Diablo Immortal Vitaath Boss: How To Defeat & Tips

How you can defeat Vitaath in Diablo Immortal and her summons with your teammates throughout all four phases of the Helliquary.

Helliquary lets you improve your combat rating along with the Demonic Remain, which comes once you take down a boss. The Demonic Remain needs to be returned to the Helliquary, where the Remain gets sealed, and you get a passive Combat Rating buff. Increasing your Offensive and Defensive Ratings is relatively easier through Helliquary than other options. 

Key Takeaways
  • Enemy Type: Helliquary bosses in Diablo Immortal are formidable, with Vitaath being one.
  • Location: Found in Frozen Tundra, defeating Vitaath yields valuable rewards.
  • Combat Readiness: Ensure a combat rating above 2280 before facing Vitaath.
  • Phases:
    1. Patterns: Icicle Zone, Frontal Cone, Frontal Line, Ice Debuff.
    2. Melee and Minions: Second phase focuses on melee attacks and minion spawns.
    3. AOE Attacks: Third phase involves damaging AOE attacks with shattering icicles.
    4. Final Phase: Combines all previous attack patterns for a challenging encounter.

Vitaath, The Shivering Death

Vitaath, The Shivering Death, is one of the technical bosses. With this special challenge comes a special reward. Since this is one of the toughest fights, I suggest you must be at the top of the game.

Diablo Immortal: Vitaath Loaction
Location of Vitaath

To fight Vitaath in Diablo Immortal, you must first go to the Frozen Tundra, near Bitter Harth Waypoint, east of Caven of Echoes. There, you will see a gate through which you can start the raid.

Based on my gameplay experience, make sure to check your combat rating before taking on Vitaath; make sure it is greater than 2280. If it is less, then I suggest you avoid the fight as it will be tougher, and you might find your time wasted along with the rage.

How To Defeat Vitaath

When you reach the location, you must deal with Vitaath’s Ice Clan Impalers, Warriors, and Shaman, who will attack you. Remember to play it strategically with your team so everyone fights effectively without leaving anyone behind. Once they are defeated, the ultimate fight with Vitaath will start again. I’ve faced this tough boss multiple times, and all you need to do is conquer the four-phase fight for success. 

Vitaath Fight Phase 1

In the first phase, you will see Vitaath moving around a small area and attacking your team randomly. Be aware of her special abilities, and she has four separate abilities that she will use while trying to take you and your teammates down.

Ability 1: Icicle Zone

Vitaath's Raining Icicle
Raining Icicles

Icicle Zone from above. In this ability, four ice zones will be created in the arena. Whoever is standing in those circles will deal damage when the icicle falls; you can counter it by just staying out of the icy zones.

Ability 2: Frontal Cone

Vitaath will unsheathe her icy sword, which she will use to perform a swinging attack. An effective zone can be seen easily, which shows that you will deal damage if you are in it. I recommend you to dodge the ability by simply avoiding the effective zone.

Ability 3: Frontal Line

In this ability, the icicles will summon in front of her, damaging your team when hit. Dodge its ability by avoiding the telegraphed zone, protecting you from Vitaath’s attacks in Diablo Immortal.

Ability 4: Ice Debuff

A random player on your team will be affected by the ice debuff and receive damage. If other members get debuffed, stay away from them; if you get debuffed, stay away from your teammates.

I recommend you engage in the fight with ranged characters, which will allow you all to attack Diablo Immortal’s Vitaath from a long distance. The closer you are, the harder it will be to dodge her attacks. Therefore, attack from a long distance, so dodging can be easier.

Phase 2

Dodge shots, deal damage, then Vitaath, The Shivering Death, ascends, summoning Icy Clones, Chilling Construct, and Frozen Shade. Eliminate all summons swiftly. Icy Clones mimic Vitaath’s Frontal Line Attack. Chilling Construct deals moderate single-target melee damage. Frozen Shade inflicts moderate single-target ranged damage.

After clearing the summons, Vitaath reverts to Phase 1 abilities. Utilize long-range characters and exploit distractions for melee attacks. Swiftly eliminate summons to hasten her descent.

Phase 3

Diablo Immortal: Point Blank AoE Pulse
Vitaath’s Point Blank AoE Pulse

The fight gets tougher and more interesting as Vitaath starts using special attacks such as Point Blank AoE Pulse. The attack will throw ice in all directions that can deal with AoE. Try your best to dodge these, as the ice will damage you and your teammates. Vitaath will summon Frozen Shades by shattering the Icicles left from Phase 2.

Speaking from my personal experience, You must be safe in the round to survive, so be careful and precise. Attack her summons quickly while giving her as much damage as possible so you can proceed to Phase 4.

Phase 4

Phase 4, the final phase, is like Phase 2, but Vitaath will not fly in the air. Therefore, you will not be able to damage her like that. She will be using all of her previous phase’s abilities along with summoning minions.

Combine all your previous phase’s strategies in this one. Focus on taking out the minions first and then attacking Vitaath, the Shivering Death. Vitaath will be gone after a few good hits when the minions are dealt with.

Remember that the rewards for defeating Vitaath, the Shivering Death, will depend on the difficulty level you played on. However, when Vitaath is defeated, you will get a special award: the Frozen Wing of the Shivering Death.

Diablo Immortal: Frozen Wing of the Shivering Dead
Special Award: the Frozen Wing of the Shivering Death

Placing the award in the Helliquary will grant you bonus attributes consisting of Offence Rating +150 and Defense Rating +150. In Challenge Rifts, you will get a Block Chance +20% special attribute.

While playing as a team, everyone has a function of doing certain things to keep the team afloat. Diablo Immortal Best Class guide will explain the function of each class and character so you can decide which one of them suits your playstyle. While you’re at it, consider reading the Server list guide so you can get the optimal ping and good teammates.

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Irfan Ansari is a Senior Editor and Guides Writer on eXputer. He has seven years of Video Game Journalism experience and has been gaming for more than 22 years. Over his editorial career, he has gained experience at multiple sites, including TheGamer and VeryAli Gaming. Irfan has also earned a degree in Writing and Editing from the University of Michigan. Learn some more about Irfan's gaming journey on his Steam, PSN, and Xbox profiles.

Experience: 7+ Years || Worked for TheGamer and VeryAli Gaming

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