Diablo Immortal Max Level: Tips To Level Up Faster

The leveling system of Diablo Immortal, how it works, how to reach the max level, and what to do after reaching the max level.

Diablo Immortal has six character classes giving you room to be flexible depending on your play style. Classes consist of barbarian, wizard, monk, necromancer, demon hunter, and crusader

Key Takeaways
  • Diablo Immortal, an RPG, features a leveling system for strength, exploration, and better rewards.
  • Diablo Immortal offers diverse leveling methods; minimal effort yields minimum exp, while effort-intensive approaches grant more exp.
  • Some of the ways you can try to level up are:
    • Level up by completing main story quests, the most effective method.
    • Gain experience by defeating enemies during rampages with decent gear and weapons.
    • Participate in limited-time events to earn valuable experience points.
  • After you have reached the level cap of 60, you can then increase your difficulty even further and make your characters stronger.

How Leveling System Works in Diablo Immortal

Like other role-playing games leveling up in Diablo Immortal is like a journey that players can do with their own playstyle. However, some players like to play slow while others just want to speedrun, both of which are good, but that makes you question the efficiency of your leveling up since it is a multiplayer game, and you have to be competitive in it by leveling up fast.

Ways To Level Up in Diablo Immortal

Apart from the competitive nature, some players might need to level up faster so they can unlock more skills which rewards them with higher experience points and does more damage.

In my opinion, the basic way to level up is by gaining experience points which come by killing enemies. But that is not the only way!

Leveling Through Main Storyline

Here you complete each and every zone’s quest, but there are some zones where you would need to be on a specific level to access it. You will gain the most experience points by completing main quests, and it is the fastest way to increase your level in Diablo Immortal. You will also come across side quests as you explore more and more, but the experience points they will offer are less than the main quests.

Leveling Through Battle Pass

Battle Pass in Diablo Immortal
Battle Pass of Diablo Immortal

I believe this is rather optional as some people would not prefer spending money to enjoy Diablo Immortal; however, if you buy the battle pass leveling up will get further easier as it will allow you to unlock helpful rewards whenever you reach a new level. Furthermore, the battle pass will give you early objectives and tasks, which will make you more familiar with the gameplay.

Based on what I experienced, there is a free battle pass that you can get after completing ten levels; however, you also have the option of purchasing the Empowered Battle Pass or the Collector’s Empowered Battle Pass, which costs $4.99 and $14.99, respectively.

Using Area of Effect (AoE) Attacks 

Like many games, you will see and use kills combos in Diablo Immortal. A basic attack usually hits one enemy at a time; however, AoE will allow you to hit multiple enemies at a time within a highlighted area but for a limited amount of time. This will allow you to defeat a swarm easily, along with more power and more experience points.

Go On a Multi-Kill

If you go on a rampage: killing a large number of enemies within a short time period will give you bonuses. You will be able to recognize when you are on multi-kills by seeing a red notice on the screen showing the kills and experience points you have gained by doing it.

Take Part in Events

In this game, you will come around opportunities that are time-limited. You will know this by getting a notification saying there is an event nearby. I would suggest you to complete the limited-time event, for getting rewarded with special rewards and experience points.

Get Better Equipment

Equipment in Diablo Immortal
Equipment preview of Diablo Immortal

You will come across white, blue, yellow, and orange items; white has the lowest quality while orange has the highest. Find better equipment for your character; if you are not sure whether the equipment is better or not, look for a flash on the back of your character. It flashes if it is better, so make sure you keep checking that while leveling up.

In my opinion, using the equipment you found is not enough. You have to check if it can be upgraded or not; you can do that with the blacksmith.

Helliquary at Level 41

The Helliquary is an exclusive addition in Diablo Immortal, and you can unlock this once you are on level 41. It allows your defensive and offensive ratings to increase relatively easier than other options. It is also a great source for increasing combat ratings. Moreover, it is easy to level up in earlier stages, but progress becomes difficult once you reach later stages.  

Leveling Through the Hidden Layer

You will come across these hidden layers while doing the main quests, and these hidden layer quests can be played solo. They look like caves in which you can enter and complete the tasks, which will reward you with rewards, gems, and, most importantly, experience points.  

How To Reach Diablo Immortal Max Level Fast

Some of you prefer speed running the initial levels to skip the easy low-level fights, which can be quite boring. There are various ways to level up fast in order to have tougher opponents and have more fun.

Here are my recommended methods to level up faster:

Do Not Upgrade Gear Extravagantly

Upgrading your gear is helpful as it outpaces the magic items’ gear from the same locations of the campaign. But upgrading comes at a cost, and the cost is materials and gold; you might also drop new gear even though it is better than the upgraded one. But that is not something to worry about.

If you have a gear within the same slot, then you can transfer the old gear’s upgrade ranks to the new item. So rather than discarding the new gears which have desirable statistics or higher gear scores than the previous one, just transfer as it will also save you time, gold, and materials.

Do Not Fully Wipe the Zones

It might be news to some players, but it is not necessary to kill every enemy in every zone. If you are busy trying to get all the kills, you will be spending your time inefficiently and slowing yourself down. Completing quests gives more experience points than killing a herd of enemies.

However, you may have to defeat all enemies in certain quest areas and dungeons, but Overworld zones do not count in it. There you can simply speedrun from start to finish and kill whoever comes on your main path. With this, you will never fall behind the suggested level of the story.

Lure Monsters Before Engaging

Rather than doing one-versus-one against enemies, try to lure them, do not stop for each monster but rather turn them into a herd. Once you see a proper herd following you, use your AoE abilities and go for a multi-kill, so you get bonus experience points as well.

But keep in mind that dying will slow you down more than fighting with herd inefficiently. So, I would recommend you to keep a reality check and calculate how many enemies you can take down in a herd, depending on your character’s class.

Diablo Immortal’s Max Level Cap

Many of you might be wondering about the max level for any class in Diablo Immortal. The answer is 60, just like the prior games of the Diablo series. But this does not mean that the game will end or get boring; rather, you will have more ways of enjoying the game.

You will be able to do Helliquary Raid, Rift, and much more. Moreover, Diablo Immortal is planning on adding more levels in the foreseeable future which could mean that I will see more rewards and different types of equipment in the game.

Paragon System

Paragon System
Paragon System levels in Diablo Immortal

The Paragon System initiates once you hit the level 60 mark, which is Diablo Immortal max level. It is a supplementary leveling system that allows you to improve your chosen character and game even more by giving unique skills and stat bonuses. The unique skills will target different aspects of your character, such as damage buffs, blocked attack chances, and more.

Theoretically, Paragon level has no cap, but you need 600 points to unlock all the nodes. It has more options for improving your character than the traditional 60-level system. It is for those who want to max out their favorite character in the game so they can slay the enemies through kills, combos, and freestyle.

These points would be enough to give you an understanding of the level system in Diablo Immortal, how it works, how to increase it quickly, and what it does. I suggest you level up by trying all these tips rather than sticking to one so that you will enjoy rather than get bored quickly.

So, if you complete your missions with the right moves, have the better gear, and know which quests are worth it, then you will be leveling up smoothly and playing smartly, which will make you look powerful in front of your competitive buddies.

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Moiz Banoori is the brains behind eXputer. Having worked at various Video Game sites, with 8 years of Content Writing Experience and a Journalism Degree at hand, he presently monitors teams, creates strategies, and publishes qualified pieces through his aptitude at eXputer. Feel free to get in touch with him through his gaming profile on Steam and PSN.

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