BG3: Best Jaheira Build [Circle Of The Moon]

After playing for more than 80 hours with Jaheira, here's my take for the best Build about the Druid on the Sword's Coast.

Druids are one of the most fun classes you can play in BG3. This BG3 Best Jaheira build will focus on one of the best non-origin Druid you can recruit to join you on your adventures. Although possible, changing the default class on Jaheira is not something you should opt for if you’re looking for the most damage and utility.

Key Takeaways
  • Jaheria is a High Half-Elf Druid in BG3.
  • She is one of the few characters that has appeared in all three of the BG games.
  • Her best build path in BG3 is based on the Circle of the Moon subclass.
  • Jaheira’s early stages are spent as a caster, and the late game focuses more on the Wild Shape ability.
  • Her best forms are Owlbears and Myrmidons.
  • Some of her best skills are Ice Storm and Heat Metal for massive AoE damage and utility.

Key Jaheira Features

Jaheira Character Overview
Jaheira Companion (Image Captured by eXputer)

In my opinion, Jaheira is one of the best Druids you can recruit (Halsin being the other one) as a companion. Her reputation is already well known on the Sword Coast, and rightfully so. Even before recruiting her becomes an option, her skill in battle with sheer strength and spells during the siege on Moonrise Towers is more than enough of a showcase of her utility.

Some of the notable features about Jaheira are listed as follows:

  • Jaheira is a High Half-Elf, proficient in casting and magic skills.
  • She can be multi-classed into a fighter-mage companion.
  • You have to ensure she stays alive during the events of Act 2 if you want to recruit her.
  • You can also pursue Jaheira romantically if you play your cards right.

Jaheira Build Path

Jaheira Build BG3
Jaheira Buildpath in BG3 (Image Credit: eXputer)

In BG3, Jaheira can be classed into a Fighter, Caster, or a Druid. For the best Jaheira build in BG3, we will stick to her Druid build for the most damage and the Wild Shape skill she gets later on. This section will cover her progression all through her levels, although by the time you recruit her, she may already have a few levels on her. Her complete build path is broken down among the sections that follow.

Circle of The Moon Subclass

Circle of the Moon Subclass
Circle of the Moon Druid Subclass (Image Credit Copyright eXputer)

If you ask me, the best subclass you can opt for when it comes to Jaheira is the Circle of the Moon. It will later unlock her Wild Shape ability, which will allow you to transform into other forms. You can switch between forms as you wish. Additionally, you will unlock more powerful forms with different utilities and skills as you level up.

All of Jaheira’s While Shape Forms are listed below:

  • Level 1: Badger, Bear, Cat, Spider, Wolf
  • Level 4: Deep Rothe, Dire Raven
  • Level 6: Panther, Owlbear
  • Level 8: Saber-Tooth Tiger
  • Level 10: Air Myrmidon, Earth Myrmidon, Water Myrmidon, Fire Myrmidon, Dilophosarus

Ability Distribution

The Jaheira Build prioritizes the Constitution ability the most. You will need as much HP as possible to fulfill the tank role. Secondly, Wisdom will be your second-best ability because you need to deal damage as well. Wisdom is the key ability that scales the damage on any Druid class.

The starting abilities you get with Jaheira are listed below:

  • Strength – 10
  • Dexterity – 14
  • Constitution – 16
  • Intelligence – 8
  • Wisdom – 16
  • Charism – 10

Cantrips & Feats

Jaheira Guidance Cantrip
Guidance Cantrip (Image Credit: eXputer)

Cantrips vary from player to player based on the playstyle you want, but the majority of the players go for Shillelagh and Thorn Whip at level 1. Later on, at level 4, you can pick up Guidance for an increased roll on those Ability Checks.

The Feats are a crucial part of the best Jaheira build. You can choose feats for Jaheira based on your playstyle if you are an experienced player; however, if that isn’t the case, it is best to stick to the ones I mentioned. At levels 4 and 8, pick Ability Improvement and add a total of 4 to Wisdom for more damage. At level 12, pick Elemental Adept and gain resistance to one type of elemental damage.

Best Skills For Jaheira

Jaheira’s primary source in the late game is her forms, but before you unlock a powerful form, your best chance at survival is through casting Spells. You can opt for utility or damage based on what you’re going for, but by default, Jaheira excels at offensive spells rather than defensive ones.

Some of Jaheira’s best skills are listed as follows:

  • Call Lightning – AOE Lightning spell
  • Daylight- Summons light (especially useful in the Shadow-Cursed Lands)
  • Heat Metal -Disarms enemies using weapons
  • Ice Storm – AoE ice damage.

Best Armor And Weapons

BG3 Jaheira Equipment
Jaheira’s Equipment Proficiency (Image Captured by eXputer)

The final step for the best BG3 Jaheira Build is her equipment. This is the most subjective part of the build, so feel free to change it up according to what you think suits your team dynamic the best. The “best” items listed here will be the popular picks for Jaheria, along with being the most optimal in the average encounter.

The best Jaheira equipment is listed as follows:

  • Herbalist Gloves -Cure poison effects from any companion.
  • Barkskin -Increases Armor Class to 16.
  • Boosts of Striding- Adds movement when concentrating on a spell.
  • Absolute’s Talisman -Heal 1d8 HP if you’re under 25% HP and deal damage.
  • Impressive forms and base abilities
  • Good fit for AoE damage
  • Abilities like Ice Storm and Heat Metal prove quite useful in intense situations. 
  • Reliable passive abilities
  • Comparatively low intelligence
  • More fragile

My Take On Jaheira Build

Save File Act 3 Save File
BG3 Save File (Image Credit Copyright: eXputer)

I have played BG3 many times, and the Shadow Cursed Lands stand alone out of everything that happens in it. Not only do they pursue Shadowheart’s storyline, but they also introduce Jaheira and follow her story after the events of Baldur’s Gate 1 and 2. 

However, when it comes to playing as Jaheria, I don’t find much use out of her kit because my main is a caster, and I play with Gale and Shadowheart. If you want to play her, ensure she isn’t your team’s only fighter. Additionally, try to use her Wild Shape as much as possible before you lose too much HP to use it properly in harsh encounters.

That concludes the BG3 best build for Jaheria. Regarding druids, Jaheira is one of the best ones in BG3. Her storyline is rich with flavor and brings in lore from the earlier titles. While here, consider checking out the Investigate the Mason’s Guild guide. If that isn’t what you like, you can use the Exploring Balthazar’s Room guide instead.

Up Next:

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Ibrahim Akhtar is a guides & features writer at eXputer. He uses his passion for gaming to provide insightful takes in his articles. Ibrahim spends most of his time defending Baldur's Gate from the forces of the Absolute. He has accumulated more than 15 years of gaming experience, having 1000 hours in The Witcher 3 and twice as much on Skyrim V. Ibrahim has previously worked at TopTierList. You can keep up with his Steam account to stay up to date on his latest explorations.

Experience: 1+ Years || Previously Worked for TopTierList || Education: Bachelors in Data Science.

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