Palworld: 9 BEST Early Game Pals [Expert Picks]

After spending over 50 hours in Palworld, here is my take on the best early-game Pals that can make your journey easy!

Palworld has just been unleashed online, and it has won the hearts of many due to its unique Pals. So, it mainly features pals and weapons. Unlike in Pokemon, you will actually battle against the other pals in order to beat them. That being said, Pals will still do most of the work, so it is important to know which ones are the best early game pals in Palworld.

Key Takeaways
  • There are a total of 111 pals in Palworld.
  • I have ranked the 9 best early game Pals that can be found early in-game.
  • The best early-game pal in Palworld is Dinossom due to its great Elemental Damage.
  • Dinossom can be used as a mount, and it increases grass attacks while mounter. 
  • Dinossom’s significance is pretty high as it is extremely useful against the first main boss in Palworld.
  • While Dinossom has many pros, it is weak to fire and ice
  • The other best options in-game are Eikthyrdeer, Nitewing, and Foxparks. 
  • Author’s Note: I have spent over 50 hours in Palworlds, so my experience in early-game areas should make this guide trustworthy.
My In-Game Hours

Best Early Game Pals In Palworld Comparison

The following are the best early-game pals I could gather within over 8 Hours of my journey in-game:

PalElementStrong AgainstWeak AgaisntPartner SkillBest For
DinossomGrass & DragonDark and GroundFire and IceFragrant DragonThe Best Early Game Pal In Palworld
EikthyrdeerNeutralNoneDarkGuardian of the ForestThe Best Nuteral Element Early Game Pal
NitewingNeutralNoneDarkTravel CompanianThe Best Flying Pal For Early Areas In Palworld
FoxparksFireGrass and IceWaterHuggy FireMy Favourite Pal In Palworld
LovanderNeutralNoneDarkHeart DrainThe Best Pal For Help In Base
BristlaGrassGroundFirePrincess GazeThe Best Alternative For Dinossom
CattivaNeutralNoneDarkCat HelperThe Best Alternative For Lovander
PengulletWater & IceFire and DragonElectric and FirePengullet CannonThe Best Ice & Water Type Pal In Early Areas Of Palworld
KillamariDarkNeutralDragonFried SquidThe Best Dark Element Pal In Early Areas Of Palworld

1. Dinossom

The Best Early Game Pal In Palworld.
Dinossom (Image By Us)

If you are looking for a strong grass-type Pal, then Dinossom is the perfect choice. It shreds the opponent, especially if it is an electric one. The damage it deals is pretty intense, meaning it will be hard to capture it, too. I personally think it is the best early-game Pal due to its great damage, and it is pretty helpful in the base, too.

  • Deals a great amount of damage.
  • Strong against ground, electric, and dark elements. 
  • Helps in Planting and Lumbering. 
  • Weak against Fire and Ice.

Why I Chose This: Dinossom is a grass and dragon-type pals featuring high elemental damage that makes it viable for mid-game areas, too.

2. Eikthyrdeer

The Best Nuteral Element Early Game Pal.
Natural Element Pal Eikthyrdeer (Capture By eXputer)

Eikthyrdeer can help you dominate the early-game areas in Palworld. Its damage is comparable with Dinossom, so it’s pretty useful. Eikthyrdeer can also become a mount, and while you mount it, it can do a double jump. 

  • Deals pretty decent damage.
  • Acts as a mount once you unlock the technology. 
  • Can do a double jump while you ride it.
  • Break trees extremely quickly. 
  • Weak against Dark.

Why I Chose This: I chose Eikthyrdeer due to its massive damage to the early-game enemies and the fact that it can become a mount and double jump.

3. Nitewing

The Best Flying Pal For Early Areas In Palworld.
Nitewing (Screenshot By Us)

If you are looking for a pal who can fly and do Ariel attacks early in-game, then you should give Nitewing a try. While it can give opponents some trouble, it also is hard to capture. Also, you can use it as a mount, which means you can fly in Palworld.

  • The damage output is pretty good.
  • It had a great combo attack. 
  • Can be ridden as a mount once unlocked. 
  • Nitewing is weak against the Dark Element.

Why I Chose This: Nitewing can be found pretty easily, and it deals good damage; that’s not it, as it can also be used as a mount to fly around.

4. Foxparks

My Favourite Pal In Palworld.
Foxparks palworld
Fire Element Pal Foxparks (Capture By Us)

Foxparks is arguably one of the best early areas pals in Palworld. It is actually my favorite one, as I have used this one the most. Foxparks is a fire-based Pal that deals pretty decent damage. When the skill is activated, it will approach you and become a flamethrower that you can use to burn the enemies. 

  • Best early-game fire-type pal.
  • Becomes a flamethrower that players can use once unlocked.
  • Strong against Grass and Ice Elements.
  • Weak against the water element.

Why I Chose This: I added Foxparks to my list as it is the best fire-type early-game pal, and its partner skill can shred many enemies pretty quickly.

