There are all sorts of puzzles in Alan Wake 2 that lead to different rewards, such as gear, upgrade points, and much more. The Alan Wake 2 Rock Rock Tree puzzle is related to a cult stash in Cauldron Lake and requires you to look for different markings in order to acquire the code for a lock.
- The code for the Alan Wake 2 Rock rock tree puzzle is 658.
- It unlocks a stash in Cauldron Lake, located next to the Private Cabin.
- The solution is found by shining your flashlight on two rocks and a tree to reveal the digits of the code in Alan Wake 2.
- Inside the stash, you will find a Hand flare, Propane Canister, and First aid kit.
Video guide from our YouTube Channel explaining the Rock Rock Tree Puzzle in 54 seconds!

Where Is The Rock Rock Tree Puzzle

Alan Wake 2 Rock Rock Tree Puzzle Code Solution

You can enter the above-given code to open up the lock directly. But if you’re interested in how to come about this solution, then the further sections are for you. The Rock Rock Tree puzzle isn’t as complex once you know what you’re looking for. The note on top indicates the three main places where you should be looking for the solution, with the first location directly above the stash.
Rock 1

- The first mentioned “rock” is right above the stash.
- If you flash your light at it, you will notice “3+3.”
- That gives you the first digit of the lock, 6.
Rock 2

- Turn around completely and go beyond the small stream of water.
- You will notice a boulder with a path behind it.
- Go into the path to find the markings.
- Although hard to make out, the markings will read out “7-2.”
- Meaning 5 is the second digit.
Be careful, as there will be two enemies lurking in the area. If you want to take them out easily, I’d recommend getting the shotgun using the general store shotgun code.

- From the stash, head west and in the direction of the stream.
- Along the way, you will spot only one tall tree
- Point your flash at it to reveal “6+2.”
- That makes the third digit 8.
With all three of the codes, you can enter it in the stash to unlock it.

- Hand flare
- Propane Tank
- First aid kit
I found the Rock, rock, tree stash while randomly exploring the newly opened areas after defeating Nightingale. If you haven’t already, check out how to figure out where Nightingale went. The first two clues, Rock 1 and the Tree, were easy to spot as they were next to each other. But I didn’t imagine the third digit being much further from the stash and behind a boulder. But with a bit of searching and following where the enemies were, I was able to find it.
With that, you know all about the Alan Wake 2 rock, rock, tree puzzle. It provides you with the code needed to open up a cult stash in Cauldron Lake that holds useful rewards. If you’re looking to actually use these rewards, check out how to upgrade weapons in Alan Wake 2.
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