Baldur’s Gate 3: Best Cleric Subclass [Expert Picks]

After spending more than 80+ hours in-game, here are my thoughts on the Best Cleric Subclass (Domain).

Selecting the Best Subclass for a Cleric in Baldur’s Gate 3 can be quite hard. Especially at a glance, it may seem like Clerics have no subclass, but in fact, their subclasses are called Domains. Clerics have access to seven subclasses (Domain): Life, Light, Trickery, Knowledge, Nature, Tempest, and War.

Key Takeaways

Clerics have access to seven Subclasses (Domain): Life, Light, Trickery, Knowledge, Nature, Tempest and War.

  1. Life Domain offers you access to spells that offer great Healing and Protection.
  2. Light Domain offers you access to some really Destructive Spells that are quite effective against the undead,
  3. Trickery Domain offers you access to spells that specialize in Illusion and Deception.
  4. Knowledge Domain offers you extra proficiency and some really good control spells.
  5. Nature Domain offers you access to spells related to Wild Magic, except that they are not random.
  6. Tempest Domain offers you access to some really destructive lighting and thunder spells.
  7. War Domain offers you access to spells that can be used to buff yourself and your allies.

Best Cleric Subclass (Domain) in Baldur’s Gate 3

Below is a table with stat allocations for Cleric’s top 3 three subclasses:

AttributesLight DomainTempest DomainLife Domain

1. Light Domain

Most Balanced Cleric Subclass In Baldur's Gate 3.
BG3 Light Domain
Light Domain [image by me]
  • Why I Chose This: This subclass has the best of both worlds. Because it can not only provide optimal healing but can also deal good damage.

Light Domain clerics can be quite destructive, as they can not only dish out a lot of fire damage. You can pair them with any spellcaster with the spell Grease for synergy and to create explosions. There are also spells for boosting attack rolls for both yourself and your allies.

  • Effective against the Undead.
  • It can dispel darkness, create light, and deal radiant damage.
  • Make enemies have a disadvantage on Attack Rolls.
  • Limited defensive abilities.
  • Some abilities have limited uses and require long rests.

2. Tempest Domain

Best Cleric Subclass For Crowd Control In Baldur's Gate 3.
BG3 Tempest Domain
Tempest Domain [image by me]
  • Why I Chose This: This subclass is a walking nuke and shines when your party is surrounded by a plethora of enemies, which will happen most of the time.

Tempest Domain can be one of the most powerful subclasses for a Cleric. That is if you are looking for something that can dish out a lot of damage and do crowd control. Not only that, but these types of Clerics are just excellent in being pure offensive.

  • Has access to AoE Spells.
  • As a reaction, you can deal lightning or thunder damage to an enemy.
  • You gain extra push on your spells against a large enemy.
  • Allies can be caught in AoE Spells.
  • You have limited healing abilities.

3. Life Domain

Best Cleric Subclass For Healing And Support In Baldur's Gate 3.
BG3 Life Domain
Life Domain [image by me]
  • Why I Chose This: This subclass is a certified healer, so forget about carrying potions because, with the right setup with this subclass, you can out-heal any damage done to your party.

Life Domain is one of the best subclasss for Cleric. If you are looking for something that can heal a tremendous amount of HP and provide excellent support for your party. Then you can’t go wrong with this subclass and its abilities.

Below is a table with optimal stats:

  • Proficient in Healing.
  • Bonus Healing Spells.
  • Regain Spell slot while healing an ally.
  • Limited offensive spells.
  • Vulnerable to anti-magic spells.

My Thoughts On The Best Cleric Subclass

My In-Game Playtime
My In-Game Time [image by me]
Personally, I love playing as a Life Cleric, but that’s just me. But, in my honest opinion, Light Domain Clerics have the best of both worlds regarding Offense and Support. Light Domain Clerics can use fire spells to light enemies on fire and take care of pesky enemies by making their rolls bad.

This concludes my guide on the Baldur’s Gate 3’s Cleric Subclass. While you’re here, check our review of BG3 by our expert Huzaifah. If you lack a Healer, you should also look at our guide on the Best Healer Build.

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Ibrahim Akhtar is a guides & features writer at eXputer. He uses his passion for gaming to provide insightful takes in his articles. Ibrahim spends most of his time defending Baldur's Gate from the forces of the Absolute. He has accumulated more than 15 years of gaming experience, having 1000 hours in The Witcher 3 and twice as much on Skyrim V. Ibrahim has previously worked at TopTierList. You can keep up with his Steam account to stay up to date on his latest explorations.

Experience: 1+ Years || Previously Worked for TopTierList || Education: Bachelors in Data Science.

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