Malik Allahyar

Meet Allahyar, an avid gamer and seasoned writer. With a passion for classic 3D Universe GTA titles, FPS gems like Call of Duty 4, and MOBAs like League of Legends, he crafts comprehensive game guides for a diverse range of titles. From OG classics to the latest releases, he is your go-to for expert insights and strategies. Allahyar ensures you're equipped with the knowledge and strategies you need to excel in the gaming world.

Experience: 1+ year || Education: Bachelors in Electrical Engineering.

Most Played Games
  • 2000+ Hours in Call of Duty games.
  • 2000+ Hours in League of Legends.
Gaming History
Allahyar started playing video games back in 2008. Titles like GTA Vice City, GTA San Andreas, and COD 4 have been timeless favorites for him ever since.
10 Articles