Risk of Rain 2 Captain: All Abilities and Best Items

In our Risk of Rain 2 guide, we are going to discuss the abilities offered by this character along with the items that suit him.

Captain is the most difficult character to unlock in Risk of Rain 2. If you ask why? We’ll; you need to beat the game to unlock him. He is a strong character, just like Loader; he also ranks as an A+ character in our Risk of Rain 2 Tier list.

Key Takeaways
  • Captain is one of the best survivors in Risk of Rain 2, which controls the battlefield and deals with the damage.
  • Defeat the final boss, named Mathrix, to unlock Captain.
  • The Captain has various abilities, including Defensive Microbots, Vulcan Shotgun, Power Tazer, Orbital Probe, and Orbital Supply Beacon.
  • Each of these Abilities allows the player to deal damage and protect you from enemies.
  • A single Alternative Ability named OMG-72 “Diablo” Strike can also help Captain as it deals with 4000% damage. 
  • Use the right items for the Captain to make him stronger and more powerful.
  • Five items that can make Captain stronger and improve the survivor’s abilities include Wax Quail, Hardlight Afterburn, Bandolier, Sticky Bomb, and Red Whip.

How To Unlock Captain in Risk of Rain 2

As I mentioned above, you need to finish the game to unlock the captain. This means that you must defeat the final boss of the game, Mithrix. To challenge him, you will need to first arrive at the Sky Meadows. If you’re not looking for a challenge and want to get things done quickly, then I suggest you choose the easiest difficulty and play with your favorite survivor.

  • After you defeat Mithrix, you will need to escape from the scene and rush back to the entrance.
  • You will have a total of four minutes to reach the entrance, so it will be wise to focus solely on running while avoiding any kind of fight.
  • After you reach your destination, you will get on board a ship, which will lead to the final cutscene of the game.

Captain Abilities

Here is a summarized look at the comparison between the Best Captain’s Abilities:

AbilityTypeCooldown (seconds)Proc CoefficientDescription
Defensive MicrobotsPassiveN/AN/AShoots 1 projectile in a radius of 20m every 0.5 secs.
Vulcan ShotgunPrimaryN/A8 x 0.75- Fires 8 blasts of pellets each of which deal 120% damage
- Charging the attack narrows the spread
Power TazerSecondary6.01.0- Shocking. Fire a fast tazer that deals 100% damage.
- Travels farther if bounced
Orbital ProbeUtility11.01 per probe- Stunning. Request up to 3 Orbital Probes from the UES Safe Travels.
- Each probe deals 1000% damage.
Orbital Supply BeaconSpecialN/A0.0- Request a permanent Supply Beacon.
- Can only be requested twice per stage.
OGM-72 'DIABLO' StrikeUtility40.01.0- Stunning. Request a kinetic strike from the UES safe travels.
- After 20 seconds, it deals 40,000% damage to all characters.

Passive – Defensive Microbots

Type Description
Passive Shoots 1 projectile in a radius of 20m every 0.5 secs.

Captain’s Passive ability allows him to have a Microbot that hovers around him and shoots down every enemy projectile coming toward him. The number of Microbots you have surrounding you will depend upon the number of drones you have purchased. Therefore, the more drones you have, the more Microbots you’ll have protecting you from incoming projectiles.

Risk of Rain 2 Captain
Defensive Microbots

Primary – Vulcan Shotgun

Type Proc Coefficient Description
Primary 8 x 0.75 Fires 8 blasts of pellets each of which deal 120% damage. Charging the attack narrows the spread. 

This is Captain’s Primary ability. This fires a spread of 8 shots that deal 120% damage each. The best part is that the spread will reduce if you charge the attack for a longer period of time. The only downside about this ability is the damage fall off, which starts at 25m and ends at 60m. After this, the total amount of damage it deals reduces by 50%. In addition to this, if the attack becomes a Critical Hit, then all 8 pellets will serve as a Critical Hit.

Risk of Rain 2 Captain
Vulcan Shotgun

Secondary – Power Tazer

Type Cooldown Proc Coefficient Description
Secondary  6 secs 1.0 Shocking. Fire a fast tazer that deals 100% damage. Travels farther if bounced

This ability lets Captain fire a tazer that deals 100% damage. Now, the amount of damage it deals is low compared to the other attacks offered by the character. However, the primary use of this ability is linked with its shock effect. When an enemy gets hit by the tazer, it remains in shock for a few seconds. This gives you enough time to take them down using some other attack.

Risk of Rain 2 Captain
Power Tazer

Utility – Orbital Probe

Type Cooldown Proc Coefficient Description
Utility 11 secs 1.0 per probe Stunning. Request up to 3 Orbital Probes from the UES Safe Travels. Each probe deals 1000% damage.

Easily the best ability offered by Captain, Orbital Probe allows him to call down 3 Orbital Strikes from his ship in the sky and each strike deals a massive 1000% damage. The ability has a cooldown of 11s, so you should use it only when needed. Orbital Probe is mainly used to take down bosses, but can also help you take down a small group of enemies quickly.

