Star Wars Jedi Survivor: Open The Forest Gate

The Forest Array can be accessed when the players open and enter the Forest Gate in Star Wars Jedi Survivors.

Cal Kestis in Star Wars Jedi Survivor unlocks different locations that were left by the Jedi of the High Republic Era. One such is the Forest Array. To get there, Cal will first have to Open the Forest Gate in Star Wars Jedi Survivor.

Before You Start: Make sure that you have acquired the Key from the Droid ZN-A4 before you head to The Forest gate.
Key Takeaways
  • The Forest Gate is the entrance to the Forest Array in Star Wars Jedi Survivor.
  • To get to the Forest Gate, players will first have to get to the Swindler’s Wash Meditation Point.
  • From there, go left, and players will then come across a Bilemaw that you will have to defeat.
  • Wall Run up to the platform and keeps going ahead while defeating all the enemies up ahead.
  • Players will find themselves next to The Forest Gate.
  • Be sure to unlock the Shortcut using BD-1.

Star Wars Jedi Survivor The Forest Gate

The Forest Gate is one of the many gates that you, as Cal, will have to open. The gate is located on Planet Koboh, where you will have to go through a bunch of riders and droids to open the gate. That is because it leads Cal to the Forest Array. So there will be tough obstacles and much more on your way to Reaching the Forest Array.

The Forest Gate.
The Forest Gate, as seen from outside the Saloon. [Screenshot Credit: eXputer]

Getting To The Meditation Point

Okay, so the Forest Gate isn’t that far away from Pyloon’s Saloon. Once you have given the Gyro Module to Greez, you will then have to go there. Exit the Pyloon’s Saloon, and then you will have to head left directly. You will then have to go left from the Blue building you come across. Keep heading ahead, and you will find a cut-out mountain path.

The Wall run Area in Jedi Survivor.
Here, Wall Run up to the top. Be wary of the enemies on the middle platform. [Screenshot Credit: eXputer]
To get on the mountain, you will have to Wall Run up. For that, you can either do a double Wall Run or jump in between the wall run. Or go to the left side of the wall and climb up to another platform. From there, you can do Wall Run, which will get you up.

Once you get up, you will come across a few Raiders and B1 Droids. The Droids will be easy to kill, but the Raider might put up a fight, so be careful with him. Once they are defeated, Wall Run to the place from where the second Droid was attacking, and you will get on the upper level. There will be a Meditation point up ahead called the Swindler’s Wash.

The meditation point.
Interact with the Meditation point to save your progress. [Screenshot Credit: eXputer]

Defeating The Bilemaw

IMPORTANT: Before you fight the Bilemaw, make sure to save your progress at the Meditation Point.

At the Meditation Point, you will note that the bridge to the other side is broken. And the Gap is too wide to jump through. The only way is to go left while facing the bridge. Keep going ahead, and you will come to a Y-point that leads to two paths. Take the Path to the right, and you will have to drop down to Bilemaw.

The Bilemaw fight.
The Bilemaw can put up a good fight. [Screenshot Credit: eXputer]
The Bilemaw can be a formidable opponent, but that doesn’t mean that it is impossible to deal with. The strategy here that I used to defeat it is to land a few hits and then get back. Then again, hit it and get back. Because after each attack, it will try to make an offensive move in whichever direction you are in. It won’t take long before the Bilemaw is dead.

Getting To The Forest Gate

Once the Bilemaw is dead, you can then go ahead and get to the Forest Gate. Now you have to get above the level where you were before. So, the trick is to go back, and there will be a wall on which you can Wall Run. Get above and keep going ahead. Then you will come across an enemy reinforcement. These are the B1 Droids, but this time equipped with melee weapons. Defeat them and climb on the platform ahead.

Now you will see the Forest Gate up ahead. When you get there, you’ll note that there are still a few Raiders ahead that you will have to defeat. They can put up a good fight. And if you’re not careful, you’ll end up dying a few times. Once you have dealt with them, you can unlock the Shortcut with BD-1.

When all that is done, you can get to The Forest Gate and open it. That will start a cutscene where Cal will go inside the Door.

Open the forest gate in Jedi Survivor Star Wars.
Enemies surround The Forest gate. [Screenshot Credit: eXputer]

Final Words

That is all to The Forest Gate and how to get there. From there, you will get to the Forest Array. There are a lot of different points of interest in the game, like the Rancor, that can be the perfect choice for players looking for some challenge. Or you can check out Boba Fett or the newcomer Bode. How about checking out all Bosses that you will face in the game? Be sure to check out all Blaster Skills and Blaster Stance.

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