How To Get Ingots In Palworld [Explained With Images]

Learn how to get Ingots in Palworld and speed up the process of advancing your base to higher quality objects and stations.

In Palworld, Ingots are the super important resource you make by using a special tool called the Primitive Furnace. These Ingots are like magic building blocks because you can use them to create different tools, weapons, and further technology objects and items in the game. That is why learning about Ingots is a big deal if you want to progress in Palworld and not be weighed down by having low-quality items.

Key Takeaways
  • Essential for progression Palworld, Ingots are crafted from Ore using the Primitive Furnace.
  • Ore is found in brownish-red ore deposits, which are less common than stone deposits.
  • Use a Stone Pickaxe in the early game for efficient ore mining. 
  • You can unlock the Primitive Furnace at Technology Level 10, and collect the following items:
    1. 20x Wood
    2. 50x Stone
    3. 3x Flame Organs (obtained from Foxparks).
  • Use a Pal with the Kindling work-ability to ignite the furnace, such as Foxparks.
  • Establish your base near Ore for efficient farming.

Getting Ingots in Palworld is crucial for game progression. Players can acquire these vital resources by converting Ore using the Primitive Furnace. While it may seem straightforward, there are key aspects to consider.

Locating Ore Deposits

Ore, the essential raw material for Ingots, is found in Ore Deposits scattered throughout Palworld. These deposits are not as common as Stone Deposits, easily distinguished by their gray color. Ore Deposits, in contrast, exhibit a distinctive brownish-red hue.

If you’re looking for specific spots to get tons of ores, here’s eXputer’s video guide to make things easier:

YouTube video

Important: If you are in the early game, then I suggest you craft a Stone Pickaxe for efficient mining instead of punching and collecting ore. This will make the ore extraction process much faster and you can pretty much get it in chunks per hit.  

Crafting And Using The Primitive Furnace

Constructing Primitive Furnace in Palworld [Image Credits: eXputer]
To craft Ingots, players must unlock the Primitive Furnace at Technology Level 10.

Collect the following materials for its construction:

  • 20x Wood
  • 50x Stone
  • 3x Flame Organ (can be acquired by killing Foxparks or capturing them)

Each Ingot requires 2x Ore for production, and that is why I recommend establishing your base in a location that has ore nearby. You can pretty much ride a mount and farm the ore, then come back with it to produce ingot faster in Palworld.

Additionally, players need a means to ignite the furnace. Opting for a Pal with the Kindling work ability, like the Foxpark, streamlines this process.

Important: If you do not have a fire-based pal assigned to your base, you will see a “Requires Kindling” text/error above the Furnace, and the production will not start.

Finding Foxparks And Flame Organs

Foxparks Pal stats in Palworld [Image Credits: eXputer]
Once a Foxpark is assigned to the base, players can select the Ingot recipe on the Primitive Furnace. The Pal will autonomously work on the task until completion. Foxpark is one of my best pals in Palworld, especially in the early game. Not only is it useful for making an ingot, but the fire-based attack power is also very helpful in combat. 

Secondly, consider the importance of Flame Organs, dropped by fire-type Pals like the Foxpark. These organs are crucial for crafting the Primitive Furnace. Explore the Grassy Behemoth Hills area for an abundance of Foxparks and unlock the fast-travel point for efficient resource gathering.

Ingots Usage In Palworld

Primitive Furnace Ingot Making process interface [Image Credits: eXputer]
When you’re crafting, remember that Ingots are not just for weapons. They’re also needed to make Nails. Nails are crucial because you use them to build more advanced stuff and workbenches. This helps you level up and do more things in the game.

Ingots have another use too – you can make saddles with them. Saddles let you ride your Pals either on the ground or in the air. It makes exploring and moving around the game more interesting and fun.

Getting Ingots in Palworld lets you make important things for the early and mid-game. You can craft tools metal tools as mentioned above and powerful Crossbows, which are much better than the regular bow, and very helpful in combat. 

As players advance in Technology levels, the significance of Ingots becomes more apparent. They are essential for crafting items such as

  • Nails
  • Metal Axe
  • Metal pickaxes
  • Crossbows
  • Meat cleavers
  • Guns
  • High-quality workbenches

That is why I can not stress enough the importance of establishing a base near Ore-rich areas to ensure a continuous supply of Ore, an indispensable resource in Palworld. Setting up a base at a location far away from Ore will have you run for resource gathering every now and then, and it will waste your time. 

That is pretty much everything you need to know about how to get Ingots in Palworld. Before you leave, consider reading a review of Palworld, and how to catch humans and get leather quickly in Palworld guides


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Irfan Ansari is a Senior Editor and Guides Writer on eXputer. He has seven years of Video Game Journalism experience and has been gaming for more than 22 years. Over his editorial career, he has gained experience at multiple sites, including TheGamer and VeryAli Gaming. Irfan has also earned a degree in Writing and Editing from the University of Michigan. Learn some more about Irfan's gaming journey on his Steam, PSN, and Xbox profiles.

Experience: 7+ Years || Worked for TheGamer and VeryAli Gaming

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