
[Exclusive] Here’s Your First Look At The Upcoming White, All-Digital Xbox Series X

This in continuation of eXputer's previous report back in February.

Story Highlights

  • Microsoft is currently working to release a white-colored Xbox Series X in digital format this year.
  • eXputer has received confidential images through sources of the console ahead of its launch. 
  • The console comes without an optical disc drive (ODD) and features an improved heatsink. 

Back in February, I reported that Microsoft has plans to release a new Xbox console this year, a white-colored Xbox Series X that features a digital-only format, similar to the Xbox Series S. Now, recent developments have led eXputer’s sources to reveal, via email, what this console is going to look like when it hits shelves this summer. 

The photos of the unit sent exclusively to eXputer aren’t exactly top-quality, but they should be able to illustrate its overall design to a reasonable extent. There’s a clear absence of a disc drive on the front; on the back, the peripherals and ports remain pretty much the same.  

Image From The Back:


Image From The Front:


Another Image From The Back:


Details About The Digital Xbox Series X You Should Know

To get you up to speed on my previous post, the white Xbox Series X has a few of its components upgraded, such as the heatsink, but elsewhere, there are no major enhancements to talk about. Its price, as per my knowledge, is expected to be introduced in a lesser bracket as compared to the currently available Xbox Series X, which retails for $499.99 in the US.

The Relatively Recent Xbox Series S | Source: Xbox
The Relatively Recent Xbox Series S With 1 TB Storage | Source: Xbox

In other news, Xbox frontman Phil Spencer feels adamant about the importance of physical games, despite the gradual push to digital media in the day and age we live in today. The company’s current strategy “does not hinge on people moving all-digital,” though with the release of this new digital-only console, I can see how Xbox is preparing itself for all sorts of shifts in trends. 

We ship games physically and digitally, and we’re really just following what the customers are doing. And I think our job in running Xbox is to deliver on the things that a majority of the customers want. And right now, a majority of our customers are buying games digitally,” said Phil Spencer.  

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Do let us know in the comments ahead what you think of the white Xbox Series X and whether it’s worth upgrading over your current console. Personally, the aesthetic of the unit is praiseworthy, but I’m not sure I want to give up on physical media just yet.

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My name is Álvaro. I am a Spaniard living in the Netherlands and a lawyer by profession. In my spare time, I create informative content about the video game industry, with a special focus on Xbox.

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