Gwent is a side activity card game based on the characters of Witcher 3. You can use over 199 playing cards to duel with AI opponents, and 120 of them are unique decks. Each card has its own unique combat style, hero, and spell ability. I have listed here 8 Best Gwent Deck Witcher 3 cards you should always try to have in your hand & change the odds in your favor.
Here is a quick look at the 8 top cards/decks in Gwent, along with Card/Deck Type, Power, and Abilities compared to each other:
Card Name
Card/Deck Type
Special Cards
Commander’s Horn
Special Cards
Commander's Horn
Yennefer of Vengerberg
Ranged Unit
Hero and Medic
Geralt of Rivia
Close Combat Unit
Siege Combat
Close Combat
Isengrim Faoiltiarna
Card Type
Hero, Morale Boost
Ranged Unit
Hero and Mardroeme
1. Scorch
Scorch, the OP card [Image Captured by eXputer]
Special Cards
Related Quest
Gwent Quest: Collect ‘em All!
In Gwent, the Scorch deck is a type of deck that focuses on using the Scorch card to destroy the opponent’s strongest attack card on the playing field. If you have a lot of low-value cards in your deck then you can use Scorch deck.
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By using these cards, you can force your opponent to use their powerful cards earlier in The Witcher 3 Gwent. Then, you can use the Scorch card to destroy their strongest cards, leaving them with weaker cards. Multiple cards having the same attack value can be destroyed at once using a Scorch card.
But be careful while using the Scorch. If you have a high-value card on the playing field, scorch can destroy it too. This means that you need to use Scorch at the right time and be aware of your own cards as your opponent’s. But, if you use it at the wrong time, you could end up hurting your own chances of winning. So be careful and use it wisely.
In The Witcher 3, you can procure the Scorch card from three different innkeepers located in Kaer Trolde Harbor, Urialla Harbor, and the Cunny of the Goose. Its strategic value makes it worth acquiring early in The Witcher 3 Gwent, enhancing your deck’s versatility against various opponents. If you already possess it, its inclusion in your deck could be advantageous.
2. Commander’s Horn
Commander’s Horn Gwent card [Image Captured by eXputer]
Special Cards
Commander’s Horn
Related Quest
Gwent Quest: Collect ‘em All!
The Commander’s Horn card in Gwent is a powerful card that can double the strength of all the cards in a row, including your own. This means that if you have a lot of low-strength cards in a row, you can use Commander’s Horn to make them much stronger. Constructing the best deck is a strategic task that can significantly impact your success in Gwent.
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The great thing about Commander’s Horn is that it can be placed in any row, which makes it a versatile card that can be used in any deck. If you use it correctly, it can be an essential card to winning against even the toughest Gwent opponents. However, it can also be risky because you need to have a lot of low-strength cards in your deck. This means you may not have enough strong cards to win if your opponent is able to counter your strategy.
To acquire the Commander’s Horn card, visit Marquise Serenity at the Passiflora in Novigrad, the Innkeeper at Inn at the Crossroads, and the Innkeeper at the Alchemy Inn in Oxenfurt. Each sells one of these valuable cards.
3. Yennefer of Vengerberg
Yennefer of Vangerberg [Image Captured by eXputer]
Neutral Cards
Ranged Unit
Hero and Medic
Related Quest
Gwent Quest: Playing Innkeeps
In Gwent, Yennefer’s card is better than Triss’ card because Yennefer has a special ability that Triss doesn’t have. Yennefer is a hero card that has the medic ability, which means that she can revive a card from the discard pile.
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This ability can be very useful if you lose a powerful card earlier in The Witcher 3 Gwent and need to bring it back. Yennefer is also immune to special cards, which means that you can’t use special cards to weaken or remove her from the battlefield. In addition to her special ability, Yennefer is also a solid 7-strength hero card that can be used to control the battlefield and defeat your opponent’s card.
In The Witcher 3, the Yennefer of Vengerberg card can be won from Stjepan during the quest Gwent: Playing Innkeeps. The card carries two special abilities: as a Hero card, it’s immune to Special Cards or abilities; as a Medic, it allows instant play of a card from your discard pile (excluding Heroes or Special Cards).
4. Geralt of Rivia
Geralt of Rivia [Image Captured by eXputer]
Card Type
Close Combat
Card Strength
Special Ability
In card games, a “beat stick” is a card that has high stats but no special effects. In Witcher 3’s Gwent, Geralt of Rivia can be considered “Beatstick”. Geralt card comes with a high strength of 15, so you can’t ignore the importance of having this card in your hand.
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It means Geralt’s card is very powerful and can control the battlefield and defeat your opponent’s cards. In addition to the card’s high strength, Geralt is immune to special ability cards. This means your opponent can not use these cards to weaken or remove them from the battlefield. While Geralt doesn’t have any special abilities that can help with combo plays, the card is still a very valuable one to have in your deck.
