Palworld: BEST Custom World Settings [Beginners & Veterans]

Customize your Palworld experience with world settings that cater to beginners seeking a relaxed journey or veterans hungry for a challenge.

Customize your Palworld experience by adjusting to the best world settings available. Even in Early Access, Palworld provides a range of options for players to tailor their gameplay, from day and night lengths to death penalties.

Whether you aim for a relaxed gaming session with friends or crave a hardcore survival experience, Palworld’s customization options enable you to shape your adventure in a world of your liking. 

Key Takeaways
  • There are four difficulty options: Casual, Normal, Hard, and Custom.
  • Beginners benefit from easier Pal captures, more loot, and slower hunger depletion.
  • Veteran players might seek challenges with increased difficulty, faster hunger rates, and tougher Pals.
  • Custom settings affect day/night speed, experience rate, Pal attributes, player attributes, and more in Palworld.
  • Players can change world settings anytime through Palworld settings.

All World Settings In Palworld

As soon as you start a new world in Palworld, you are prompted to adjust the world settings. Here we can set the name of the world, whether to enable multiplayer or not, and the difficulty setting.

There are only 4 available difficulty options which are:

  • Casual
  • Normal
  • Hard 
  • Custom
Palworld world setting
Palworld world setting first page [image by eXputer]
The settings may seem very limited but the real settings are hidden behind the custom settings button. Press it to view and adjust your world in-depth.

It might seem like selecting casual is a good choice for beginners and advanced players should just go for the hard setting, but things aren’t that simple. It does save time while going with the default setup, but it isn’t that helpful during the game and it is recommended to go for custom settings.

Best World Settings

Here are all the custom settings and the best ones for beginners, and veterans respectively:

Day Time Speed11
Night Time Speed11
EXP Rate20.5
Pal Capture Rate21
Pal Appearance Rate11
Damage from Pals Multiplier0.52
Damage to Pals Multiplier20.5
Pal Hunger Depletion Rate0.51.5
Pal Stamina Reduction Rate0.51.5
Pal Auto HP Regeneration Rate20.5
Pal Sleep Health Regeneration Rate20.5
Damage from Player Multiplier20.7
Damage to Player Multiplier0.54
Player Hunger Depletion Rate0.31
Player Stamina Reduction Rate0.31
Player Auto HP Regeneration Rate20.6
Player Sleep HP Regeneration Rate20..6
Damage to Structure Multiplier20.7
Structure Deterioration Rate0.21
Maximum Number of Dropped Items in a WorldMaxMax
Gatherable Items Multiplier30.8
Gatherable Objects HP Multiplier0.51
Gatherable Objects Respawn Interval0.52
Dropped Items Multiplier20.7
(h) to Incubate Massive Eggs2472
Enable Raid EventsDisableEnable
Death PenaltyNo Items DroppedDrop all Items and all Pals on Team
Automatically Delete Offline Guilds After Set TimeOFFOFF
Time Until Offline Guilds Are Automatically Deleted00
Max Number of Guilds2020

Important: Players can change the World Setting anytime by going into Settings in Palworld.

Beginner players usually look for relaxed gameplay without that much of a challenge, that is exactly what is achieved through the best World Settings for beginners in Palworld. The goal here is to make the game as easy and rewarding as possible so that the new players can adjust to the game. 

So with easier Pal captures, more loot, and slower hunger depletion, these are the best beginner world settings for Palworld. Whereas the veteran settings create a challenge and are more suited for veteran players with some experience in survival games.

My Take On Palworld World Settings

I have always been a big fan of the Pokemon franchise, so when I started playing Palworld, I found it easy to adapt to the beginner world settings. Drawing from my experience in the Pokemon world, adjusting to the best settings for veterans in Palworld came naturally, and it enhanced my overall enjoyment of the game.

Beyond the familiarity of the Pokemon-inspired setting, Palworld provides diverse opportunities to build your collection of pals within its expansive and lively terrain.

The game becomes even more enjoyable when played with friends, offering a chance to embark on thrilling adventures together. If you’re looking to maximize the fun, consider learning how to set up a dedicated server to create a shared gaming experience.

Up Next:

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Experience: 8+ Years || Manages Teams, Creates Strategies, and Publishes Guides on eXputer || Education: Bachelors in Journalism.

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