LEGO Fortnite: 3 Best Weapons [Tips From a 6000+ Hours Player]

Learn about the best weapon to craft and use against monsters.

Navigating the LEGO Fortnite landscape presents a formidable challenge due to the many enemies you’ll face. To overcome these obstacles, you must have the best weapons in LEGO Fortnite and a proper strategic plan.

Key Takeaways
  • There are 5 different types of craftable weapons in LEGO Fortnite.
  • Among these, the Longsword, Recurve Crossbow, and Dynamite stand out.
  • The Longbow is best suited for short-ranged combat.
  • For longer-ranged combat, the Recurve Crossbow is your best shout.
  • Dynamite excels in dealing damage to a group of enemies.

Best Weapons To Craft In LEGO Fortnite

best weapons in lego fortnite
Using the Longsword [Image By Me]
Each of weapon type contains multiple rarities, with the rarer weapons being more effective. Rare weapons require more material to be crafted but are needed if you want to take on the bigger monsters in LEGO Fortnite.

Some weapons stand out as the best ones and the best value for money in terms of crafting them.

hese are the best weapons in LEGO Fortnite for you to craft and use against monsters.

Sr No.WeaponCategory
1LongswordBest for Short-range combat
2Recurve CrossbowBest for Long-range combat

1. Longsword (Rare/Epic)

Longsword [Screenshot By Me]
Best Short-Ranged LEGO Fortnite Weapon

In the early stages of the game, you can use the base crafting bench to forge a Shortsword. As you progress and upgrade the bench to a higher rarity, the ability to craft Longswords with devastating damage becomes available. When it comes to close-quarters combat in LEGO Fortnite, the Longsword is your ultimate weapon of choice.

Renowned as one of the top-tier arms, Longsword’s Epic (Purple) variant deals a formidable 9 damage. Unlike crossbows, Longsword eliminates the need for ammo, although vigilance is required to manage their durability effectively. You can combine your Doge ability with the Longsword to skillfully evade enemy attacks and strike them from behind for a tactical advantage.

For crafting the Epic Longsword, you will need an Epic Crafting Bench and 12 Iron bars.

2. Recurve Crossbow (Epic)

Recurve Crossbow [Image By Me]
Best Long-Ranged LEGO Fortnite Weapon

You can unlock ranged combat by upgrading your Crafting Bench to craft the formidable Recurve Crossbow in LEGO Fortnite. The Recurve Crossbow stands out as one of the best weapons in LEGO Fortnite, offering the element of surprise to catch enemies off guard. You can chip away some health off your enemies and gain a strategic advantage by delivering precise shots from a distance.

As your inaugural long-range weapon, it proves highly effective in targeting enemies from a distance. The Epic (Purple) variant deals an impressive 14 damage per shot. Also, don’t forget to craft extra arrows to ensure a well-stocked arsenal for all the enemies awaiting you on your adventures beyond the village.

For crafting the Epic Resurve Crossbow, you will need 8 Frostpine Rods, 3 Irons bars, 1 Drawstring, and an Epic Crafting Bench.

3. Dynamite

Dynamite [Image By Me]
Best LEGO Fortnite Weapon For Attacking Multiple Enemies

Despite being commonly found in early-game chests, Dynamite earns a well-deserved mention among the best weapons in LEGO Fortnite. Its superiority lies not just in dealing a substantial 16 damage per hit but also in its ability to strike multiple targets simultaneously.

Moreover, Dynamite possesses the unique characteristic of having no durability concerns. However, it comes with a finite number of uses. Once used, the item exits your inventory. An added advantage is the Dynamite’s fuse. When confronted by a group of approaching enemies, ignite the fuse, wait briefly, and then deploy it to neutralize them swiftly.

For crafting the Epic Dynamite, you will need an Epic Crafting Bench, 3 Blast Powder, and 3 Knotwood Rods.

My Thoughts

LEGO Fortnite has added a nice Minecraft-esque touch to the battle royale it is known for. The weapons feature a rarity system similar to the original Fortnite. In my experience of exploring the map, the weapons mentioned above at their max rarity (Epic) seemed to work quite well for me. In my opinion, Longsword is the best weapon to use in LEGO Fortnite, as it gives you a decent close-range advantage.

However, like always, it is advised that you give all the weapons a try to find out which are worth trading your hard-earned materials for.

That’s about it from my side regarding Best Weapons in LEGO Fortnite. To learn more about the game, head over to eXputer’s review of Fortnite. If you are wondering how to move faster in LEGO Fortnite, give How To Travel Faster in LEGO Fortnite a read. To learn about making the Essence of Durability crystal, head over to How To Get Essense of Durability Crystal.

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Haris Umer is a Guides Writer on eXputer who can be seen torturing himself by playing FromSoftware’s offering of Souls games. He speaks about games with overwhelming passion, which readers can spot in his guides. Haris has been avidly playing video games for 15+ years now. You can learn more about his gaming experience through his PSN and Steam profiles.

Experience: 3+ Years || Education: Bachelors In Medicine And Surgery.

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