5. Lovander

The Best early game Pal For Help In Base.
Lovander (Screenshot By eXputer)

While there are many pals who can do great damage, there are many who can help a lot in the base. Lovander is one of them, but it also deals pretty good damage. Its partner skill is also pretty unique as it absorbs some of the received damage and heals itself along with you. Lovander might not be the top-tier, but I consider it the best early game Pals in Palworld.

  • Has level 2 in Handiwork, Medicine Production, and Transporting skills.
  • Also, helps in crafting.  
  • Deals decent damage.
  • The damage output is not that good.
  • Weak against Dark. 

Why I Chose This: I chose Lovander as it is extremely useful in the base and can cover a lot of tasks. 

You can learn more about Lovander’s stats and location from eXputer’s video tutorial:

YouTube video

6. Bristla

The Best Alternative For Dinossom.
Bristla (Screenshot By Us)

If you don’t like Dinossom or you are having a hard time capturing it, then I’d recommend focusing on Bristla. Its damage output is actually insane, as one of Bristla’s skills simply shreds the opponent. I couldn’t catch the Dinossom before fighting the first boss, so I had to use Bristla, and I don’t regret it. 

If you don’t want to use it in combat, then make sure to use it in the base. It has great work suitability as Bristla can help with 5 different kinds of work. 

  • Deals great elemental damage.
  • Increases the attack power of other grass pals in the team.
  • It helps a lot in the base.
  • Weak against fire.

Why I Chose This: Bristla belongs on the list due to its great work suitability and great elemental damage that can prove useful in the first boss fight. 

7. Cattiva

The Best Alternative For Lovander.
Nuteral Element Pal Cattiva (Image Credits: eXputer)

Cattiva is among the three most pals in Palworld. It is also the cutest one in the whole game. It being cute isn’t the reason why I added it to the list. Cattiva actually deals good damage to low-level enemies and is pretty helpful in the base. I have also seen it slacking off sometimes, which just adds another layer of cuteness.

  • Helps in many works in the base.
  • carries supplies for you while in the team.
  • Doesn’t deal much damage.
  • Weak against the Dark Element.

Why I Chose This: I chose Cattiva as it is pretty helpful in base and can help you capture other Pals early. It also carries some of the drops when in the team.

8. Pengullet

The Best Ice & Water Type Pal In Early Areas Of Palworld.
Ice & Water Element Pal Pengullet (Screenshot Grab By Us)

Pengullet can be obtained pretty early and isn’t that hard to catch. It appears in range from level 3 to 6, so there won’t be much trouble capturing it. Pengullet can be pretty helpful in the base as it can water the plants, too. While it is useful in the base, it is useful in combat, too. 

The pal turns itself into a Rocket Launcher and allows the player to equip it. Then the rocket launcher fires Pegullet as the ammunition, and it explodes on contact. 

  • Pretty useful in the base.
  • Becomes a rocket launcher when unlocked.
  • Deals good elemental damage.
  • Weak against Electric and Fire elements.

Why I Chose This: Pengullet features a pretty unique partner skill that allows it to transform itself into a rocket launcher, which players can equip.

9. Killamari

The Best Dark Element Pal In Early Areas Of Palworld.
Dark Element Pal Killamari (Image Source: eXputer)

Killamari is a dark-type pal. While Killamari isn’t the best, it is surely one of the best early game pals to start the Palworld. It doesn’t deal with some massive damage, but it does help in combat and in the base. Also, dark elements pals don’t have many weaknesses. I mainly used it for exploration and battle against the Nuteral element pals

  • Allows you to use it as a glider.
  • Deals decent elemental damage.
  • Helps in Gathering and transporting.
  • Weak against Dragon Element Pals.
  • There are better options.

Why I Chose This: I chose Killamari due to its ability to let players use it as a glider that helps in covering a lot of distance. 

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Best Early Game Pal In Palworld – My Take

The best early-game pal in Palworld is arguably the Dinossom due to its massive elemental damage.

While it is weak against fire and ice, its damage output makes up for that. My favorite Pal so far is the Foxparks, but I know for a fact it is not the best. If you want to dominate the entire game, then I would highly recommend that you try Capture Dinossom. 

That is almost everything you would want to know about the Best Early Game Pals In Palworld. While you are at it, you should check out the guides on the Jetragon location, along with how to find a Lucky Pal. After that, make sure to learn about Katress and how to build an Egg Incubator to hatch eggs

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Obaid is a Guides writer at eXputer who is passionate about games. With several years of experience in multiple genres like Soulslike and RPGs, Obaid now likes to carve out the minute details of every game and write about them. Obaid has proudly clocked in 3,000+ hours in Pokemon games, 2,000+ hours on Genshin Impact, and 300+ hours in Soulsborne titles during his 15+ years of gaming. You can follow his Gaming activity on Steam.

Experience: 2+ years || Mainly Covers Guides || Education: Bachelors in Law (LLB).

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