With the Marvel Universe being so vast, there were bound to be many hidden Easter Eggs spread across Spider-Man 2. With foreshadowing villains and references to previous games as well, there are many Spider-Man 2 best easter eggs to be explored.
Key Takeaways
There are countless number of Easter Eggs in Spider-Man 2, referencing various comics, games, and movies.
The best easter eggs refer to major plot points or items in Spiderman, such as collectibles from previous games and movies.
Many other easter eggs are just small nods to things that many Spidey fans might appreciate.
Certain easter eggs also foreshadow the possible villain of the next Spider-Man game.
Spider-Man 2 Best Easter Eggs
Here is an overview of the best Easter Eggs in Spider-Man 2:
Serial No.
Easter Egg Name
Theme Remix
Spider-Man theme remix when DJing in Coney Island
Funky Hat
Funky hats at Coney Island reward shop
Villain Names
Ride names referencing Spidey's villains
Shirtless Spider-Man
Greg Miller reference on a rooftop
Amazing Fantasy #15
Replicated comic book cover in Peter's room
Peter's Backpack
Backpack collectible nod in Peter's high school
The Sanctum Sanctorum
Dr. Strange's place with a Black Cat mission
Speed Nonagon
Reference to indie game "Super Hexagon"
Teo's Mascot
Teo's Mascot with Nathan Fillion's voice
Comic Style Frames
Spiderverse suits in 24fps
Miguel And Spider-Bots
Collectible Spider-Bots with an animated bartender and Miguel reference
Spacebound Science Trophy
Trophy symbolizing Phin and Miles' friendship
Wakanda Forever
Wakanda Embassy gesture and Forever Suit
Arachknight suit inspired by Moonknight
Baxter Building
Fantastic Four's Baxter Building reference
Home Run
Baseball pitch with humorous comments and trophy
Knull And The Meteorite
Symbol of Knull, god of symbiotes
Green Goblin
Mural foreshadowing Green Goblin appearance
1. Theme Remix
spider-man 2 theme remix as miles [image by us]In one of the earlier missions, you get to visit Coney Island. Over there, as Miles, you try out Mysterio’s Mysterium and live out Miles’ dream of being a DJ. If you successfully complete all the QTEs, you’ll begin to notice that the music he’s playing is actually a remix of the main Spider-Man theme.
2. Funky Hat
Funky Hat Easter egg [image by eXputer]In Coney Island, enjoying all the rides grants you funky hats at the reward shop. Peter wears the chosen hat while exploring but loses it during the main mission rides. However, when controlling Spider-Man again, he wears it during the fight. If hit once, the hat comes off and can’t be worn outside the mission.
3. Villain Names In Coney Island
Coney Island Hydro Bench [captured by eXputer]As you explore Coney Island, you might notice that many of the rides’ names are quite familiar. That is because many of them are references to Spidey’s villains from the comics. For example, Hydro Bench and Speed Demon, the main roller coaster that the crew gets on, are references to some lesser-known villains from the comics.
4. Shirtless Spider-Man
The Shirtless Spider-man [screenshot by eXputer]As part of the Photo-Ops, there’s a strange character called “Shirtless Spider-Man.” He’s there because a guy named Greg Miller, who really liked the first game, talked about it a lot on YouTube and also dressed up as the Shirtless Spider-Man. So, the game makers put this character in the game as a surprise.
You can find the “Shirtless Spider-Man” in the new Spider-Man 2 game. He’s on a rooftop in the Upper West Side, dancing and having fun with another “Shirtless Spider-Man” in front of a camera.
5. Amazing Fantasy #15
Amazing Fantasy #15 cover
While exploring Peter’s room as part of the main story, you’ll find a newspaper cover on his pinboard. The image in that poster is a replica of the first-ever comic-book cover in which Spider-Man debuted in the Marvel universe.
In fact, if you play the side mission “Photo Help,” you get to work with another photographer who is taking inspiration from Peter’s work. In that mission, you also get to see the image in more detail.
6. Peter’s Backpack
Peter’s Backpacks [screenshot by eXputer]If you played the first Spider-Man, you might recall that Peter’s backpack was one of the biggest collectibles in that game. The backpacks were known for being in the most odd places imaginable. Well, during one of the main story missions in Spider-Man 2, you sneak around Parker’s old high school as young Peter Parker.
In that mission, there is a throwback to the backpack collectibles in the form of a backpack webbed in the ventilation shafts.
7. The Sanctum Sanctorum
Dr. Strange easter egg [image by eXputer]Although it was already available in the previous game, the Sanctum Sanctorum, mainly associated with Dr. Strange, is back in the game. This time, it is bigger and better and also has a mission, “Make Your Own Choices,” associated with it, where you help out Black Cat.
8. Speed Nonagon
The Nonagon disc [captured by eXputer]If you played Spider-Man: Miles Morales, you might recall Ganke saying he’s working on a game called Speed Nonagon. The game references a real-life indie game known as Super Hexagon, which came out in 2012. In Spider-Man 2, when you’re playing Peter Parker and exploring his house for the first time, you can see the disc lying on his table.
