Utterly Fantastic PvP-Focused Games You’re Missing Out In 2024

Love going competitive? Here's what to look out for.

Story Highlights

  • PvP in modern-day video games is a major deciding factor for player retention and commercial success. 
  • Some games, on the other hand, offer more of an electrifying experience in the PvP department. 
  • Sekiro, Armored Core 6, For Honor, and others have much to boast about in this regard. 

The PvP (Player vs Player) element in video games can be a tough nut to track, especially in titles where that feature is not the focus. You go in expecting a gratifying experience, and end up with nothing but disappointment in return sometimes. At least, that has to be the case for titles like Elden Ring, where unbalanced builds can throw you off pretty quicky, crushing all hopes for any modicum of fun. 

That is why I decided to put together this article that talks about some of the most riveting PvP titles I’ve experienced over the course of the past decade or so. The information ahead does come from due experience, but I wouldn’t mind hearing about your thoughts down in the comments either. 

PvP Games That Just Rock Day In Day Out

Make sure to sift through each listing diligently for the best results. Oh, and if none of these games fit the bill for you, here’s a suggestion to pursue: Chess. No kidding. 

1. Rocket League 

Rocket League
Rocket League

Psyonix’s Rocket League is as balanced a PvP game as they come, really, considering how the title came out in 2015 and that it still manages to retain a good player base. The game has a learning curve that systematically allows you to get better while making sure all other elements of PvP are kept in tight checking. Plus, the gameplay is pretty fun. Who knew scoring goals with cars would be such a killer pastime? 

eXputer reviewed Rocket League and rated it 4/5, with author Moiz Banoori remarking, 

Rocket League offers an exciting and challenging experience with entertaining gameplay and a high skill ceiling, even after almost a decade.”

2. Street Fighter 6 

Street Fighter 6 Capcom
Street Fighter 6 Is Too Much | Source: eXputer 

Rolling over 3 million copies globally, Street Fighter 6 has become a sensation across the world for the sheer quality of fighting action it brings to the table. It’s the Street Fighter franchise’s most top-tier title to date, all the while comprising an extremely fun, balanced PvP mode that lets you duke it out with other players mano y mano. 

It earned a 5/5 in eXputer’s dedicated review, with our review expert Moiz holding Street Fighter 6 in the following words,

Street Fighter 6 brings back the franchise from the dead and puts it back on the throne where it belongs.   

3. Chivalry 2

Chivalry 2
Chivalry 2 Is Not Your Average PvP Game | Source: Steam 

As far as multiplayer medieval war games go, Chivalry 2 stands at the very top of the hierarchy with its co-op gameplay, where you’re up against both other players and enemy bots. The game is played from a first-person perspective, with a variety of weapons available at your disposal to dispatch your foes like there’s no tomorrow. 

It’s incredibly fun — the whole of it — and is best enjoyed when you’ve got a friend to play with. eXputer rated it 4/5 in its review, with author Huzaifah Durrani calling it “extremely welcoming to newcomers, with a tutorial that will quickly help any novice understand the fundamentals of combat.” The following video by popular YouTuber jackfrags does a pretty good job of showcasing the title’s major strengths.

YouTube video

4. For Honor

for honor tier list
For Honor’s Action Is Unique in Its Own Right | Source: eXputer 

Next up, For Honor is another multiplayer-focused hack-and-slash type of game where you start off as one of many different warrior types, axing your way through your opponents. It’s worth noting alongside the latter that this game has a learning curve that you’ll need to overcome because the combat isn’t as straightforward as you think. 

Even though there are balance concerns with For Honor, it’s still utterly remarkable that the developer — Ubisoft — is managing to push out updates for this 7-year-old game

5. Sea Of Thieves 

The game sea of thieves
Sea of Thieves Recently Made Way to the PS5 as Well | Source: Rare

For a game that has clocked more than a billion hours of playtime across the globe, Sea of Thieves is pure exhilarating fun that gets more and more entertaining as time goes by. The several different gameplay elements of the title, such as unique settings for when you play in co-op as compared to embarking on a single-player playthrough, make Sea of Thieves an ever-addictive experience that you do not want to miss out on.

And its PvP quality is through the roof as well, and genuinely something every multiplayer game fan has to experience. After all, it didn’t get ported to the PlayStation without good reason

6. Tekken 8 

Tekken 8
Tekken 8 Is the Best Fighting Game on the Planet | Source: Bandai Namco

Lastly, we have at our disposal what is simply the best fighting game on the planet. Sorry Street Fighter fans, but you know who’s the top dog around these parts, and with the latest iteration in the series, Bandai Namco has chosen to switch things up a drastic notch. At the end of the day, it’s an easy-to-learn game, but extremely difficult to master. 

PvP is super awesome, and there are no balance disparities that can keep you from winning a game. It’s just you and your skill that counts in the online lobbies of Tekken 8, nothing else. 

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Huzaifa, an Online News Editor at eXputer.com, is a video game industry aficionado with a talent for unearthing the juiciest stories for his beloved readers. Currently pursuing a Bachelor of Science degree in Data Science, he dives deep into the abyss of news, meticulously dissecting every tiny detail to serve his audience. When he's not unravelling breaking news, he becomes a master storyteller, conjuring up captivating tales from the depths of his imagination. With a wealth of experience as a Video Game Journalist, he's penned his mighty words for numerous other video game outlets, leaving no video game unturned and no pixel unexplored! Experience: 4+ Years || Education: Bachelor of Science in Data Science || Previously Worked at VeryAli Gaming & TheNerdMag || Covered 100+ News Articles

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