Lords of the Fallen: How To Get Plucked Eyeballs

Learn how and where you can find Plucked Eyeballs in Lords of the Fallen, along with what you can use them for.

Since Lords of the Fallen is a tough game, many people die, and avenging them can reward you with a plucked eyeball. Plucked Eyeball is a key item in Lords of the Fallen. If you know where to look and how exactly to use them, they can end up being highly beneficial for you.

Key Takeaways
  • Plucked Eyeballs are a type of currency in Lords of the Fallen that you can utilize to obtain items.
  • To get plucked eyeballs, you need to spot Red lanterns and interact with them using soulflay.
  • Butterflies will emerge from the lantern, leading you to an enemy that you need to defeat in order to obtain plucked eyeballs.
  • You can either Trade or donate the plucked eyeballs to a shrine.

What Are Plucked Eyeballs In Lords of the Fallen

Plucked Eyeballs in Lords of the Fallen is a type of currency that you can use to get rewards.

Think of them as a trophy or achievement for avenging another player and killing the enemy. Like all currencies, you can use them.

How To Obtain Plucked Eyeballs

Vestige of Blind Agatha
Vestige of Blind Agatha Where You Can Farm For Plucked Eyeballs [Image Credit; eXputer]
To get the plucked eyeballs, keep your eyes open all around the map. You will find little lanterns surrounded by red butterflies. They show up where another player was killed and defeated. To interact with these lanterns, use your soulflay ability on it.

This will spawn more butterflies that will eventually lead you to the enemy that killed the player. All you have to do now is to kill the enemy and get the plucked eyeballs. To find these lanterns, easily find the most difficult enemies since a lot of people might have died there. One of these spots is at the Vestige of Blind Agatha.

How To Use Plucked Eyeballs

As mentioned before, you can use the plucked eyeballs for two different things. The two things are:

Donating Them To The Shrine Of The Putrid Mother

Putrid Mother
Shrine of the Putrid Mother [Image By: eXputer]
The first and most common thing to do with these plucked eyeballs is to donate them at the shrine of the putrid mother in skyrest. For you to go there, you need to use your umbral lamp and travel to the Umbral Realm. By donating the plucked eyeballs, you automatically increase a community progress scale.

The higher the position you achieve, the more the chance for you to receive a unique reward, such as the Rebirth Chrysalis for 250 plucked eyeballs or some fancy body armor.

Trade Them With Molhu

Molhu [Image Taken By: eXputer]
Another thing you can do with these plucked eyeballs is trade them. For this, you need to go to the shrine of the putrid mother in skyrest, using the umbral lamp to get into the umbral realm. Now find the Vestige of Ethryg. Here, find the room in which Molhu is present. Go up to him and trade the plucked eyeballs for whatever he has to offer in return for these plucked eyeballs.

My Opinion On Plucked Eyeballs 

After spending 10+ hours in Lords of the Fallen, I believe that the plucked eyeballs are very important, and their rewards can benefit you. The satisfaction of avenging another and getting a reward for it just seems right. Since a lot of people die in Lords of the Fallen, finding the lanterns is rather easy.

And with that, my Plucked Eyeball Lords of the Fallen guide comes to an end. Here, you were informed on everything related to plucked eyeballs in Lords of the Fallen. Furthermore, if you have anything to add, you can do so through the comment section below.

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Huzaifa Amjad is a Guides writer on eXputer who loves powering through every AAA title and sharing his in-depth thoughts with his viewers on eXputer. When he’s not writing, he’s driving around Mexico in Forza Horizon 5 and racing random players. You can follow Huzaifa's gaming activity on his Steam profile.

Experience: 4+ Years.

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