9. Teo’s Mascot
Teo’s Mascot [image by me]While exploring the different Photo Ops in Spider-Man 2, you’ll eventually come across Teo’s Mascot and his less convincing copy. When you approach them, they seem to be having a bicker amongst themselves. But if you stick around, you’ll actually discover that they have at least 10-15 minutes worth of dialogue. They’ll even make remarks about you taking a picture of them. But what’s even better is that Teo’s Mascot is voiced by Nathan Fillion.
10. Comic Style Frames
spiderverse suits [captured by eXputer]In the previous game, the Spider-Man Into The spiderverse suits had a unique feature where they’d play out in 24fps, giving it an authentic movie-like feeling. The same thing is carried over in Spider-Man 2, but what’s even better is that you can apply the effect to any suit by toggling the option in settings.
The only requirement is that you need to unlock one of the Spiderverse suits first. You can learn more about the suits by reading the best suits guide.
11. Miguel And Spider-Bots
Spider-Bot Miguel Reference [captured by exputer]In Spider-Man 2, there are 42 Spider-Bots as major collectibles, scattered throughout the map. As you collect them, Ganke deciphers a message. After collecting all, you unlock a mission where a cartoonish bartender collects the rogue Spider-Bots.
This character is animated in the style of Into The Spiderverse movies and references Miguel, a major character in Across The Spiderverse. She discusses how Miguel wouldn’t want the rogue Spider-Bots just lying around, aligning with his personality. Learn more about the bots in my Marvel’s Spider-Man 2 Spider-bot locations guide.
12. Spacebound Science Trophy
Spacebound Science Trophy with Phin [image by us]In Marvel’s Spider-Man 2, there’s a sweet nod to the friendship between Phin Mason and Miles Morales. If you head up to the rooftop of Trinity Church and switch to photo mode while looking down, you’ll spot a Spacebound Science Trophy.
When they were younger, Phin and Miles actually won this trophy together. It’s also a collectible in Spiderman: Miles Morales. Also, if you interact with the trophy, you unlock the “Just Let Go” trophy. You can also find Phin’s gravestone in Spider-Man 2.
13. Wakanda Forever
Wakanda Forever [captured by eXputer]In Spider-Man 2, the Wakanda Embassy is one of the few notable buildings. You can approach the building and get the option to do the Wakanda Forever gesture in front of it. There is also a suit for Miles known as the Forever Suit, which is also a reference to Black Panther. In fact, one of its styles makes Miles Look a lot like him.
14. Moonknight
Arachknight suit [screenshot by eXputer]Recently, one of the more popular characters from the Marvel Universe has been Moonknight with his amazing show. Well, there is actually a suit in Spider-Man 2 known as Arachknight. In the comics, it is meant to be the combination of Moonknight and Spider-Man.
15. Baxter Building
Baxter Building Showcase [screenshot by me]While swinging around, you might run into a building with a familiar logo. On the rooftop of a building near the southern end of the central park, you’ll notice the Fantastic Four’s logo. That symbolizes the Baxter Building, the main headquarters for the Fantastic Four.
16. Home Run
Home Run [captured by us]Right next to Coney Island, there is a proper baseball pitch that you can fully explore. If, for some reason, you decide to get on the field and run a full homerun, Peter or Miles will make a few hilarious remarks, and you’ll also unlock the Home Run trophy. To learn more, you can read up on how to unlock all trophies in Spider-Man 2.
17. Knull And The Meteorite
Meteorite Symbols [captured by eXputer]The meteorite bringing the Symbiote to Earth is black with a red spiral, symbolizing Knull, the god of symbiotes, who aimed to dominate the universe through them. Thor wounded Knull in the comics, freeing the symbiotes from his control. Knull was trapped on the planet Klyntar but got free in the modern era due to Eddie Brock’s actions.
18. Green Goblin
Green Goblin Spider-Man 2 Best Easter Eggs [screenshot by us]Leaving one of the major easter eggs for the end, a huge reference to the Green Goblin. On one of the buildings, there is a mural of Norman Osborn. But, someone decided to graffiti all over it and gave him green-colored horns that look much like the Green Goblin’s horns from the comic. And, if you’ve read about the Spider-Man 2 ending, you might recall that Norman also mentions the “G-Serum,” which could further foreshadow his debut as the Green Goblin in the next game.
But with that, you know all about the Spider-Man 2 best easter eggs. To learn more, you can read Usama’s thoughts on Spider-man. If you’re trying to become as strong as possible, check out the best abilities and skills available.
Atik Younas is a Junior Guides Writer on eXputer with decent experience writing about games. He’s an avid 3D designer and a coding wizard who gets fascinated by the technical aspects of the latest games. He’s got a Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science and loves enjoying well-written stories and combat mechanics in games. Atik has been playing games for more than 10+ years now. Most notably he has spent 1,000+ hours on GTA V Online and Minecraft! Feel free to get in touch with Atik on his gaming profile at Xboxand PSN.Experience: 2+ Years || Education: Bachelor's in Computer Science || Written 200+ Guides || Mainly Covers Game Strategy Guides on eXputer
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