Risk of Rain 2 Captain
Orbital Probe

Special – Orbital Supply Beacon

Type Cooldown Proc Coefficient Description
Special N/A 0.0 Request a permanent Supply Beacon. Can only be requested twice per stage.

By using his Special ability, Captain can call down a permanent Supply Beacon. You can only request a beacon twice per stage, and there are a total of four beacons to choose from. Two of them are available by default, while the remaining two must be unlocked by completing different challenges.

Risk of Rain 2 Captain
Orbital Supply Beacon
  • Healing Beacon – This beacon heals all nearby allies for 10% of their maximum health.
  • Shocking Beacon – This beacon shocks all nearby enemies.
  • Resupply Beacon – This beacon recharges equipment in use. You first need to complete the “Captain: Wanderlust” challenge before you can start calling down this beacon. This challenge requires you to visit 10 different environments in a single run.
  • Hacking Beacon – This beacon hacks all nearby purchasable items and drops their price down to $0 for some time. To unlock it, you will need to complete the “Captain: Worth Every Penny” challenge, which requires you to repair and recruit a TC-280 Prototype.

Alternate Abilities

Unlike most of the characters in the game, Captain only has a single alternate ability.

OGM-72 “DIABLO” Strike

Type Cooldown Proc Coefficient Description
Utility 40 secs 1.0 Stunning. Request a kinetic strike from the UES safe travels. After 20 seconds, it deals 40,000% damage to all characters. 

This is Captain’s Alternate Utility ability, and it is easily one of the most powerful abilities in the entire game. It allows Captain to call down a Kinetic Strike from the Sky, which deals 40,000% damage. Even your allies will get damaged if they end up being within the attack’s radius. The ability has a cooldown of 40s and is enough to take down even the toughest of opponents. To unlock it, you must complete the “Captain: Smushed” challenge. In this, you will need to kill the final boss of the game using a Supply Beacon.

Risk of Rain 2 Captain
OGM-72 ‘DIABLO’ Strike

Best Items for Captain in Risk of Rain 2

Captain may seem like a powerful character, but you still need to use the right items so that he can reach his full potential. I’m going to list five items in my guide that I think are perfect for this character.

Let’s have a look at the Best Items in comparison:

Item NameRarityCategoryDescription
Wax QuailUncommonUtilityJumping while sprinting boosts you forward by 10 meters
Hardlight AfterburnerLegendaryUtility- Add +2 charges of your Utility skill.
- Reduces Utility skill cooldown by 33%
Sticky BombCommonDamage5% chance on hit to attach a bomb to an enemy, detonating for 180% total damage
Red WhipUncommonUtilityLeaving combat boosts your movement speed by 30%
BandolierCommonUtility18% chance on kill to drop an ammo pack that resets all skill cooldowns

Wax Quail

Rarity Category How To Unlock Description
Uncommon Utility Complete the challenge Going Fast Recommended Jumping while sprinting boosts you forward by 10 m

Some players often complain about mobility issues with Captain. But by using this item, you can overcome them. If you jump while sprinting, then this item will boost you forward by 10m.

Risk of Rain 2 Captain
Wax Quail

Hardlight Afterburner

Rarity Category Description
Legendary Utility Add +2 charges of your Utility skill. Reduces Utility skill cooldown by 33%

As you can see above, both of Captain’s Utility abilities are extremely powerful. As for the Hardlight Afterburner, it can provide you with two additional charges for both of them. In addition to this, it will also reduce the cooldown of the Utility abilities by 33%.

Risk of Rain 2 Captain
Hardlight Afterburner

Sticky Bomb

Rarity Category Description
Common Damage 5% chance on hit to attach a bomb to an enemy, detonating for 180% total damage

Sticky Bomb is yet another great item for Captain. If you’re looking for something that can help you deal some extra damage, then this item is for you. It sticks onto an enemy and explodes, dealing 180% damage in the process.

Risk of Rain 2 Captain
Sticky Bomb

Red Whip

Rarity Category Description
Uncommon Utility Leaving combat boosts your movement speed by 30%

This is another item that can help you improve the mobility of Captain. When used, it will increase your movement speed by 30%. It works outside of combat only and can help you reach your destination quickly.

Risk of Rain 2 Captain
Red Whip


Rarity Category Description
Common Utility 18% chance on kill to drop an ammo pack that resets all skill cooldowns

The final item I would like to suggest for Captain is Bandolier. Almost all abilities of Captain have a high cooldown, and this item gives you an 18% chance to reset the cooldown of all of them. How cool is that?

Risk of Rain 2 Captain

This was all regarding my Captain guide. Overall, he is one of the strongest characters in the entire game. Unlocking him might seem like a lengthy process, but it will be worth it. Before you leave, make sure to check out our guides for Bandit and MUL-T as well.

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Haddi is a Senior Writer at eXputer who loves to play games and talk about them like a fanatic. Hadi's years of experience in this industry let him provide a unique and critical perspective on games to share with his audience. His work is also featured on several other websites. You can hit him up on his gaming profile at Steam!

Experience: 5+ years || Previously Worked At Gamepur, Gear Siege, GearNuke

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