What is Mohgwyn in Elden Ring?
Mohgwyn in Elden Ring is actually short for Mohgwyn Palace. It is one of the many different regions of the map that are located in the Lands Between. Mohgwyn, in particular, is situated below ground level, and you’ll find it surfacing beneath the Caelid region.
Now, the fact of the matter is that there are two possible ways that you can use to get to Mohgwyn in the game. Since we’re aiming toward covering an in-depth guide on Mohgwyn, we’ll go over both of these ways for your convenience. That way, you’ll find your options flexible enough to decide which one to shoot for accordingly.
- Mohgwyn Palace, a legacy dungeon in Elden Ring, houses Mohg The Lord of Blood, a demigod.
- Two ways to reach Mohgwyn: Complete Varre’s questline and receive Pureblood Knight’s Medal, or access a teleporter in Consecrated Snowfield.
- Varre is found near First Steps Site of Grace; follow his questline to receive the teleportation item.
- Alternatively, access Consecrated Snowfield using the medallion of Rold halves at the Mountain Top of the Giants lift.
- In Consecrated Snowfield’s western region, find a waygate leading to Mohg The Lord of Blood, a Marika’s Children member and abductor of Miquella, Malenia’s brother
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Pathway #1: Complete the Questline of White-Faced Varré
The first option that you have at your disposal for getting to the Moghwyn Palace in Elden Ring revolves around completing the questline of an NPC called White-Faced Varré.
- Locate White-Faced Varré: White-Faced Varré is an NPC you encounter early in the game, just after the tutorial, at The First Step Site of Grace. Interact with him to start the questline.
- Return to The First Step Site of Grace: If you’ve progressed further in the game without completing Varré’s questline, you may need to return to The First Step Site of Grace to find him again.
- Visit Rose Church: Varré will direct you to Rose Church, which is located southwest of Liurnia. Travel to Rose Church and talk to him there to trigger the quest.
- Complete the Questline: Follow the tasks and objectives provided by White-Faced Varré as you progress through his questline. This may involve various challenges and adventures in the game world.
- Obtain the Special Key Item: As you continue to complete Varré’s tasks, you will eventually receive a special key item from him. This item will enable you to teleport instantly to Moghwyn Palace.
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How to Complete White-Faced Varré’s Questline
To complete White-Faced Varré’s questline and gain access to Moghwyn Palace in Elden Ring, follow these steps:
- Speak to White-Faced Varré: You’ll encounter White-Faced Varré near The First Step Site of Grace at the beginning of the game. Interact with him to start the questline.
- Defeat Godrick the Grafted: Progress in the game until you face and defeat Godrick the Grafted, the first main boss. This is a prerequisite to continue Varré’s quest.
- Visit Rose Church: Travel to Rose Church, located southwest of Liurnia of the Lakes. You’ll find White-Faced Varré there.
Rose Church Location in Elden Ring - Initiate Dialogue: Speak to White-Faced Varré at Rose Church. During the conversation, select the option “They didn’t seem right” when discussing your experience with Great Runes.
- Receive Festering Bloody Finger: After selecting the option, you’ll receive the Festering Bloody Finger key item.
Festering Bloody Finger Obtained - Invade Other Players’ Worlds: Use the Festering Bloody Finger to invade other players’ worlds three times. Successful invasions are all that’s required; defeating the host is not necessary.
- Return to White-Faced Varré: Go back to White-Faced Varré at the Rose Church once you’ve successfully invaded other players’ worlds three times.
- Anointing Ceremony: Engage in a conversation with White-Faced Varré again. This time, select the “Anoint Me” option.
Selecting the Right Option for White-Faced Varré - Receive Lord of Blood’s Favor: You’ll receive the Lord of Blood’s Favor key item from White-Faced Varré.
Selecting the “Anoint Me” Option - Reach The Four Belfries: Travel to The Four Belfries area in Liurnia of the Lakes. You can reach the Foot of the Four Belfries Site of Grace and proceed from there.
Heading to the Four Belfries - Obtain Imbued Sword Key: Locate and reach the Third Belfry, where you’ll find a chest containing the Imbued Sword Key.
