Zelda Tears Of The Kingdom: Paya [Our Expert’s Opinion]

Take your fill about the return of Paya; where to find her and a backstory to go with it in Tears of the Kingdom!

Paya, originally introduced in Breath of the Wild, returns as the Chief of Kakariko Village in the Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom, succeeding her grandmother, Impa. Players can encounter Paya in the Ring Ruins of West Necluda, where she’s found conversing with a character named Tauro.

Key Takeaways
  • Paya, in this case, is a young girl who first made her appearance in Breath of the Wild.
  • She is the granddaughter of Impa and has been seen alongside Link quite a few times.
  • Paya returns in Tears of the Kingdom as now Chief of Kakariko Village
  • You can find her in the Ring Ruins talking to a burly fellow by the name of Tauro.

Who Is Paya?

Paya is a young Sheikah woman and also the granddaughter of Impa. She was introduced in Breath of the Wild and had a very important role alongside Link. Together, both of them completed many quests and had seemingly great chemistry with each other. Albeit, Paya might have had feelings towards Link, evident from when she blushes after seeing his ‘beautiful blue eyes.’

During the whole Link and Paya time in Breath of the Wild, Paya has been adding notes in her diary. You can find her diary and read whatever her pen puts to paper. The diary is placed on a table in Paya’s room at Impa’s house back in Karakriko Village. 

Related: Zelda Tears of the Kingdom Ganondorf

Paya In Tears Of The Kingdom

Everyone is eager to know whether Paya will be making an appearance in Tears of the Kingdom, me included! For this, boy, do I have great news for you! Yes, Paya has returned for the newest The Legend of Zelda Tears of the Kingdom edition.

In order to find Paya Tears of the Kingdom, you must make your way to her yourself. Below I have explained where you will find Paya and the new role she has taken on!

Where To Find Paya

To find Paya, you will first have to make your way toward the Ring Ruins in West Necluda. Over here, you will see Tauro, a large fellow who resembles The Rock but with more hair, talking to a figure wearing an extremely large hat, mentioning how weird the Ring Ruins are.

what tauro looks like
Tauro in Tears of the Kingdom

In conversation, Tauro will slip out, “Chief Paya.” This means now the easily missable character in Breath of the Wild is now the Chief! From scrubbing floors to now being Chief, Paya has come a long way. After the retirement of Impa, Paya was chosen by her predecessor to be the new Chief of Kakariko Village and a great choice!

what paya looks like in tears of the kingdom
Paya Tears of the Kingdom

Paya will then turn around and is surprised by the presence of Link, and they continue to have a conversation. In the end, Paya and Tauro’s profiles will be added. 

Final Thoughts

This is all there is to know about the Return of Paya Tears of the Kingdom, and I hope this was enough to curdle your curiosity about the return of Paya. The new game has a lot more to offer, and any help will be appreciated. Check out guides such as the Jio Sin Shrine Solution, or maybe learn How To Fuse Weapons to aid in your gaming endeavors. 

Let us know in the comments below if there are any more guides you may be interested in, and we will jump on them! 

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Sameer is a Senior Writer & Editor for all sorts of guides on eXputer. He has dove deep into many gaming genres and ended up investing 8,000+ hours on COD titles, Pokemon games, Witcher 3, Minecraft, and Bloodborne. Sameer has a degree in Writing and Editing from the University of Michigan. Additionally, he has several years of writing experience and has worked for Mashable previously. Get familiar with Sameer's gaming library on his PSN and Steam profiles.

Experience: 5+ Years || Previously Worked for Mashable || Education: ACCA

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