Genshin Impact has released countless Pyro characters alongside Yoimiya in Inazuma, and she is one of the best Pyro DPSes to date. Players might want to know the best Yoimiya teams in Genshin Impact alongside the best artifacts and weapons to use with the characters!
- Yoimiya is a five-star Pyro user who happens to be a Bow user and is an excellent DPS.
- The main advantage of using her in your team is that she can be one of the best Pyro DPSes when paired with the correct supports in the Fontaine teams.
- Her disadvantage is that there aren’t many Genshin Impact characters that can work with her during combat except for Hydro team characters.
- Players must significantly plan and invest in the best artifacts for your characters and weapons for Yoimiya to shine during battle.
- Why Trust Us: Mina Anwar has spent over 2000+ hours grinding Genshin Impact, so you can easily trust her to provide you with highly reliable information regarding the best Yoimiya teams.
Genshin Impact Best Yoimiya Teams
Below listed is a summarized version of the best Yoimiya Teams:
Rank No. | Genshin Impact Best Yoimiya Teams | Characters | Artifacts |
1 | Yoimiya/Xingqiu | Yoimiya, Xingqiu, Zhongli, Yunjin | Shimenawa, Noblesse Oblige, Tenacity, Husk |
2 | Overloaded Comp | Yoimiya, Yae Miko, Sucrose, Zhongli | Crimson Witch, Thundering Fury, Viridescent Venereer, Tenacity. |
3 | Yoi Melt Comp | Yoimiya, Kazuha, Ganyu, Bennett | Crimson Witch, Viridescent Venereer, Blizzard, Noblesse Oblige |
1) Yoimiya/Xingqiu
Why I Chose This Team: Yoimiya’s high damage combined with Xingqiu can create deadly Vporize comps.
One of the first teams includes Yoimiya, Xingqiu, Zhongli, and Yunjin characters. They all come together to use the Vaporized reaction through Yoimiya and Xingqiu’s attacks, and the attacks can be further buffed.
The roles of each of the characters in the Genshin Best Teams are listed as follows:
- Yoimiya: Main DPS + Pyro applicator.
- Xingqiu: Support + Vape proc
- Zhongli: Shielder
- Yunjin: Attack Buffer
The pros and cons of the team are listed as follows under my experience:
- Yoimiya is a high single-target damage dealer
- Yunjin can greatly increase the attack speed.
- Yoimiya is not a Standard character
One of the first characters is Yoimiya, who happens to be a five-star Pyro teams who excels at dealing great Pyro damage to enemies.
In the Genshin Best Yoimiya Teams, she acts as the main DPS, as she can charge her attacks using her Elemental Skill, and the damage is enough to render opponents useless.
She uses the 4 piece Crimson Witch of Flames with the Thundering Pulse:
- Flower: Flat HP
- Feather: Flat ATK
- Sands: ATK%
- Goblet: Pyro Damage Bonus
- Circlet: Crit Damage/Crit Rate

Next up, Xingqiu is an excellent four-star Hydro character who happens to wield a sword and can help be an excellent support for the Genshin Yoimiya Teams.
In the team, he manages to be a support by applying Hydro using his Elemental Skill and can proc Vaporize when paired with Yoimiya.
He can use the 4 piece Noblesse Oblige with the Favonius Sword as his weapon of choice, in my opinion:
- Flower: Flat HP
- Feather: Flat ATK
- Sands: ER%
- Goblet: Hydro Damage Bonus
- Circlet: Crit Damage/Crit Rate

As far as Zhongli is concerned in the Best Yoimiya Teams comp for Genshin Impact, he is a five-star Geo character who wields a Polearm.
He is a broken Shielder who can cast a shield for the current character using his Elemental Skill and can protect from incoming enemy attacks.
The 4 piece Tenacity set combined with the Black Tassel is a great option for him in my experience:
- Flower: Flat HP
- Feather: Flat ATK
- Sands: HP%
- Goblet: HP%
- Circlet: HP%

Yunjin is another inexpensive addition to the Yoimiya Best Teams in Genshin, as she is a four-star Polearm Geo user.
While on the team, she focuses on using her Elemental Burst to cast out attack buffs for Yoimiya so she can attack faster.
The 4 piece Husk of Opulent Dreams with DEF% stats works the best for her, in my opinion:
- Flower: Flat HP
- Feather: Flat ATK
- Sands: DEF%
- Goblet: DEF%
- Circlet: DEF%
2) Overloaded Comp
Why I Chose This Team: Yoimiya’s high damage combined with Yae Miko can render enemies useless using the Overloaded Comp.
Moving on, another broken team in Genshin for Yoimiya includes characters such as Yae Miko or Raiden, as well as Sucrose and Bennett.
The roles of each of the characters in the team comp are mentioned as follows in my opinion:
- Yoimiya: Main DPS +Pyro Applicator
- Yae Miko: Sub-DPS + Electro Overloaded Proc
- Sucrose: Support + Crowd Control
- Bennett: Healer + Attack Buffer
The pros and cons for Yoimiuya Genshin Best Teams are mentioned as follows:
- Yoimiya is a high single-target Pyro damage dealer
- Yae Miko can apply Overloaded.
- Yoimiya is only present on the Limited banner.
One of the first characters is Yoimiya, who belongs to the Genshin Best Yoimiya Teams as a stand-alone Pyro DPS.
She is able to output high Single-target damage, and when combined with a character such as Yae Miko or Riaden, she can detonate enemies with ease.
She can use the 4 piece Shimenawa’s set or the Crimson Witch of Flames in my opinion:
- Flower: Flat HP
- Feather: Flat ATK
- Sands: ATK%
- Goblet: Pyro Damage Bonus
- Circlet: Crit Damage/Crit Rate
Yae Miko