Imbued Sword Key Obtained - Open Waygate: Use the Imbued Sword Key to open the nearby waygate.
Using the Imbued Sword Key at the Third Belfry - Defeat Grafted Scion: Proceed through the waygate and defeat the Grafted Scion boss.
Grafted Scion Felled - Retrieve Maiden’s Blood: After defeating the boss, cross a nearby bridge to reach a church. Inside, you’ll find a fallen maiden. Interact with her to obtain Maiden’s Blood, completing the Lord of Blood’s Favor quest.
Lord of Blood’s Favor Completed - Return to White-Faced Varré: Return to White-Faced Varré at the Rose Church and speak with him once more.
Talking to White-Faced Varré Again - Receive Pureblood Knight’s Medal: White-Faced Varré will give you the Pureblood Knight’s Medal key item.
Pureblood Knight’s Medal Obtained - Use the Pureblood Knight’s Medal: Open your inventory and use the Pureblood Knight’s Medal to confirm your teleportation to Mohgwyn Palace.
Using the Pureblood Knights Medal - Arrive at Moghwyn Palace: You will be transported to Mohgwyn Palace, gaining access to this location.
Mohgwyn Palace Reached

Pathway #2: Find the Secret Teleporter in the Consecrated Snowfield Region
Don’t want to bother yourself with White-Faced Varré’s questline? Or is it too demanding for you? There’s another way you can get to Mohgwyn, and that is by unlocking the Consecrated Snowfield area first. Similar to how Mohgwyn Palace stands in the Lands Between, Consecrated Snowfield is another purely secret area that you will have to dig out on your own.
Follow these steps:
- Unlock Consecrated Snowfield: First, you need to unlock the Consecrated Snowfield area. To do this, follow a separate guide to obtain the two halves of the Secret Haligtree Medallion and use it at the Grand Lift of Rold to access the Consecrated Snowfield.
- Start at Inner Consecrated Snowfield: Once you have access to the Consecrated Snowfield, start at the Inner Consecrated Snowfield Site of Grace.
Inner Consecrated Snowfield Site of Grace Location - Head Northwest: From the Inner Consecrated Snowfield Site of Grace, head northwest through the snowy landscape.
- Look for Red Leaves: Keep an eye out for an area with red-colored leaves mixed in the snow on the ground. This is an indicator that you’re heading in the right direction.
Location of the Mohgwyn Palace Teleporter - Reach the Cliff: Continue southwest until you reach the end of the area, where you’ll find a cliff.
- Jump Down: Jump down from the cliff, and you’ll see a Waygate nearby.
Waygate Spotted - Interact with the Waygate: Approach the Waygate and interact with it. You’ll receive a prompt asking if you want to travel to the allotted destination. Select “Yes” to proceed.
- Loading Screen: After selecting “Yes,” you’ll experience a loading screen.
Traveling to the Mohgwyn Palace - Arrive at Mohgwyn Palace: You will find yourself in a dark cave with a torch. Follow the path outside the cavernous tunnel, and you’ll arrive somewhere in Mohgwyn Palace.
Mohgwyn Palace Arrived
Please note that some players have reported issues with the Waygate not working initially. If you encounter this problem, make sure you’re not being invaded by another player, as concurrent invasions can block access to Waygates. Additionally, some random events may trigger the teleporter to activate later in the game if it didn’t work initially.
This pathway provides an alternative method to reach Mohgwyn Palace if you prefer not to complete White-Faced Varré’s questline. Choose the pathway that suits your playstyle and progression in Elden Ring.
Personally, we recommend completing White-Faced Varré’s questline, so you can explore the areas that come in the wake of it and gradually get to Mohgwyn Palace hassle-free.
However, exploration is the ultimate key to getting the most out of Elden Ring, and the title encourages that itself by rewarding you with legendary armaments, upgrade materials, and other awesome items. In this guide, we’ve talked about the Mohgwyn Palace in full, including the couple of different ways you can get to the area in question. After thoroughly reading the written instructions, you’ll be all set to find Mohgwyn in no time.
As always, eXputer wishes you happy gaming!
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