Crisis Core Reunion Dresser Key: Location & Use

The Dresser Key Zack picks up at the start of Chapter 8 later comes in handy when finding new clothes for Cloud.

Dresser Key in Crisis Core Reunion FFVII is one of the “key” items, located in Chapter 8 “See You Soon”. The item is crucial to progressing the story but is also relatively easy to find. It is found at the base of Shinra Manor and used, later on, to get some clothes for Cloud.

Key Takeaways
  • Dresser Key is located at the start of Chapter 8, “See You Soon.” It is later used to get new clothes for Cloud.
  • It can be picked up from the scientist Zack knocks out at the start of the Chapter.
  • After deciding to stay in the Manor for the rest of the day, the player will be asked to look for a fresh set of clothes for Cloud. 
  • The clothes are found in the Dresser, which is located at the end of the hallway on the second floor of the Manor.

Location Of Dresser Key

After a brief cutscene and flashback at the beginning of the Chapter, Zack awakens and quickly knocks out the scientist in the laboratory and rescues a knocked-out Cloud from his containment. After rescuing Cloud, Zack can pick up the dresser key from the scientist he knocked out earlier.

Dresser Key Location
Location of Dresser Key [Image Captured by us]

Escorting Cloud To Shinra Manor

Now the next task is to get Cloud somewhere safe. Interact with Cloud and escort him out of the lab. Outside the lab are Shinra Underground caverns with multiple enemies in them. Cloud cannot be escorted while there are enemies in the area, so clear out any enemies in the area.

After you are done with the enemies, head straight to where the ladder is and climb the ladder to reach the upper floor. Once there, Zack will tell himself that the area is safe for escorting now. A short cutscene will play out where Zack will escort cloud to the upper floor where the Shinra Manor is situated.

Climbing the ladder to reach the Shinra Manor [Image Captured by eXputer]
After safely escorting him to safe haven, Zack will be free to explore the Manor while clearing out the pair’s escape route. Defeat the enemies on the Manor’s ground floor and interact with the main door. This interaction will trigger the next cutscene, where Zack will escort Cloud out of the Manor.

Ground Floor Encounter [Image by eXputer]

Escape From Nibleheim

After escorting Cloud to the streets of Nibelheim, Zack is ambushed by a handful of Shinra soldiers that aim to capture both Zack & Cloud. The encounter with soldiers isn’t any different from the previous ones except that there will be one soldier trying to take Cloud away from you, so make sure you are looking out for Cloud while fighting.

Shinra Soldiers
Zack was ambushed by Shinra soldiers [Screenshot Captured by eXputer
After you are done with the encounter, Zack will realize that both he and Cloud are too weak in their current state and won’t be able to travel far, making a decision to fall back while it’s still daytime.

Dresser Location

After going back to the Manor, Zack tells Cloud that he’ll look for a new set of clothes for him. That is when the dresser key you picked earlier in the lab will come in handy.

Clothes for Coud
Zack decides to find a fresh pair of clothes for Cloud [Screenshot Grab: eXputer]
Exit the room you are currently in and travel to the room at the end of the hallway on the second floor. Head inside the room and open the dresser located at the end of the room. Inside the dresser, you will find the appropriate clothes for Cloud.

Running across the hallway to get clothes for Cloud
Hallway on the second floor [Image Credit Copyright: eXputer]
After getting a fresh pair of clothes, head back to the room Cloud was in and got his clothes changed. This will complete the objective and fulfill the use of the dresser key.

Clothes for Cloud obtained
Soldier Outfit  found [Image Captured by eXputer]


As visible above, Crisis Core Reunion is filled with enemy encounters left and right, and one of the most useful items that aid you during encounters is material. These items let you perform various spells and apply buffs to your character. To learn more in detail about materials, consider going through our guides on the materia fusion list and best materia in Crisis Core Reunion.

While you are at it, also consider going through our guide on Buster Sword and learn more stats and the changes that have been made to it in Crisis Core Reunion.

This concludes our guide on the location and use of Dresser Key in Crisis Core Reunion.


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Sulaymaan Ahmad is a Senior Writer on eXputer who covers all the latest and greatest games. He has an engineering background and a knack for decimating players in First-Person Shooter games. He also enjoys narrative-driven games with characters he can emotionally invest in. Sulaymaan's love for gaming has been going strong for several years which is evident on his gaming profiles at Steam and PSN. Experience: 3+ Years || Written 150+ Guides || Mainly Covers Strategy Guides on eXputer

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