Risk Of Rain 2 Mercenary: Best Items, Combos, And Unlock Guide

Mercenary in Risk of Rain 2 is an astounding and extremely high-profile melee survivor. Here is all you need to know about him!

Mercenary in Risk of Rain 2 is an astounding and extremely high-profile melee survivor. The survivor was often the undoubted best in the game; however, it is worth re-thinking the decision again with recent updates. Our Guide will elaborate on how you can unlock him, his best abilities, and most importantly, the best items.

Moreover, we will also finish the guide with Mercenary Tips; these are primarily out of the box and extremely valuable for all players.

NOTE: The Latest Patch 1.0 has dramatically nerfed the entire character; the cooldowns have increased, while abilities have been downgraded. In the Risk of Rain 2 Tier List, Mercenary is ranked at C, which means he is far behind most survivors in the game.

Key Takeawayss
  • Mercenary is a great melee survivor in Risk of Rain 2.
  • To unlock Mercenary, players must complete the True Respite Challenge by reaching level 9. Players can complete this challenge at Celestial Portal.
  • Mercenary’s abilities, including Cybernetic Enhancements for double jumps and Laser Sword for high damage, make him versatile.
  • Secondary abilities like Whirlwind and Rising Thunder deal substantial damage in different ways.
  • Blinding Assault is a mobility skill for dashing forward and dealing significant damage.
  • Optimal items for Mercenary include Rose Buckler, Paul’s Goat Hoof, Harvester’s Scythe, Leeching Seed, Monster Tooth, Soldier’s Syringe, and Berzerker’s Pauldrons.
  • These items enhance movement, damage, and healing for the Mercenary.

How To Unlock Mercenary In Risk of Rain 2?

Risk Of Rain 2 Mercenary
How To Unlock Mercenary

Unlike other characters, Mercenary is hard to unlock. The primary reason is that there isn’t any clarity in the description of how to unlock him. Besides, the steps themselves are also confusing, but all these things aside, we will make it as simple as possible.

First things first, you will have to complete the True Respite challenge.

The True Respite Challenge is basically all circled Obliterating yourself at the Obelisk. This is pretty easy; make sure you reach Level 9. Thus, it is reasonable to go with easy difficulty or attempt the game with friends. The goal is to reach mission 9. Afterwards, obliterate in the Celestial Portal, go through the platforms, and try not to fall.

risk of rain 2 mercenary
About Celestial Portal.

At the end of the Celestial Portal, you will come across a big shine, and all you have to do is click the engage button – do this if there is the option of “Obliterate yourself from existence.” The game also might give you the option of Are you sure? Agree to this, and the game will end. Once you reach the main menu, the Mercenary will be unlocked and set to a playable character.

Mercenary Abilities

Here’s a quick overview of all the Mercenary Abilities:

Best Items for Mercenary

Here are the best items for Mercenary In Risk of Rain 2 to pay more attention to.

Rose Buckler

risk of rain 2 mercenary
Rose Buckler
Rarity Category Effects Per Stack Buffs Stack Type
Uncommon Utility Armor: 30 +30 Armor Increase Per Stack Linear Type

As always, Rock Buckler is an essential item for movement. The thing will help grant Mercenary protection against upcoming attacks. This will only happen while sprinting, so for those who have a habit of instantly sprinting after using their abilities – Rose Buckler is the way to go.

Paul’s Goat Hoof

risk of rain 2 mercenary
Paul’s Goat Hoof
Rarity Category Effects Per Stack Buffs Stack Type
Common Utility Movement Speed: 14% +14 Increase in Movement Speed Per Stack Linear Type

The Paul’s Goat Hoof is another item you should add to your list. This one is a direct competitor to the Energy Drink, but what separates it is that you continually increase the base speed. The current meta, while post-patch 1.0 is 14%, ultimately, you are looking at better movement speeds, which will directly impact your dash distance. This can be revolutionary, but Paul’s Goat Hoof isn’t the only one to help scale dashes movement speed again.

Harvester’s Scythe

risk of rain 2 mercenary
Harvester’s Scythe
Rarity Category Effects Per Stack Buffs Stack Type
Uncommon Healing
  • Heal: 8
  • Crit Chance: 5%
+4 increase in HP healed Linear Type

Apart from movement, you should also pay attention to Healing. This is exceptionally important since you will be pushing enemies most of the time, and recovering your meds would be the key to succession.

The Harvester’s Scythe are immensely good in this case; they help you heal through Critical Strikes. Moreover, the healing recovery is multiplied by the Proc Coefficeitn, so in that case, you are all set to get a 5% Critical Chance, and 8 health. The Harvester’s Scythe gets heavily utilized especially because Mercenary can land all those shots through her R.

