LEGO Fortnite Spawn Bug [FIX]

Fix the LEGO Fortnite Spawn Bug by building a Map Marker, a Bed and Recreating the World

LEGO Fortnite is a new, exciting adventure survival game mode inspired by Minecraft in Fortnite. However, it comes with its own fair share of bugs. One of them is the LEGO Fortnite Spawn Bug, which causes players to spawn far away from each other in the host’s world.

The reason for this bug to occur is still unknown, but there are a couple of things the players can do to overcome this error. Therefore, I am here to help you overcome this bug and peacefully continue your exciting LEGO Fortnite adventures with your friends.

When a player enters a friend’s world, they are spawned far away from each other.
LEGO Fortnite Spawn Bug. (image captured by eXputer)
LEGO Fortnite Spawn Bug. (image captured by eXputer)
Key Takeaways

Here are 3 ways to overcome the Spawn Bug in LEGO Fortnite:

  1. Flag a rendezvous point on Map
  2. Build Beds
  3. Recreate the World
Before moving on to the guide, make sure to apply some basic fixes like restarting Fortnite and restarting your PC.

Flag a Rendezvous Point on Map

After joining the match, I suggest marking a location by building and placing a flag at any location. This will allow you to reunite with your companions easily as they’ll be able to find this rendezvous point by following the flag marker on the map.

This way, you’ll have a designated meeting point where you and your friends can gather without the risk of getting lost or meeting an untimely demise in the vast wilderness of the LEGO Fortnite world.

You can follow the steps below if you don’t know how to place a flag on the map:

  1. Just gather 2 granite and press “Q” on your keyboard to open the build menu.
  2. Now navigate to the “Utility” tab>select Map Marker>click anywhere to place the Map Marker Flag.
    Building and placing a marker flag in LEGO Fortnite. (image captured by eXputer)
    Building and placing a marker flag in LEGO Fortnite. (image captured by eXputer)
Tip: You can farm some resources for later use while you’re delta to the location marker.

Build Beds

The best way to build a bed is to change your spawn location. So after reaching the marked location, make sure to make a bed. This simple act will prove priceless down the road. Gather some resources and carefully construct that cozy respite. Once crafted, interact with your lovely new bed and officially register it as your own.

Now you can breathe a sigh of relief, knowing that should tragedy strike, this spot will welcome you back, skipping any other spawn points by LEGO Fortnite and ultimately overcoming the LEGO Fortnite Spawn Bug.

If you don’t know how to build a bed in LEGO Fortnite, follow the steps below:

  1. Gather 10 wood and press “Q” to open build mode.
  2. Now navigate to furniture>beds>select bed and place the bed anywhere.

    Building a bed in LEGO Fortnite. (image taken by eXputer)
    Building a bed in LEGO Fortnite. (image taken by eXputer)
  3. Lastly, just approach the bed and assign it to your bed.
    Assigning a bed to yourself. (image captured by eXputer)
    Assigning a bed to yourself. (image captured by eXputer)
Tip: Make sure to build a bed inside a shack.

Recreate the World

If the spawn bug persists after building a bed, you should consider rebuilding the world. Rebuilding the world will reset the spawn points, hopefully creating new ones closer to the host. But this is the last resort option if you really want to get rid of this bug at any cost.

Warning: This will discard all your previous world’s progress, equipment, weapons, structures, and everything that you have done completely.

My Thoughts

Fortnite introduced LEGO Fortnite for the players to experience a game mode similar to Minecraft with LEGOs, comparatively better graphics, and great features. But players still suffer due to bugs and issues such as LEGO Fortnite matchmaking errors, crashing errors, and Spawn Bug.

Thankfully, the developers have acknowledged the Spawn Bug and are actively working to fix this issue so the players can play peacefully without any bug or error interruptions. They have also posted about this bug on their official Trello page.

Fortnite Trello page. (image taken by eXputer)
Fortnite Trello page. (image taken by eXputer)

You can also visit Fortnite’s Trello, X (Twitter), and Epic status pages to update yourself about the server updates status and certain bugs and issues. However, until the developers officially release an update to fix the LEGO Fortnite Spawn Bug, the fixes above will definitely provide you with a quick workaround to help you avoid and overcome this bug.


Why do I get Far away in my friend’s world in LEGO Fortnite?

This is due to a spawn bug that causes players to spawn far away from the host when they enter or die in the host’s world. The reasons for this bug to occur are still unknown.

How can get rid of the LEGO Fortnite’s Spawn Bug?

You can get rid of this far-spawning bug by gathering 10 wood and creating a bed assigned to yourself without dying in LEGO Fortnite.

Are LEGO Fortnite’s devs working on the Spawn Bug issue?

”The developers of LEGO Fortnite have took this bug into notice and are actively working on fixing it.”.

Here are some other Fortnite-related error guides by eXputer:

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Haider Khan is our error guides writer who loves to tinker around with operating systems and game files to find practical solutions to video game issues. He then crafts easy-to-follow error fix guides based on his findings. He’s also a Battlefield veteran who likes to rack up some Ws in his spare time. Learn some more about his gaming journey on his Steam profile. Experience: 3+ Years || Education: Bachelor's in Journalism || Successfully Troubleshot Over 200 Games || Mainly Covers Error Fix & Game Settings 

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