Atomic Heart All Difficulty Settings [Explained]

Will you find your place among the Soviet Elites or suffer defeat in the face of unrelenting challenge?

Atomic Heart features a unique name for each difficulty choice to spice things up and make your adventure more exciting. Choosing the right difficulty settings in Atomic Heart is crucial as it can significantly impact your performance and gaming experience. So, make sure that you’re well aware of all the difficulty options in the game and select the right one for you.

Key Takeaways
  • Atomic Heart features three difficulty levels: Peaceful Atom, Local Failure, and Armageddon.
  • The Peaceful Atom difficulty level is optimal for players who are new to First-person shooter games.
  • The Local Failure difficulty level is designed for players who are looking for a challenge.
  • The Armageddon difficulty level is designed for hardcore gamers who are looking for the ultimate challenge.
  • To get a well-balanced gaming experience in Atomic Heart, Local failure is a suitable option.
Important: You can always switch your difficulty option from the game settings if things start to get too intense for you or vice versa.

Atomic Heart comes with three difficulty settings: Peaceful Atom, Local Failure, and Armageddon. In simpler terms, you can categorize them as Easy, Medium, and Hard difficulty. The setting names might remind you of Doom, which also features some catchy names for different difficulty options.

Peaceful Atom

Atomic Heart Difficulty settings
Peaceful Heart Setting [Image by eXputer]
The Peaceful Atom difficulty is recommended for newcomers and rookies who are unaware of FPS game mechanics. If you’re not new to the First-Person Shooter world, then we recommend you avoid the settings as it might be too easy for you. 

Pros And Cons Of Peaceful Atom Settings

Pros Cons
Ideal for new players who are unfamiliar with the game mechanics.


May not provide enough challenge for experienced players.


Makes combat encounters easier to manage. Could result in a lack of satisfaction or sense of accomplishment for some players.


Provides more health and stamina to the player character, making survival easier. Could make the game feel too easy or boring for some players.


Helps players build confidence and gradually increase their skill level. May not prepare players adequately for higher difficulty settings.


Allows players to focus more on the story and exploration elements of the game. May limit the player’s ability to fully explore and experiment with the game mechanics.


Local Failure

Local Failure
Local Failure Setting [Image by eXputer]
The Local Failure Setting is an upgrade to your challenges and you will find it a bit more challenging to survive as your enemies will become stronger and better. Your character will receive more damage and have less stamina, but if you use the right strategies and play appropriately, you will find it well-balanced.

Pros And Cons Of Local Failure Settings

Pros Cons

Provides a balanced experience that is challenging but not overwhelming.


Might be a bit challenging for new or inexperienced players.


Makes combat encounters easier to manage. Could result in frustration or difficulty progressing through the game for some players.


Allows players to experience the game as it was intended by the developers.


May require players to spend more time grinding and fighting off some bosses.


Can survive well with decent game sense. Could make some combat encounters feel repetitive or tedious.


Encourages players to use their skills and knowledge of the game to overcome challenges.


May limit the player’s ability to develop skills for more competitive challenges.



Atomic Heart Difficulty settings
Armageddon Setting [Image by eXputer]
Armageddon’s difficulty is for the players who are up for some true action and want to see their skill limits. The difficulty level will give you the ultimate challenge, with sturdier enemies, robust gameplay, and more complex progression that will require intense focus and expert strategy.

Playing the game on the hardest difficulty level can be incredibly rewarding for those who are up to the challenge.

Pros And Cons Of Armageddon Settings

Pros Cons

Provides the ultimate challenge for experienced and skilled players.


May be too difficult or frustrating for some players, resulting in giving up or losing interest in the game.


Offers an incredibly intense and thrilling gameplay experience.


Could require players to spend a significant amount of time on some tasks and objectives.
Allows players to enjoy an action-packed experience.  May make the game feel too punishing or unfair, leading to a lack of enjoyment.


Encourages players to be strategic and deliberate in their actions.


Could result in repetitive gameplay due to the high difficulty level.


Provides a great sense of accomplishment and satisfaction upon completing the game.


Might make you miss out the real fun by diverting your attention on challenging tasks.

Wrapping Up

Atomic Heart features three difficulty settings that offer a range of challenges for players of different skill levels. The Peaceful Atom is the least difficult option that features a moderate challenge and is suitable for those who want a casual gaming experience. As you upgrade to a higher-difficulty option, things will start to get tougher.

Regardless of the difficulty level, the game promises to offer a thrilling and engaging gaming experience through its interesting gameplay, unique storyline, and aesthetic visuals.

While you’re here, why not check out the Atomic Heart How To Defeat Hog 7 Hedgie guide, which will help you fight the enemy effectively? Also, make sure to go through Atomic Heart Mirror Mechanism Puzzle guide, to tackle the tricky puzzle efficiently. 

Other than that, you should also check out Atomic Heart Best Skills Upgrades to get fairly better at the game. Furthermore, you can also check out our detailed guide on Atomic Heart Skill Trees to get all the information regarding seven skill trees. 

Up Next: 

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Ayyoun is a Senior Writer & Editor for Error Fixes, and Game Settings guides on eXputer. He’s been passionate about games and technology since he got his hands on the PlayStation 1. He has a software engineering background and loves to play games from a technical perspective. He has a knack for uncovering solutions for the latest games and presenting them in easy-to-follow guides for his audience. You can keep up with his gaming activity on his Steam profile.

Experience: 7+ years || Worked For VeryAli Gaming and IGN || Education: B.S Software Engineering, Google IT Professional Certificate, Editing Mastery from Udemy, and Digital Journalism.

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