Crisis Core: How To Summon Phoenix

Summon the Phoenix in Crisis Core once you get to Chapter 8 by talking to a small boy and solving the red water mystery.

In Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion, you will come across various summons, and one of the best that you will come across is the Phoenix Summon. The Phoenix has the ability to trigger Raise and deal magic penetration-imbued damage to any enemy.

Key Highlights
  • Phoenix can trigger Raise, deal magic penetration-imbued damage, and damage multiple enemies nearby.
  • Before summoning Phoenix, you will need to ensure that you have completed 7 Chapters of the game.
  • To get Phoenix, you will first need to solve the first of the Seven Wonders in Chapter 8.
  • Talk to the young boy who will give you information about the water turning red. Then check the Wooden Water tower to get Phoenix in your inventory.

Phoenix In Crisis Core

Summoning Phoenix in Crisis Core
Summoning Phoenix [Image Credit Copyright: eXputer]
Obtaining Phoenix can be a game-changer for players navigating the map, especially on higher difficulty levels where ambushes are frequent. Phoenix’s Rebirth Flame ability is particularly effective against groups of enemies, making it invaluable in tough encounters.

Moreover, summoning Phoenix is integral to completing the Limit Break Collector Achievement, which requires acquiring all DMV images. To unlock Phoenix, players must reach Chapter 8 and solve the first of the Seven Wonders. This milestone occurs after encountering Sephiroth and Zack in Nibelheim, just outside the town inn. However, before engaging Sephiroth, players must interact with another NPC to initiate the summoning process.

Summoning Phoenix

Crisis Core: Summon Phoenix
How to Summon Phoenix in Crisis Core [Image Credit: eXputer]
To summon Phoenix, follow these steps:

  1. Begin your endeavor from the Nibelheim inn, where you’ll find Sephiroth waiting for you.
  2. Before continuing on the main quest, check the house nearby and interact with the small boy next to a fence.
  3. The boy will provide information about Sephiroth and Zack coming to Nibelheim and mention the strange occurrences known as the Seven Wonders.
  4. Choose the dialogue option “Oh, definitely!” to receive more information about the Seven Wonders.
  5. Learn that the first Wonder is the town’s drinking water, which has turned red like blood.
  6. Head towards the wooden water tower at the center of the square.
  7. Climb to the top of the tower using the interact button.
  8. Zack will discover the reason behind the red water: the red Phoenix Materia.
  9. Obtain Phoenix Materia, which will now be in your inventory.
Click on the Oh Definitely option
Select the Oh Definitely! Option [Image Captured by eXputer]

Final Words

All in all, you can summon Phoenix in Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII Reunion before starting Chapter 8. In it, you will find Phoenix after talking to a small boy who will give you information about the town’s water turning red. Once you check the wooden tower, not only will you find out the cause of the water turning red, but you will also unlock Phoenix in Crisis Core.

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Sameer Noman is a Guides Writer on eXputer who’s fascinated by the eSports scene in the gaming industry. You’ll find Sameer grinding away at Valorant or any other FPS game when he’s got the time. He’s got several years of writing experience under his belt, you can find out more about Sameer's gaming journey on his Steam profile. Experience: 2+ Years || Education: BBA || Published 150+ Guides || Mainly Covers Guides

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