Sony didn’t start out as successful in the consoles business. They were actually late to the game, with Sega and Nintendo being quite successful in the business, especially the latter. However, through hard work and dedication, Sony released the PlayStation console which became quite successful, following it up with the phenomenal PlayStation 2 which became the most-selling console of all time, a record that still hasn’t been broken by any single console even to this day, twenty-two years after PS2’s release.
The console wasn’t the only thing sought after. Equally enticing were the several fabulous exclusive games that were only released on Sony’s console. These included many cult classic masterpieces such as Shadow of the Colossus, Metal Gear Solid 3, Kingdom Hearts, Ratchet and Clank, God of War, and countless others. Over time, this list of exclusive games has only been added to over the future iterations of the PlayStation line of consoles. Over time they would be accessible to PC players through emulation, but that often took much time, and only became possible many years after the game was released.
The console exclusivity business has indubitably been frowned upon for many a year, many considering it to be the bane of gaming. Recently, this has started to ease up from PlayStation’s side, as Sony has realised the market potential of porting their games over to PC, and has followed up with ports of its first-party exclusives such as Days Gone, Horizon: Zero Dawn, and God of War, among others.
PlayStation 3 wasn’t emulatable for many years while the PS4 is still is not and may not be for many years, which only deepened the desire for more PC ports than the current announced ones, and preferably sooner rather than such a long time after an exclusive’s release. Well, this may soon change, according to an accredited industry insider.
u/rockagent, who is a popular and highly credible industry insider with quite a few high-profile leaks under their belt, such as Bend Studio’s upcoming title or Elden Ring’s bestiary leak, has now leaked plenty of upcoming PC ports of PlayStation first-party exclusives in a recent post that they made in r/playstation on Reddit.
The Last PS4 exclusives & Sony’s future ports from playstation
The industry insider points out that the upcoming game God of War: Ragnarok will be “an amazing experience on the PS4 and PS4 Pro.” They further explain its performance on the PlayStation 4, PS4 Pro, and its modes on the PS5. They further say that after the release of GoW: Ragnarok, Sony will not be releasing any cross-gen games first-party unless a developer desperately wants a PS4 port of their game and that from 2023 onwards, Sony will only release PS5 exclusives and make their PC port releases more gradual. The industry insider then goes on to detail the many PC ports in the works and Sony’s strategy regarding the release of said PC ports, and general strategy going further. The key takeaways here are:
- PS4 ports for Deathloop, R&C: Rift Apart, Demon Souls, along with others, have either been canned/dropped or will be soon.
- Both Ratchet and Clank games, Horizon: Forbidden West, Demon Souls, Ghost of Tsushima, Gran Turismo 7, God of War: Ragnarok, and the likes will all receive PC ports eventually.
- Guerilla will port Forbidden West themselves.
- Iron Galaxy is working on Uncharted PC port (the leaker does not state whether they mean Uncharted 1-3, or Uncharted 4 and Lost Legacy, since Iron Galaxy is known to be porting Uncharted 4 and Lost Legacy to PC as Legacy of Thieves Collection).
- Two devs are working simultaneously on bringing both R&C games to PC. These are Blind Squirrel Games and Jetpack Interactive. Jetpack Interactive previously ported Orcs Must Die! Unchained to PS4 and also made the well-received PC port of God of War, while Blind Squirrel is well-known for the Sunset Overdrive PC port, along with BioShock: The Collection, and Mass Effect: Legendary Edition.
- Polyphony Digital is porting GT7 to PC themselves.
- Bluepoint is porting Demon’s Souls to PC. Bluepoint also developed the critically acclaimed remake of Demon’s Souls, which served as the launch title for the PlayStation 5, and are well-known for their highly acclaimed remasters of the Uncharted games, Shadow of the Colossus, and Gravity Rush. They were also acquired by Sony Interactive Entertainment, and thus, became a first-party PlayStation Studio last year.
- Nixxe’s Software has been working on porting Ghost of Tsushima and its DLC to PC for quite some time now, so it may be the earliest yet unannounced title to arrive. It should also be noted that Nixxe’s Software specialises in porting games to multiple platforms, and was acquired last year by Sony as part of PlayStation Studios. Perhaps the sole purpose of this acquisition was to bring future titles to PC.
- Jetpack Interactive will be joined by Blind Squirrel games to port God of War: Ragnarok to PC, however, both devs are currently busy with porting both Ratchet and Clank, and Rift Apart, to PC. When they are done, they will start work on the Ragnarok port.
They further say that after the Ragnarok port is done, Sony will supposedly change its strategy to bring PC ports of exclusives within months or up to a year after their original console release, and by that time the only way to play PS5 only titles on PS4 and Pro will be through the PS Plus Streaming service. The industry insider also alleges a deal between Sony and Microsoft for Deathloop to be exclusive to PS Plus Premium and after the deal expires, the game will be available on both PS Plus and Game Pass, and further comments that PS5 titles and PS5 upgraded versions of PS4 titles will remain available to be streamed for PS4 players for the foreseeable future.
They mention that we should expect these leaks to pan out slowly over time and will soon start to see them. Considering how PlayStation has shown interest in porting their games to PC. going so far as to create a separate PlayStation PC label for its ported exclusives, and PlayStation CEO Jim Ryan expressing his desire to bring more Sony games to a wider audience during a keynote presentation and hoping games can rival movies in exposure, we can be certain that PC ports are certain to happen. However, how many of those pointed out by industry insider will happen or whether their other claims are true, only time will tell. Of course, take all this information with a grain of salt.
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