Smite 2 Won’t Be Coming To Nintendo Switch, Developers Confirm

However, there's a solid possibility that Smite 2 might come to Switch's successor.

Story Highlights

  • Smite 2 won’t be coming to Nintendo Switch, as confirmed by the developers.
  • Smite 2 has been officially announced at the annual Smite World Championship, which is being held this weekend. 
  • The game will be available to play on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X and PC.

Smite 2 was recently announced at the Smite World Championship’s 10th edition. During an interview with TechRadar Gaming, the devs revealed that they’re not sure if they’ll be able to get Smite 2 to run smoothly on Switch 1 because of the limited specs of the handheld console. However, if Nintendo were to release a successor to Switch, then we might get to see Smite 2 running on it.

We’re concerned that currently, with the power level of Switch and the minimum specs that we’re targeting, we just aren’t sure that we’d be able to develop or deliver a really good experience to people playing on Switch currently.” The developers also added, “Smite’s been everywhere we can possibly get it to run well, and I would expect that to continue with Smite 2. We’re just not sure we’d be able to get it running well on Switch 1, unfortunately.”

Nintendo Switch came out in March 2017. For many years, it has remained the top handheld console, but in recent years, it has been losing its touch, likely due to the more demanding nature of modern titles. Rumors suggest that Nintendo might be planning to release a successor to Nintendo Switch, and that’s what the developers of Smite 2 are aiming for to port their game. Amidst all that, Switch users will have to make do with Smite.

Smite has been ongoing for a decade. The game was first released in 2014 on Steam and has been receiving regular updates. Smite had to compete with behemoths like Dota 2 and League of Legends in its genre, but despite all that, it managed to maintain a steady player base. Recently, Smite 2 became available on Steam. However, no release date has been announced on the game’s Steam Store page as of yet.

A screenshot from Smite 2's Steam Store page.
A screenshot from Smite 2’s Steam Store page.

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Smite 2 will be available on PlayStation 5, Xbox Series S, Xbox Series X, and PC. The alpha playtest for Smite 2 is also planned for Spring 2024. Note that the devs have confirmed Smite 2 is not here to replace the original Smite. Both games will be available to play for everyone, and Smite will continue to receive developer support.

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TechRadar Gaming

Fahad is a news reporter at eXputer with a huge passion for fighting games. For the past year, he has been utilizing his skills to report on the latest and greatest in the gaming industry. Side by side with his bachelor's in computer science, Fahad has also acquired a certification in English for Journalism from Coursera. Fahad now dedicates all his time to either playing video games or reporting news at eXputer.

Experience: 1+ Years || Covers News Stories at eXputer || Bachelor's in Computer Science.

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