Little Alchemy 2: How To Make Electricity [Recipes]

There's only a handful of elements in Little Alchemy 2 that let you progress to the endgame as quickly as electricity.

Making electricity in Little Alchemy 2 is one of the most important steps in crafting electrical components. These components become more common in the mid-game section when you have around 200-250 elements in your encyclopedia. As such, electricity being a core element for making them means it has a lot of significance in that section.

Key Takeaways
  • There are 10 ways to make electricity from scratch in Little Alchemy 2
  • Electricity belongs to the forces and electricity categories, which are included in most science-related discoveries and recipes
  • It’s also one of the most versatile elements in the game, as it can be used to directly curate roughly 40+ recipes and hundreds more indirectly
  • Most of the recipes you can craft with electricity are mid-game or late-game items that require a multitude of steps to unlock

Recipes To Make Electricity

Most of Electricity’s recipes in Little Alchemy 2 include 4 main ingredients – Wind Turbine, Storm, Solar Cell, and Lightning. There are several ways to craft each one of these ingredients. However, for this list, I’ll focus on the shortest and most efficient routes to make them, which does not include electricity itself.

Wind And Wind Turbine

This is probably the easiest electricity recipe that includes a wind turbine since the other half of the recipe, Wind, is already needed to make a Wind turbine. Additionally, the wind is also one of the easiest elements to craft in Little Alchemy 2.

To make wind in the game, I’ll be following these two simple steps:

  1. Air + Air = Pressure
  2. Pressure + Air = Wind
Wind in Little Alchemy 2
Wind (Image Credit Copyright: eXputer)

After that, you can now move to make a wind turbine. This item has 2 main components – a Windmill and a Machine. I’ll start by making the windmill with this procedure:

  1. Earth + Fire = Lava
  2. Lava + Air = Stone
  3. Stone + Stone = Wall
  4. Wall + Wall = House
  5. House + Wind = Windmill
Windmill in Little Alchemy 2
Windmill (Image by us)

Now I’ll focus on creating the machine. Fortunately, most of the elements needed for it only require fusing the same crafted items over and over again, so I don’t have too many complex items in this recipe.

  1. Water + Water = Puddle
  2. Puddle + Puddle = Pond
  3. Pond + Pond = Lake
  4. Lake + Lake = Sea
  5. Sea + Earth = Primordial Soup
  6. Fire + Fire = Energy
  7. Energy + Primordial Soup = Life
  8. Water + Earth = Mud
  9. Mud + Stone = Clay
  10. Clay + Life = Human
  11. Human + Stone = Tool
  12. Tool + Tool = Machine
Machine in Little Alchemy 2
Machine (Screenshot Grab: eXputer)

You’ll finally be combining your Windmill and Machine to make a Wind Turbine, and further combine this Wind Turbine with the wind you made earlier to create electricity.

Motion And Wind Turbine

The only lengthy bit is making science, which can be made by combining two main elements – a human and a universe. The following approach shows how to make it and eventually infuse it with the wind to create motion:

  1. Earth + Earth = Land
  2. Land + Land = Continent
  3. Continent + Continent = Planet
  4. Planet + Planet = Solar System
  5. Solar System + Solar System = Galaxy
  6. Galaxy + Galaxy = Galaxy Cluster
  7. Galaxy Cluster + Galaxy Cluster = Universe
  8. Universe + Human = Science
  9. Science + Wind = Motion
Motion in Little Alchemy 2
Motion (Image Credits: eXputer)

Storm/Sandstorm And Wind Turbine

Although not as simple as making wind, Storm is a fairly straightforward item you can make early in the game. Apart from that, a sandstorm requires the same ingredients and steps as a storm with just 1 extra element – sand. We’ve already discussed the steps to make a Wind Turbine above. Now, it’s time to move on to making a storm using the following method:

  1. Earth + Earth = Land
  2. Land + Land = Continent
  3. Continent + Continent = Planet
  4. Planet + Air = Atmosphere
  5. Atmosphere + Water = Cloud
  6. Cloud + Cloud = Storm
Storm in Little Alchemy 2
Storm (Image taken by eXputer)

If you plan to take the sandstorm route to make electricity in Little Alchemy 2 instead, here’s a quick walkthrough to make sand from scratch and ultimately create a sandstorm with it:

  1. Fire + Earth = Lava
  2. Lava + Air = Stone
  3. Stone + Air = Sand
  4. Sand + Storm = Sandstorm
sandstorm in Little Alchemy 2
Sandstorm (Screenshot by eXputer)

Storm And Science

I’ve included the recipe to make science step-by-step in the motion guide above so you don’t need to make it separately.

