Lego Fortnite: 5 BEST Seeds [Tips From a 6000+ Hours Player]

After intensively checking all the seeds marked by the community, I consider these to be the BEST Seeds.

With Fortnite now having a game mode similar to more than one way with survival titles like Minecraft, the question on everyone’s mind would be what the best Lego Fortnite seeds are. With more than 2 billion possible seeds and each seed affecting how the entire map is generated, one must know the BEST Seeds for gaining resources early and exploring.

Key Takeaways
  • Seed 542354756, 1344392628, 1492, and 1820364158 are available for players wanting both the snow biome and desert biome near the spawn point in Lego Fortnite.
  • While Seed 0942418202, 1344392628, and 1492 are for players wanting caves near the spawn area.
  • Each of these seeds offers a resource-rich area around the spawn point in Lego Fortnite.

The BEST Lego Fortnite Seeds

Here, I will be listing all of the best seeds in Lego Fortnite:

SeedsWorld Qualities
542354756-Numerous chest locations around the spawn point.
-Desert and Snow biome visible at spawn.
0942418202-Cave and a house with two chests located at the north of spawn point.
-The lake is very close to the spawn point.
-The village is also located very near to the spawn point.
1344392628-Desert and Snow biome are both visible from the spawn point.
-Multiple caves and landmarks are around the spawn area.
1492-Desert and Snow biome are both visible from the spawn point.
-Resource-rich area with there being at least three caves around the spawn point.
1820364158-A small forest located behind the spawn point.
-Both Desert and Snow biome visible at spawn.
-The lake also being very close to spawn.
-The area is filled with abandoned houses and landmarks.

5. 542354756

The BEST Seed for chests.
best seeds lego fortnite
The Desert and Snow Biome in Seed 542354756 [Image Taken by Me]
After trying out multiple seeds, the one I consider to be the best for finding a ton of chests during the first hour of your journey is 542354756.

  • Players can spot multiple buildings around their spawning point, which will consist of chests as well.
  • Another plus point for this seed is that both the desert biome and the snow biome are visible from the spawn point.
  • Why I Chose This: The 542354756 seed spawn point is surrounded by many buildings consisting of chests, therefore landing it on my list.
  • Multiple Landmarks and chests.
  • Both the Desert and Snow biome are visible.
  • No caves nearby.
  • No villages nearby.

4. 0942418202

The BEST Seed for finding a village early.
best seeds lego fortnite
The cave and the house beyond it [Image Captured by Me]
I found that the Lego Fortnite BEST Seed for gaining resources from the get-go is 0942418202.

What makes this seed fantastic is that:

  • There is a cave just north of your spawn point, and beyond that cave is a house with two chests.
  • Therefore, already giving you a ton of resources within the first hour of your playtime.
  • And at the right of the house, beyond the beach, there is a village as well from where you can interact with a villager.

This makes this seed the best Lego Fortnite seed for resources in the early game.

  • Why I Chose This: The 0942418202 seed is the only seed I found that features a number of resources, plus a village so close to the spawn point, therefore granting it a worthy spot on this list.
  • Cave and houses near the spawn point.
  • Village near the spawn point.
  • No Desert biome in sight.

3. 1344392628

The BEST Seed for Resources.
best seeds lego fortnite
Spawn Point of seed 1344392628 [Image Credit goes to Me]
I found the 1344392628 seed to be one of the best seeds, thanks to you spawning close to the shore and offering many plus sides. 

  • The Dry Valley (Desert Biome) is located very close to the spawn point.
  • The area around the spawn point consists of a number of caves and landmarks from where players can obtain resources like copper.
  • The Snow biome is located just behind you when you spawn in the world.
  • Why I Chose This: The 1344392628 seed spawn point is close to both biomes, a lake, and a number of landmarks and caves. Making it worthy to be on this list.
  • Multiple Landmarks and caves near spawn.
  • Both the Desert and Snow biome are visible.
  • No villages nearby.

2. 1492

The BEST Seed for Caves.
snow and desert biome
The Snow and Desert Biome of Seed 1492 [Image Credit: Me]
The seed I’m about to list here is definitely the easiest seed to enter while creating your world in Lego Fortnite. The 1492 may just be the best seed in Lego Fortnite if you wish to start exploring caves early on.

  • At spawn, both the desert biome and the snow biome are visible.
  • From my exploration, I found three caves very quickly around the spawn point. I didn’t explore much, but one can expect many more areas for resources around the spawn point.
  • Why I Chose This: The 1492 seed spawn point is surrounded by many caves and two different biomes, landing it on this list.
  • Many caves nearby.
  • Both the Desert and Snow biome are visible.
  • Overall, it is a very resource-rich area.
  • No villages nearby.

1. 1820364158

The BEST Overall Seed.
desert biome and lake
Spawn Point of seed 1820364158 [Image Captured by Me]
From all the seeds I’ve tested, the 1820364158 seed is definitely the best seed I’ve found. Allow me to elaborate on why I hold this seed to such a high regard.

  • Just behind your spawn point is a small forest filled with trees, from where you can obtain all the woods, rocks, and pumpkins that you need to start crafting in the beginning.
  • Aside from that, both the desert biome and the snow biome are visible from the spawn point, therefore giving you the option to explore different biomes very early on.
  • There is also a lake available very close to the spawn point.
  •  Aside from all these different locations, the area is filled with abandoned houses and landmarks.
  • Considering its caliber, there may also be some caves in the area.
  • Why I Chose This: With the 1820364158 seed spawn point being near a small forest, two biomes, a lake, and abandoned houses, it’s hard not to put this seed on the list.
  • A small forest near spawn.
  • Multiple Landmarks and chests.
  • Both the Desert and Snow biome are visible.
  • Overall, it is a very resource-rich area.
  • No villages nearby.

How To Enter A Seed Lego Fortnite

best seeds lego fortnite
Entering Seed [Image Credit: Me]
I won’t go much into detail here as the method is incredibly straightforward:

  • Click on “Create New World.” 
  • Click on “New World Slot.”
  • Select the “Override World Seed” under “Advance Settings.”
  • Enter the seed.

My Opinion

best seeds lego fortnite
My playtime in Fortnite

With more than two billion seed combinations, one can never truly know which is the BEST Seed in Lego Fortnite. However, after doing extensive research and trying out all the seeds that have been marked by the community as being better than most random seeds. I have listed the ones I consider to be the best.

Do keep in mind that if you were to use a random seed, then you may just stumble upon a world that blows all the seeds listed here out of the water. 

And with that, my guide on Lego Fortnite’s best seeds comes to an end. In order to actually increase your survivability so you can fully explore these worlds without much fear, consider reading the guides on how to increase Health and Stamina.

There are also guides available on how to craft the Juicer and the Grappler, or consider reading my Fortnite Review as well, but that is all from me. Do let me know what you think about Lego Fortnite in the comment section below.


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Haris Umer is a Guides Writer on eXputer who can be seen torturing himself by playing FromSoftware’s offering of Souls games. He speaks about games with overwhelming passion, which readers can spot in his guides. Haris has been avidly playing video games for 15+ years now. You can learn more about his gaming experience through his PSN and Steam profiles.

Experience: 3+ Years || Education: Bachelors In Medicine And Surgery.

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