guide to help in setting up food and reducing shortages.

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