Modern Warfare 2: How To Unlock Gold Camo

Learn all you need to know about unlocking the Gold Camo in COD MW2

One of the most fun and rewarding part of any Call of Duty game is grinding your weapon to unlock the Mastery Camo Variants. The Camo Variants look incredible and are a sign to all players that you are skilled with that weapon. The Camo Unlock system has changed in Modern Warfare 2. Here’s how you unlock the Gold Camo In Modern Warfare 2.

Key Takeaways

  • Gold Camo is a Weapon Mastery Camo Skin Obtain by completing multiples mission.
  • In Modern Warfare 2 it’s easier than ever to Unlock the Gold Camo and other basic Camo Skins.
  • You have to level up your weapon and complete the mission for the four basic Camo skins to unlock the Gold.
  • After Completing the Challenge for the Gold Camo you can Equip it.
  • Remember to use perks and killstreaks to help you upgrade weapons and complete challenges faster.

How To Unlock Gold Camo

Modern Warfare 2 Challenge to Unlock Gold Camo
Unlocking Gold Camo In Modern Warfare 2 – [Image credit: eXputer]
The Camo Challenges have changed in Modern Warfare 2 and are now quite easy to do. Most of the challenges can be completed by just leveling up your guns or just playing different modes. This makes it quite accessible for the average player to also get the Gold Camo. There are not tons of challenges like in previous modes meaning it’s faster to obtain Camo Skins. We are going to tell you all you need to do to unlock the Camo as fast as you can. 

Camo Challenges

Challenges For Camo
Modern Warfare 2 Camo Challenges – [Image credit: eXputer]
So there is a New Challenge System is in play to unlock the Camos skins. Camo Challenges work as follows:

  1. Each weapon has 4 Basic Camo Skins, and each skin has a different mission to complete.
  2. Completing all four Challenges unlocks the Gold Camo Mission.
  3. Challenges vary, such as getting 50 kills or 15 kills from behind.
  4. To unlock Gold Camo, get 3 kills without dying, 10 times.
  5. This challenge is straightforward and can be done in 2 matches without extra effort.
  6. Kills stack as individual streaks, e.g., 6 kills without dying count as two separate three-kill streaks.
  7. Leaving a game before it ends doesn’t affect your progress, making it easier to track and complete Camo Challenges.

Leveling Up Weapons

Camo missions unlock as you level up your weapon so you will have to grind a little to max out your gun. The good thing is if only focus on upgrading your weapons in invasion you still complete most of the mission by the time you level up. So you will only have to complete like two missions to get the Gold Camo. Yes, it really is that easy. 

You can max out your weapon in invasion in about an hour and taking into account the few games you will have to play to Unlock the Camo, it should only take you roughly an hour and 45 minutes to unlock a Gold Camo for a weapon. 

Game Modes

  • Some game modes are more conducive to completing Camo Challenges quickly. Ground War, Hardpoint, and Kill Confirmed can be effective for getting kills and completing challenges.
  • Invasion mode is excellent for leveling up your weapons quickly.


  • Use the right Perks to optimize your efficiency. Scavenger, Double Time, and Fast Hands can be helpful for maintaining ammo, speed, and reload times.
  • Quick Fix or Ghost are good choices for your Ultimate Perk.

One of the most overlooks aspects of the game when upgrading weapons or unlocking the Gold Camo In Modern Warfare 2 is perks. Perks are quite essential in optimizing the efficiency at which you level up weapons or unlock something. If you want to accomplish your goals as fast as possible in the least possible time. 

Field Upgrade

  • Tactical Insertion is an excellent Field Upgrade as it allows you to spawn at specific locations, saving you time running back into the action.
  • Ammunition Box can be used while you work toward unlocking Tactical Insertion.

Gold Camo

Unlocked Gold Camo In Modern Warfare 2
Modern Warfare 2 Gold Camo Unlocked – [Image credit: eXputer]
With Call Of Duty Modern Warfare 2, the developers have really tried to reduce the time spent on grinding weapons. This was a great move by them, making it easy to unlock and upgrade weapons means you can spend more time playing and enjoying the game. Although they might have made it too easy.

The Gold Camo is so easy to unlock that it would be harder trying to avoid it. Now, making it easier to unlock is not a bad thing but it’s not as fulfilling to unlock Gold Camo In MW2. Gold Camo used to mean that you have spent time with a weapon and went out of your way to achieve it. 

However, there is some good news for players to like to grind. The other Mastery Camo Skins are harder to unlock so you can still get that feeling of fulfillment. Even though it might be easy to unlock the Gold Camo still looks sick to run.

Final Words

With that, you should be all set to go in and unlock the Gold Camo In Modern Warfare 2 for all your Weapons faster than all your friends. If you are looking for ways to upgrade your weapons fast check out our guide How To Level Up Weapons Fast.

Also if you want to find out the Best Guns and Loadouds in Modern Warfare 2 at this time, here are our top picks for Best MW2 M16 Loadout & Class Setup. If you are wondering which gun to use next we recommend the Lachmann-556 check out its Loadouts in our BEST Lachmann-556 Loadouts guide.

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Haddi is a Senior Writer & Editor at eXputer who loves to play games and talk about them like a fanatic. Hadi's years of experience in this industry let him provide a unique and critical perspective on games to share with his audience. His work is also featured on several other websites. You can hit him up on his gaming profile at Steam!

Experience: 5+ years || Previously Worked At Gamepur, Gear Siege, GearNuke

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