Leeching Seed

risk of rain 2 mercenary
Leeching Seed
Rarity Category Effects Per Stack Buffs Stack Type
Uncommon Healing Heal: 1 +1 increase in HP healed Linear Type

Like Harvester Scythe, the Leeching Seed can also help Mercenary recover his health. The core benefit of Leeching Seed is quite simple; it will heal you 1 per damage done. This ultimately means that having Leeching Seed will help you become more confident as you try to play aggressively.

Monster Tooth

risk of rain 2 mercenary
Monster Tooth
Rarity Category Effects Per Stack Buffs Stack Type
Common Healing HP Per Orb: 2% +2% increase in your max health percentage Linear Type

The Monster Tooth is another alternative to the health remedies for Mercenary described above. It can help heal the player through a healing orb drop that automatically spawns after killing an enemy. The Monster Tooth is common, easy to find, and most importantly, it has +2% per stack. The only drawback is that you will always have to approach the ORB; it won’t come towards you. Secondly, It only lasts for 10 seconds after being dropped.

Soldier’s Syringe

Rarity Category Effects Per Stack Buffs Stack Type
Common Damage Attack Speed: 15% Additional 15% increase in attack speed Linear Type

As you would already know, further increasing the attack speed will automatically help you deal more damage since repeating the abilities, including M2 and R, would attack faster. This makes Artificer even more deadly, and thus, you can also take additional benefits from the ability.

Soldier’s Syringe is an interesting Item that will help increase attack speed by 15%. You are likely to increase it more stacks, and since there is no impact on cooldown, it remains instrumental.

Berzerkers Pauldrons

risk of rain 2 mercenary
Berzerkers Pauldrons
Rarity Category Effects Per Stack Buffs Stack Type
Uncommon Damage Frenzy Duration: 6 secs +4 secs increase in frenzy state duration Linear Type

Further allowing Mercenary to showcase her deadly skills, you can also go with Berzerkers Pauldrons. This is a quick boost as you would imagine. The item is automatically triggered after three enemies are killed in a time span of one second.

Once that is done, you will get a 50% increase in movement speed and a 100% increase in Attack Speed. These boosts last for 6s, but given you are engaged heavily in a fight, the 100% Attack Speed is beyond the scope of having the greatest damage in the game.

Backup Magazines

risk of rain 2 mercenary
Backup Magazines
Rarity Category Effects Per Stack Buffs Stack Type
Common Utility Charge: 1 +1 additional extra charge Linear Type

Adding final touches with Backup Magazines wouldn’t be a very bad idea. To illustrate how that isn’t a bad idea – M2’s with Backup Magazines are completely out of this world on Mercenary. If you add another charge, the damage being dealt nearly doubles, and it’s worth mentioning that Backup Magazines were always great with survivors that have a low cooldown.


risk of rain 2 mercenary
Rarity Category Effects Per Stack Buffs Stack Type
Uncommon Utility Chance: 18% +10% chance increase Special Type

The Bandolier is one of those items that many players aren’t aware of. In other words, if you have multiple stacks of Bandolier’s, you can become completely invincible – dash non-stop and also ult rapidly in most fights.

With bosses, you might have difficulty being invincible, but rest assured, I’ve tested it, and Bandolier are massive. Suppose you don’t know the background of Bandolier – well, these drop an ammo pack that automatically resets all skill cooldowns.

Tougher Times

risk of rain 2 mercenary
Tougher Times
Rarity Category Effects Per Stack Buffs Stack Type
Common Utility Block Chance: 15% +15% chance increase per stack Hyperbolic Type

Since you will be playing entirely aggressive on Mercenary, it’s crucial to have Tougher Times on your side. This will not only help in blocking damage against a group of enemies, mainly when you are stuck. But it’ll also allow you to push more enemies and showcase that aggressive playstyle. The Tougher Times has a 15% chance to block all incoming attacks. Keep in mind; it has zero impact on all of Mercenary’s abilities, including that of Invulnerability too.


risk of rain 2 mercenary
Rarity Category Effects Per Stack Buffs Stack Type
Uncommon Damage
  • Targets: 3
  • Radius: 20 meters
  • +2 increase in target limit
  • +2 meter increase in radius
Linear Type

Ukulele is the final item that you will need for the Mercenary. This, as you know, is very common in the game, and all it does is grant a 25% chance to fire chain lighting that gets expended to 3 targets under the 20m radius for 80% total damage. Remember that 25% is multiplied by the Proc Coefficient, and its self-Proc is 0.2. The item easily allows Mercenary to go above and beyond regarding damage.

These are all the things you need to know about Mercenary. He is an extremely talented and deadly survivor who can become the best in the game if used right. We highlighted this in our Tier List Guide, and it was also for that reason, that we ranked him lower because it’s not for everyone. The tips above are also taken from various community polls and user experiences, so they are bound to be important.

The good thing about Mercenary is that, through its highly empowering abilities, you aren’t too dependent on enemies. Thus, if you make it to the end game, there shouldn’t be loads of bottlenecks regarding items.

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