As far as Yae Miko is concerned, she is a five-star Electro character who happens to wield a catalyst and is essential to the Yoimiya Genshin Teams.
She acts as the sub-DPS while in the team, and she can put down Totems that continue to auto-target enemies with her Elemental Skill.
She can use the four-piece Thundering Fury or Emblem Set with the Kagura’s Verity for her Genshin Yoimiya Teams as mentioned below:
- Flower: Flat HP
- Feather: Flat ATK
- Sands: ER%
- Goblet: Electro Damage Bonus
- Circlet: Crit Damage/Crit Rate
Moving on, when it comes to Sucrose she is a four-star Anemo character who wields a catalyst.
She is a great f2p option for people who cannot afford to get Kazuha, and she typically uses her Crowd Control skills on enemies to gather them up.
She uses the 4 piece Viridescent Venereer set as listed below:
- Flower: Flat HP
- Feather: Flat ATK
- Sands: ER%
- Goblet: EM/Anemo Damage Bonus
- Circlet: Crit Damage/Crit Rate
Last but not least, Zhongli is a five-star Geo character who wields a Polearm and can unleash high Nuke damage using his Elemental Burst.
However, for this Best Yoimiya Team guide in Genshin Impact, he uses his Elemental Skill to unleash a Shield that can protect anyone.
He typically uses the four-piece Tenacity of the Milellith set with the Black Tassel as listed below in my opinion:
- Flower: Flat HP
- Feather: Flat ATK
- Sands: HP%
- Goblet: HP%
- Circlet: HP%
3) Yoi Melt Comp
Why I Chose This Team: Yoimiya can combine forces with Ganyu and render enemies useless.
Last but not least, Yoimiya can shine well in a team comp that includes characters such as Kazuha, Ganyu, and Bennett.
The roles of each of the characters are listed as follows:
- Yoimiya: Main DPS + Pyro Damage Dealer
- Kazuha: Support+ Crowd Control Unit
- Ganyu: Sub-DPS + Burst Melt
- Bennett: Healer + Attack Enhancer
The pros and cons for the characters are present as listed below under my experience:
- Ganyu is an excellent sub-DPS
- Bennett can enhance attack output.
- Kazuha is a limited character.
First, as mentioned before, Yoimiya is a five-star Pyro characters who wields a bow and can output great Pyro damage.
As the main DPS of the Genshin Teams, her Elemental Burst is crucial to this comp to trigger Melt on enemies.
She uses the 4 piece Shimenawa’s Reminiscence with the Thundering Pulse as mentioned below:
- Flower: Flat HP
- Feather: Flat ATK
- Sands: ATK%
- Goblet: Pyro Damage Bonus
- Circlet: Crit Damage/Crit Rate

Next up, Kazuha is a five-star Anemo character who wields a Sword and can provide the support that the team requires. As a support unit, he easily buffs the damage for Yoimiya using his ELemental Burst and Crowd Controls enemies.
He uses the 4 piece Viridescent Venereer’s set with the Freedom Sworn weapon as listed here:
- Flower: Flat HP
- Feather: Flat ATK
- Sands: EM
- Goblet: EM
- Circlet: EM
Next up, Ganyu is a five-star Cryo character who is absolutely determined to be one of the best main DPSes in Genshin Impact.
She uses the four-piece Blizzard Strayer artifact set as mentioned below:
- Flower: Flat HP
- Feather: Flat ATK
- Sands: ATK%
- Goblet: Cryo Damage Bonus
- Circlet: Crit Rate/Crit Damage

Last but not least, Bennett is a four-star Pyro character who wields a sword and can perfectly heal free characters for battle.
She uses the four-piece Noblesse Oblige as mentioned below according to my opinion:
- Flower: Flat HP
- Feather: Flat ATK
- Sands: HP%
- Goblet: HP%
- Circlet: HP%
My Thoughts On Best Yoimiya Teams
After spending 2000+ hours playing Genshin Impact, I can conclude that the best team with Yoimiya includes characters like Xingqiu or Bennett, as Xingqiu can proc Vaporize, enhancing the overall damage. Bennett can heal and provide excellent buffs.
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