Here Are Some Of The Most Jaw-Dropping Games You Should Look Forward To

2024 and beyond has a lot to offer.

Story Highlights

  • The gaming industry continues to give birth to more exciting releases over the coming years. 
  • Titles such as Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 and Light No Fire are some of the most-awaited games out there.
  • Perhaps, the upcoming title that takes the cake among all its counterparts is Grand Theft Auto 6.

While the PlayStation 5 has its own array of video games coming out that you really should keep a close eye on, the gaming industry, in general, is about to go haywire with some other general releases all the same. And perhaps the singular most hyped-up game in the entire industry right now that’s expected to arrive in 2025 is GTA 6. Call me generic all you want, but you know it yourself that Rockstar means serious business

The following list, therefore, is a cherry-picked collection of some of the most sought-after games in the gaming sphere right now. Make sure that you track these like a hawk while staying tuned to eXputer for the latest coverage of all of these. 

The Gaming Industry Continues To Innovate With These Titles  

In case you have a suggestion to make of your own, feel free to take to the comments section down below and fire up a discussion. 

1. Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2

Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2
Kingdom Come: Deliverance 2 Is the Sequel to the Hit Piece From 2018 | Source: Warhorse Studios

I have tied incredibly high hopes to the successor of the first Kingdom Come: Deliverance that came out in 2018, particularly because of my experience with the prequel title. Talk about immense replayability, hard and fairly rewarding combat that keeps you on the edge of your seat, and an unpredictable sense of gameplay looming around where you never really know what your next major step’s going to be. 

The game has no set release date at the moment, but is scheduled to come out sometime later this year. If you haven’t played the first iteration in the series yet, I highly recommend that you get to it sharpish. Not only does it have one of the best progression systems designed in gaming, it’s also set on a huge scale that will make you feel seriously small

2. Stalker 2: Heart Of Chornobyl

Stalker 2
Stalker 2 Employs a Choice-Based Gameplay Premise | Source: GSC Game World 

Coming in 15 years after the last Stalker game, Heart of Chornobyl looks bigger and better than anything the Stalker franchise has produced up until now. From what I’ve seen up so far, looking at the game’s various trailers, we’re in for a wild ride with this one, given its  While you wait, here’s how you can prepare yourself for the horrors that await you in Stalker 2.

In recent times, however, a miasma of unfortunate news has encompassed the Stalker fans and the franchise. It seems that developer GSC World wants to delay the title’s release by a margin of two months, so it can work on resolving “unexpected anomalies.” I mean, it’s fair enough. We’d rather wait a bit more rather than play a broken game on launch. 

3. Light No Fire 

Light No Fire
Not Many Know About the Delight That Light No Fire Is Shaping Up to Be | Source: Hello Games   

From the creators of No Man’s Sky, which is arguably one of the greatest space exploration RPGs in gaming, comes Light No Fire. With the announcement of the project coming 7 months ago, capturing the attention of gamers dramatically, the release date of the title is yet to be announced. It’s a mix of third-person and first-person camera perspectives and is set on a tremendously large scale where the developers say the planet’s size is equivalent to that of the Earth

Let that sink in for a minute. 

YouTube video

4. Metroid Prime 4: Beyond

The Stunning Trailer Of Metroid Prime 4: Beyond Shocked Us All | Source: eXputer
Metroid Prime 4: Beyond Gets Silskong’s Approval | Source: eXputer

Nintendo has been making Metroid Prime 4: Beyond for as long as one can remember, with the game’s initial announcement tracing back to E3 2017 and leaving us fans in a world of wait afterward. It was only during this year’s Nintendo Direct that the title has been given an in-depth look, with a release window finally allotted for 2025. 

Samus Aran is easily one of the most iconic video game protagonists to date, hailing from an equally high-tier FPS franchise. A new Metroid Prime title would mean the world to many across the spectrum, with me being one of them. Problem is: I can’t wait until next year. 

5. GTA 6 

GTA 6’s Hype Knows No Bounds at This Point in Time | Source: Rockstar Games

Now this one needs no introduction, does it? GTA 6 is that single game that everyone in the world has got their eyes on. Heck … even non-gamers are awaiting the release of this icon because, yes, it’s that much of a deal. I’m glad that the suits feel “confident” about the game’s release window, though, which means it’s less likely to get pushed into 2026. That would be problematic.

As of right now, the official GTA 6 trailer has broken past 200 million views, breaking a dozen different YouTube records and sending shockwaves throughout the industry. 

YouTube video

6. Doom: The Dark Ages 

Doom: The Dark Ages Is An Upcoming Prequel To The Last Two Releases | Image Source: Steam
Will Doom: The Dark Ages Deliver on Expectations | Source: Steam

The last Xbox Games Showcase that took place in June — wildly impressive by the way — made Doom: The Dark Ages official. This is a prequel game that tells the tale of the Doomslayer’s uprising. From the looks of the official trailer, the big guy’s got a shield with frickin’ blades, along with a number of other equally menacing tools of destruction. It’s got my attention, that’s for sure. 

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Huzaifa, an Online News Editor at, is a video game industry aficionado with a talent for unearthing the juiciest stories for his beloved readers. Currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in Data Science, he dives deep into the abyss of news, meticulously dissecting every tiny detail to serve his audience. When he's not unravelling breaking news, he becomes a master storyteller, conjuring up captivating tales from the depths of his imagination. With a wealth of experience as a Video Game Journalist, he's penned his mighty words for numerous other video game outlets, leaving no video game unturned and no pixel unexplored! Experience: 4+ Years || Education: Bachelor of Science in Data Science || Previously Worked at VeryAli Gaming & TheNerdMag || Covered 100+ News Articles

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