In The Witcher 3 base game, the Geralt of Rivia card can be won during a Gwent Quest in the region of Grayrocks, Velen. This particular challenge occurs at the culmination of the Secondary Quest, “A Deadly Plot,” after rescuing Thaler from the Troll Cave. By besting Thaler in Gwent, you’ll earn the Geralt of Rivia card, a potent addition to your deck.
5. Thaler
Thaler Gwent Deck Witcher 3 [Image Captured by eXputer]
Card Type
Siege Combat
Northern Realms
Card Strength
Special Ability
Many players argue that the Northern Realms faction provides the best deck in Witcher 3 due to its strong hero cards and effective special abilities. That is why Thaler is a deck focusing on using spies to gain a card advantage over your opponent. Thaler is a spy card that lets you draw 2 cards from your deck. This is a great deal because it gives you more cards to play and more options to defeat your opponent’s cards.
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The downside of playing a spy card is that you have to put it on your opponent’s side of the battlefield. This means your opponent can defeat the spy card and gain points. However, Thaler is a weak spy card with only a strength of 1. This means that your opponent will only receive a 1-strength siege unit in exchange for you drawing 2 cards.
In The Witcher 3, purchase the Thaler card from the Innkeeper in Arinbjorn. Thaler’s unique Spy ability lets you place it on the opponent’s battlefield, increasing their total points but allowing you to draw two additional cards.
6. Villentretenmerth
Villentretenmerth card [Image Captured by eXputer]
Card Type
Close Combat
Card Strength
Special Ability
Related Quest
Gwent Quest: Collect ‘em All!
Villentretenmerth is a powerful card in Gwent that can remove your opponent’s strongest cards from the field. It’s a great feeling to use this card and see your opponent’s card disappear. With this card, you can destroy several cards of your opponent at once.
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This card is especially useful against Monster’s deck, as it can destroy more than 10 cards at once in the right situation. You can also use Decoys to bring Villentretenmerth back to your hand and use it multiple times.
In The Witcher 3, the Villentretenmerth card can be obtained randomly from interactions with merchants and crafters. The randomness of acquisition adds a layer of unpredictability and excitement in your quest to strengthen your Gwent deck. Villentretenmerth is one of the best Gwent cards in Witcher 3; its ability to destroy the strongest cards in the enemy’s close combat row can swing a game in your favor.
7. Isengrim Faoiltiarna
Isengrim Faoiltiarna Gwent deck [Image Captured by eXputer]
Card Type
Card Type
Card Strength
Special Ability 1
Special Ability 2
Morale Boost
The Morale boost ability can give a bonus to all non-hero cards in a row, which can be better than playing a hero card with high attack power. Isengrim Faoiltiarna is a hero card that offers both of these abilities. It has ten attack powers, which cannot be removed, making it a powerful card to play. Additionally, it also provides a Morale Boost to your combat row, giving a bonus to all non-hero cards.
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Isengrim Faoiltiarna is a potent card with two special abilities in The Witcher 3. Firstly, as a Hero card, it’s immune to any effects from Special Cards or abilities, enhancing its resilience on the battlefield. Secondly, its Morale Boost ability adds +1 to all units in the same row, excluding itself, thereby bolstering your attack strength. Its versatility makes it a crucial component in any strategic Gwent deck build.
In The Witcher 3, you can acquire the Isengrim Faoiltiarna card as a reward for the quest “A Dangerous Game.” Choose to accept the cards offered by Zoltan upon quest completion, and this powerful card could enhance your Gwent deck.
8. Ermion
Ermion Card [Image Captured by eXputer]
Skellige Clans
Ranged Unit
Hero and Mardroeme
Gwent Quest: Never Fear, Skellige’s Here!
Available in
Blood and Wine DLC
Ermion is a Skellige deck leader in Gwent, but it hasn’t had its own Gwent deck for a long time. However, Blood and Wine added a Skellige deck to The Witcher 3 Gwent, which includes many powerful cards. One of these cards is Ermion, which has eight attack powers and is a hero card.
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Ermion’s Mardroeme ability has the power to activate all Berserker abilities in the same row. This means that any Berserker cards on that row will turn from a two-attack card to an eight-attack card. This is a powerful ability, especially when combined with 3 ranged Young Berserkers. That is why the best Gwent deck in Witcher 3 isn’t just about high-power cards; it’s about a well-balanced combination of units, hero cards, and special cards.
The Ermion card can be obtained by defeating a Gwent player in the region of Toussaint, specifically at Francollarts. The encounter takes place with the Innkeep at The Scarlet Cardinal Inn. Win the Gwent match, and Ermion is yours to enhance your Gwent deck.
Huzaifa Amjad is a Guides writer on eXputer who loves powering through every AAA title and sharing his in-depth thoughts with his viewers on eXputer. When he’s not writing, he’s driving around Mexico in Forza Horizon 5 and racing random players. You can follow Huzaifa's gaming activity on his Steamprofile.
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