3 Single-Player Games That Skyrocket Your Testosterone Levels

You'll be more of a man after playing these games.

Story Highlights

  • Doom is filled with hordes of demons that will test how much of a man you are.
  • Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice is extremely hard but equally satisfying.
  • Need for Speed: Heat is filled with nail-biting cop car chases that will pump you with adrenaline.

You’ve probably seen tall, muscular men with thick beards and prominent cheekbones posing as models on the internet. Just for the record, the games on this list won’t instantly turn you into those.

Instead, these games will bring out a strong, masculine urge to chuck your controller out of the window or punch your screen in frustration. But beyond all that anger lies satisfaction and the feeling that you’re the strongest force to be reckoned with on the entire planet. Let’s look at 3 games that might initially frustrate you, but will make you feel unstoppable once you get the hang of them.


Kicking off this list is none other than id Software’s masterpiece, the 2016 Doom reboot. And on the other side of this journey, a more rugged, courageous, and manly version of you will be waiting to greet you.

This fast-paced single-player shooter will give you hell, literally and figuratively, until you’re seething with anger. Your chances of victory depend on you being able to clock your brain to eleven, which involves smartly juggling through different weapons based on which demon is right in front of you, managing and farming ammo and health, and constantly moving around while shooting and meleeing enemies.

YouTube video

Now try as we may, we can never be as cool as Doomguy when he’s at his finest, chewing up demons like he’s on a buffet of meat and limbs without making a single mistake or getting hit even once. But if you manage to get even close to that when playing Doom, not even the other games on this list can reproduce the smile of satisfaction on your face and the feeling of being unstoppable like this title can.

Fighting in Doom 2016 | Source: Steam
Fighting in Doom 2016 | Source: Steam

Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice

Dark Souls games are hard, sure, but there’s nothing like the bare minimum requirement of honing your reflexes to be as sharp as the edge of a sword that grinds your gears. And that’s all that Sekiro is about.

When it was released, Sekiro was heavily criticized for not having an easy mode, and this wasn’t the first Soulsborne game to release either, so you can estimate how hard this game was. You’re hardly the main character since even the weakest character can put you in the ground in two hits.

Isshin Ashina in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice | Source: FromSoftware
Isshin Ashina in Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice | Source: FromSoftware

Through different enemies and bosses in locations both jaw-droppingly beautiful and hauntingly bleak, Wolf, the protagonist, will gain new abilities and tools that will help him become an unyielding force.

So if you’re clenching your teeth in searing anger at that one boss that you just can’t seem to get through, know that it’s by design. With enough practice, not only will you be able to crack the code to defeat that boss, but you’ll eventually reach the credits.

And that’s when you feel like you’re at the top of the world. While it hasn’t been investigated yet, I’m almost sure that once you end this game, you’ll have higher circulating blood levels of testosterone.

Boss Fight in Sekiro | Source: Steam
Boss Fight in Sekiro | Source: Steam

Need For Speed: Heat

Since it’s a Need for Speed game, there’s no point talking about who you play in the game, the story, or what your goal is. You race cars, and that’s about it.

Where this game stands out is the nighttime when cops are hunting for racers like wolves. Your car has a fixed amount of health and you can repair it only 3 times in a single night run. The main task is to collect as much bounty as you can and return to your safehouse to lock in those numbers. But if you run out of health, you’re out of commission and you can say goodbye to all the bounty you collected.

byu/BippBoof inneedforspeed

The night begins as a textbook cop car chase sequence, with weak cop cars chasing after you that are easy to destroy or run away from. The longer you stay out, the more the heat level increases, and with every jump in heat level, more and more lethal cop cars start to come out to ruin your night. At heat level 5, your death is almost confirmed.

Getting 5 million bounty in one night is no easy task, but if you manage to get anything above that, it’s nothing short of a miracle. And once you do, it’s your cue to go to the gym because you can use all that testosterone running in your veins to build some muscles fast.

Cop Chase During Nighttime | Source: Steam
A Cop Chase During Nighttime | Source: Steam
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Ahmad's idea of a successful life involves three things: unlimited time to play video games, a chiseled body with abs that can grate cheese, and all-you-can-eat buffets at all times (ironic, I know). This final-year medical student is a religious enjoyer of all categories of video games and has developed full-fledged opinions on games you've probably never even heard of. As an opinion writer at eXputer, he combines all of his gaming, gym, and medical knowledge to deliver content you won't find anywhere on the World Wide Web.

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