I Really Want GTA 6 To Borrow These Features From GTA: San Andreas

Even though GTA: San Andreas is over two decades old now, it still has some features I want GTA 6 to implement.

Story Highlights

  • Activities like going to the gym actually had noticeable effects on CJ’s physical appearance.
  • San Andreas let players choose who they wanted to date, even giving prerequisites for some girlfriends.
  • While very limited, GTA: San Andreas had minor couch co-op features I want to see more of.

With the impending release of GTA 6, fans are excited and anticipating another highly successful and enjoyable game. It is no surprise since the Grand Theft Auto series is one of the most popular and successful gaming franchises. It wouldn’t be too much to say that any true gamer has played at least one of the titles in the series.

Best is subjective and players may have different favorites when discussing the best GTA game. However, none can argue that San Andreas wasn’t a game changer. While the game stuck to the already tried-out and fan-beloved formula, it introduced various things players fell in love with.

It’s only natural that Rockstar Games will implement the polished features that the Grand Theft Auto series is known for. However, I still want some features from the old San Andreas we haven’t seen in a while to make a return in GTA 6.

Hitting The Gym In GTA: San Andreas Makes Sense

One of the most revolutionary features introduced in San Andreas that disappeared from future GTA games was fitness and weight mechanics. The player could control the appearance and statistics of the player character Carl Johnson, also known as CJ, by following a particular lifestyle.

Taking CJ to the gym and lifting weights would build muscle and increase the attack power when hitting opponents with melee weapons. Cardio on the other hand would help build stamina and allow CJ to run faster and longer, rewarding players who didn’t drive cars and bikes to get where they wanted.

I really hope they bring back gyms and losing/gaining weight from San Andreas
byu/derekgr inGTA

Following a strict diet and actively going to the gym increased immersion for countless players. It made me feel like I was CJ training to beat up some enemies and look good while doing it. While GTA 5 had multiple improbable stats, they didn’t affect the overall physical appearance of Michael, Trevor, or Franklin.

I’m hoping Rockstar encourages players to stay active and hit the gym as the two GTA 6 playable characters by affecting their physical appearance. All the better if there are small features like the characters throwing up if they overeat or losing muscle if they don’t go to the gym for a while.

You Choose Who Your Character Dates

Appearance wasn’t the only way GTA: San Andreas let players control CJ’s life. One of the most unique and enjoyable things in GTA: San Andreas was the side mission and mini-games that enhanced player immersion.

Who is your favorite San Andreas girlfriend? I just finished Catalina’s missions, she’s crazy!
byu/k0mbine inGTA

While most modern GTA games have allowed players to start relationships with certain NPCs, San Andreas took things to the next level by making things official. One of the first missions I played tasked me with saving a girl from a fire, after which the game gave me the option to date her. The cool thing was that this mission was mandatory for players wanting to continue the main story.

The dating and relationship missions are in GTA 4 but aren’t as intimate and fleshed out as San Andreas. On the other hand, GTA 5 was lacking as most relationships were treated as one-and-done physical relationships and not dating, especially since every character already had a romantic interest implemented in the story.

Some Couch Co-Op Please

The final feature I want GTA 6 to have is San Andreas’ couch co-op. While the feature was extremely limited, especially since players couldn’t go too far from the co-op icon, it was still a blast to play a GTA game with my older brother. Of course, this was before the move to online multiplayer.

YouTube video

GTA 6 already has a cool advantage over most previous GTA games, it has two characters. Adding a couch co-op mode, even if it’s just for some side missions, can go a long way in helping players make memories.

While I’m not expecting most of these features to make it in the upcoming GTA 6, the game would be even more special for me if it did. Expectations for the next GTA entry are through the roof, and I want Rockstar to pull all the stops to make fans happy, even if it means pulling from some past games.

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Hannan is an Opinion Piece writer at eXputer. He is a BBA student who started gaming when he was just three years old with his trusty Nintendo 64 and hasn't stopped since. Dabbling in all sorts of games, he's the type to never bash you for liking a particular game, even if he'll judge you for liking Mass Effect: Andromeda. When he isn't sitting on his worn-out gaming chair playing something, he's either writing about games or on his bed thinking about what to play next, even if he'll eventually replay Skyrim for the 100th time.

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