Science in Little Alchemy 2
Science (Screenshot by eXputer)

Light And Solar Cell

The following recipe shows the most efficient way you can get a solar cell:

  1. Earth + Earth = Land
  2. Land + Land = Continent
  3. Continent + Continent = Planet
  4. Planet + Fire = Sun
  5. Fire + Fire = Energy
  6. Energy + Sun = Solar Cell
Solar Cell in Little Alchemy 2
Solar Cell (Image by eXputer)

On the other hand, light is a different concept altogether. This is a base element in Little Alchemy 2, meaning you can craft a lot more items and elements with it compared to your other discoveries. And with the solar cell already being a part of your inventory, you can attain light in a small number of steps.

  1. Fire + Earth = Lava
  2. Lava + Air = Stone
  3. Stone + Planet = Moon
  4. Sun + Moon = Sky
  5. Sky + Sun = Light
light in Little Alchemy 2
Light: one of the base elements in the game (Image Credit Copyright: eXputer)

Sun/Star And Solar Cell

Since the sun has fewer steps, I’ll make it first by following this recipe:

  1. Earth + Earth = Land
  2. Land + Land = Continent
  3. Continent + Continent = Planet
  4. Planet + Fire = Sun
Sun in Little Alchemy 2
Sun (Screenshot Grab: eXputer)

On top of these, you’ll also have to further expand the process by doing this procedure if you’re going to make a star:

  1. Planet + Air = Atmosphere
  2. Atmosphere + Water = Cloud
  3. Cloud + Air = Sky
  4. Planet + Planet = Solar System
  5. Solar System + Sky = Space
  6. Space + Sun = Star
Star in Little Alchemy 2
Star (Screenshot Captured by eXputer)

As seen, you craft new elements with each step, so that’s a bonus for making a star instead of a sun. Some of these elements, like a cloud or a sky, are especially useful since they’re used in a ton of geological discoveries in the game as well.

Lightning And Metal

Out of all the recipe walkthroughs to make electricity in Little Alchemy 2, this is probably the easiest one, since both lightning and metal are very basic elements to produce. I’ll start with lightning since it’s more commonly used for electricity and thus used in more electricity recipes.

  1. Earth + Earth = Land
  2. Land + Land = Continent
  3. Continent + Continent = Planet
  4. Planet + Air = Atmosphere
  5. Atmosphere + Water = Cloud
  6. Fire + Fire = Energy
  7. Energy + Cloud = Lightning
Lightning in Little Alchemy 2
Lightning (Image Credits: eXputer)

Next, you can follow these 3 easy steps below to make metal in the game:

  1. Fire + Earth = Lava
  2. Lava + Air = Stone
  3. Stone + Fire = Metal

Lightning And Steel

With Lightning being covered in the previous recipe, let’s now start making steel, another combination for making electricity. Steel is more like a sophisticated version of metal in Little Alchemy 2 since all of the steel recipes include metal as one of its two main elements.

As for steel’s second element, I’ll go with ash since it requires the least number of steps to make out of any other ingredient for steel. To make steel, I’ll first combine heaps of Earth and ultimately combine it with water a few times to create rain.

  1. Earth + Earth = Land
  2. Land + Land = Continent
  3. Continent + Continent = Planet
  4. Planet + Air = Atmosphere
  5. Atmosphere + Water = Cloud
  6. Cloud + Water = Rain
Rain in Little Alchemy 2
Rain (Image Captured by eXputer)

After that, you’ll make some soil and combine it with rain to make a plant. Finally, as your last step, you’ll burn the plant with fire to make your ash.

