Starfield Player Showcases Game’s Incredible Physics With The Domino Effect

A user has uploaded his genius work on a forum online, elaborating Starfield's physics implementation.

Story Highlights

  • Bethesda’s next major project Starfield is finally out after years and years of anticipation, and it’s having quite the field day across the board for players on Xbox and PC. 
  • The game’s release has marked Bethesda’s biggest video game launch to date, not to mention crossing 10 million players in the span of two weeks. 
  • Among all the different things you can do in Starfield, such as exploring the vast stretches of space and traveling from one planet to the other, there’s apparently a way to test the domino effect in the game as well. 
  • A Redditor has uploaded a video on the platform, showcasing the sheer prowess of Starfield when it boils down to life-like implementation of physics. 

Starfield has been hitting home ever since its release for all the right reasons, save for a few hiccups here and there, of course. The space RPG has ended up becoming Bethesda’s biggest launch to date, all thanks to the hype it had gathered over the years. Now, as more and more players have gotten their hands on the open-universe RPG, folks are coming up with novel ways to test what Starfield is made of. 

A Redditor going by the username of Muaxh03 has uploaded a video on the r/Starfield subreddit, attempting to showcase a specific part of Starfield’s gameplay. Apparently, the RPG sports top-tier physics implementation, even to the point where you can align random elements side by side and pull off the domino effect in an accurate manner. 

Someone stole my video and uploaded it, acting like he’s me. So please enjoy the video in higher quality and from the creator.
byu/Muaxh03 inStarfield

For those not in the know, the domino theory is basically a chain reaction where one particular happening sets off a series of subsequent events, thereby giving rise to the domino effect. As you can comprehend from the uploaded footage, r/Muaxh03 has made quite the arrangement in-game. When they have their character running over a book around the 9th second of the video, it leads to a string of added effects. 

There also seems to be a bit of drama surrounding the discovery of this particular feature, where the original poster claims to have their work stolen by someone else. Not sure what’s up with that, but what we have right here is a real work of art and something that showcases the attention to detail that went into making Starfield. The post at hand puts the RPG right up there with games that have the best physics.

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In other news, though, Todd Howard — the Bethesda frontman — has recently sat down in an interview with Insomniac Games boss Ted Price, reassuring fans that Starfield has been built with longevity in mind. Todd says that Bethesda has drawn upon its former experiences with Skyrim and pertinent Fallout titles, and realized how these games get played for a long time. In verbatim terms, his words are, 

This is a game and it’s intentionally made to be played for a long time.” One of the things we’ve learned from our previous games, from Skyrim, from Fallout, is that people want to play them for a very long time. So Starfield, I would say, was the most intentional, going into it, that this is a game people are going to play for a long time.”

Starfield came out for the Xbox Series X|S consoles along with PC via Steam and Game Pass exclusively on September 6. Those who either bought the Premium or Constellation Editions of the RPG got to play it from September 1.

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