  1. Water + Water = Puddle
  2. Puddle + Puddle = Pond
  3. Pond + Pond = Lake
  4. Lake + Lake = Sea
  5. Sea + Earth = Primordial Soup
  6. Fire + Fire = Energy
  7. Energy + Primordial Soup = Life
  8. Life + Earth = Soil
  9. Soil + Rain = Plant
  10. Plant + Fire = Ash
Ash in Little Alchemy 2
Ash (Screenshot taken by eXputer)

Once that’s done, simply add the ash to the metal and you’ll get steel, highlighted by its pattern design and lighter, silver color.

Steel in Little Alchemy 2
Steel (Screenshot Captured by eXputer)

Some Final Item Recipes With Electricity

Now that we’ve covered every possible walkthrough to make electricity from scratch in Little Alchemy 2, let’s discuss what final items this element can make. As a reminder, a final item is the last product you attain from a series of mixing and combining, and you can’t make anything else with this item. For electricity, these items can have anywhere between 5 to possible 50+ steps!

Cable Car

  • Recipe: Wire + Mountain
Cable Car in Little Alchemy 2
Final Item: Cable Car (Screenshot by eXputer)

A cable car is perhaps the easiest final item in this list to make since both of its main ingredients, the wire, and mountain, collectively just need 7 steps to get done, with the mountain only taking three steps.

So here’s a rundown to quickly make a piece of wire in the game:

  1. Fire + Earth = Lava
  2. Lava + Air = Stone
  3. Stone + Fire = Metal
  4. Metal + Electricity = Wire

I’ll now focus on making a mountain by following this process:

  1. Fire + Fire = Energy
  2. Energy+ Earth = Earthquake
  3. Earthquake + Earth = Mountain


  • Recipe: Atmosphere + Electricity
Aurora in Little Alchemy 2
Final Item: Aurora (Image by us)

This is another element that utilizes electricity as one of its final ingredients and has a plain recipe. However, what makes Aurora stand out is that it’s one of the few non-technological items in the game that uses electricity. Although several combinations go with electricity to make an aurora, I’ll stick with the atmosphere since it’s the easiest of the bunch.

  1. Earth + Earth = Land
  2. Land + Land = Continent
  3. Continent + Continent = Planet
  4. Planet + Air = Atmosphere


  • Recipe: Ore + Electricity
Battery in Little Alchemy 2
Final Item: Battery (Image Credits: eXputer)

This recipe is slightly more difficult as opposed to the previous ones since ore is a much more complex material. You have to craft multiple smaller elements and combine all of them one by one to create an ore. To make an ore from scratch, these are the combinations you need to do:

  1. Water + Water = Puddle
  2. Puddle + Puddle = Pond
  3. Pond + Pond = Sea
  4. Sea + Earth = Primordial Soup
  5. Fire + Fire = Energy
  6. Energy + Primordial = Life
  7. Water + Earth = Mud
  8. Fire + Earth = Lava
  9. Lava + Air = Stone
  10. Stone + Mud = Clay
  11. Clay + Life = Human
  12. Human + Stone = Tool
  13. Tool + Stone = Hammer
  14. Hammer + Earth = Ore
ore in Little Alchemy 2
Ore (Image Credit Copyright: eXputer)

Wrap Up

That wraps up my complete walkthrough on making electricity from scratch in Little Alchemy 2. Electricity is primarily used to make modern inventions and components, so you’ll mainly find it in electronics, vehicles, and other similar items in the game. So continue to explore this element to discover its full potential!

For elements and recipes towards the organic spectrum in the game, check out our guides on making a flower and bacteria in Little Alchemy 2. If you’re instead looking for an item with equal or even more usefulness than electricity, consider reading on how to make time in the game, where we discuss the wide array of uses of this base element. 


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Huzaifa Malik is a Guides Writer on eXputer who’s been playing FPS games like Call of Duty for as long as he can recall. He is one of the most seasoned COD players on eXputer. He has several years of experience writing for games. By following his passion for games, he chose eXputer as his hub to deliver information-rich articles. Feel free to get more familiar with Huzaifa on his gaming profiles on Steam.

Experience: 3+ years || Education: Bachelor in Architectural Engineering.

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