6 Best Inferno Spells In Lords of the Fallen + Locations

Learn about the best Inferno spells in Lords of the Fallen and decide the best Inferno spell according to your playstyle.

Lords of the Fallen allows you to customize your character according to your playstyle, whether heavy weapons or versatility in magic options. One of these magic options includes Inferno spells that lean towards infernal damage to its enemies and enhance your character abilities. We will compare their stats and examine the best Inferno spells the game offers.

Key Takeaways
  • There are 20 Inferno spells in Lords of the Fallen; we have discussed the top 6.
  • All spells have their own Mana Cost and require a specific Inferno.
  • The deadliest spell is the Seismic Slam; targeting multiple enemies can provide increased physical damage.
  • The disadvantage of using Seismic Slam is that it is less effective at close range.
  • Other spells to test out are Adyr’s Rage and Adyr’s Hardiness; they help to enhance defensive resistance and physical damage.
  • Although the Mana Cost is almost identical for Adyr’s Rage and Seismic Slam, it has less physical damage.

Overview Of Best Inferno Spells

The table below compares the top six Inferno spells in  Lords of the Fallen:

Inferno SpellEffectMana CostInferno Requirement
CataclysmSummon a storm of meteors from the sky9930
Magma SurgeSummon an explosive surge of magma from beneath the ground6630
Adyr's HardinessA shout sorcery which allows you to summon the hardiness of Adyr within yourself, increasing your defense and resistance608
Lava BurstHurl an exploding orb of fire268
Adyr's RageA shout sorcery which allows you to summon the rage of Adyr within yourself, increasing your physical damage.6022
Seismic SlamSummon an infernal hammer to strike the ground, sending forth a line of explosions.6625

1. Cataclysm

Cataclysm(image by eXputer)
Inferno Spell Stats Value
Mana Cost 99
Inferno Requirement 30
Effect Summon a storm of meteors from the sky

This infernal magic spell is a great option for players who want to deal a ton of damage to their enemies. Cataclysm has a special ability to rain down meteors from the sky. This meteor rain causes devastating damage to its enemies, making them weak over a wide range. I prefer to reserve it as your final option when surrounded by enemies and are low on health.

The downside of the Cataclysm is its Mana cost. Relatively, other spells at low Mana cost can deal equivalent damage. Although in quick animation, it does summon a whole bunch of meteors, the other problem with the spell is that at very close distances, it sometimes doesn’t hit and goes straight over the enemy’s head. 


To get this spell, you must free the tortured prisoner from the prison cell in Skyrest Bridge. Then, give the prisoner the Giant Eyeball to move her to Spurned Progeny. Talk to her while wearing the Full Noblewomen Set and purchase the spell for 8000 Vigor there.

2. Magma Surge

Magma Surge(image by eXputer)
Inferno Spell Stats Value
Mana Cost 66
Inferno Requirement 30
Effect Summon an explosive surge of magma from beneath the ground

With its special effect to summon an explosive surge of magma from beneath the ground, this spell has the highest damage in the entire game. It has a decent AOE and leaves a lava pull alongside the ground to make the enemies take even more damage. You can also get some of the best DPS with great damage because the spell can be cast repeatedly.

The spell only works well against more mobile enemies that like to move around a whole bunch. It’s really hard to hit because they can dodge the explosion. But against slower enemies, this is the best spell to use because of its good range, and you can keep spamming it from a distance.


To get this spell, you must have Remembrance of Spurned Progeny and then can purchase it from Molhu at Skyrest Bridge. To get the Remembrance of Spurned Progeny, you first need to defeat the Spurned Progeny at Upper Calrath and then soulflay the boss Stigma. 

3. Adyr’s Hardiness

Adyr’s Hardiness(image by eXputer)
Inferno Spell Stats Value
Mana Cost 60
Inferno Requirement 8
Effect Shout sorcery that allows you to summon the hardiness of Adyr within yourself, increasing your defense and resistance.

This inferno spell, with its special effect to invoke Adyr’s toughness within you, amplifies your resistance and defense, making you stronger against different attacks. The spell is perfect for players who like a defensive playstyle as it negates damage for 90 seconds, which is very good for 60 Mana. 

What makes it more useful is that it only requires 8 Inferno, so just a random Inferno catalyst can work for it. The spell can be switched off, and the buff remains. The fact that you can stack it with other types of buff and damage negation in any build makes it one of the best inferno spells.  


Adyr’s Hardiness is found in Pilgrim Perch and requires a Pilgrim Perch key. It would be best if you went through a door left of the Bellroom Vestige. While moving forward, dodge the crossbow shooting at you and ignore the knight and its dog in the way. Moving forward, kill the boss and head up the stairs. To the right of the stairs, open the door, and you will find a chest that contains the spell.

4. Lava Burst

Lava Burst(image by eXputer)
Inferno Spell Stats Value
Mana Cost 26
Inferno Requirement 8
Effect Hurl an exploding orb of fire

The spell is an enhanced version of another Inferno spell, Infernal Orb. It offers a special effect: it can hurl an exploding orb of fire. The spell is not flashy or amazing but has a generic projectile for killing enemies at a distance. An issue might be that the spell costs twice the Mana than the infernal orb, but you get more overall damage, which is worth the cost.

I prefer it because of its high damage, and it gets a nice AOE to where it explodes and can hit multiple enemies simultaneously. You can use lava burst to burn your enemies alive because it affects their armor, which is made up of a material that conducts heat. 


You must travel the Upper Calrath, turn right, and head down through the hole. Then, go straight and turn right until you see the plaza on fire. Head up the stairs, cross the small bridge, and head down the ladder. Run up the wooden slope and enter the castle. Use the lantern at the top of the ladder, and you will find the spell in the chest to your right.

5. Adyr’s Rage

Adyr’s Rage(image by eXputer)
Inferno Spell Stats Value
Mana Cost 60
Inferno Requirement 22
Effect A shout sorcery which allows you to summon the rage of Adyr within yourself, increasing your physical damage.

Adyr’s Rage, probably one of the best Inferno spells in Lords of the Fallen, allows you to summon the rage of Adyr within yourself, increasing your physical damage. The increase in physical damage means it’s going to PIR nicely alongside any Inferno-type build. I would prefer to have it against every single boss because of its increased damage.

Just like Adyr’s Hardiness, the spell lasts for ninety seconds, and even with a catalyst that doesn’t have many spell slots, you could equip Adyr’s Rage, use the spell, and then remove it while retaining the buff. The ability to interchange spells in the middle of combat is amazing, so yes, it is highly recommended to use this Inferno spell.


To get the spell, you must visit Damarose in the Pilgrim Perch before the first boss and see her again before the second boss. Then, you could purchase the spell from Damarose.

6.  Seismic Slam

Seismic Slam(image by eXputer)
Inferno Spell Stats Value
Mana Cost 66
Inferno Requirement 25
Effect Summon an infernal hammer to strike the ground, sending forth a line of explosions.

The most dangerous of all the Inferno spells is the Seismic Slam Spell, with its effect of summoning an infernal hammer that creates seismic waves when struck on the ground, dealing damage to enemies. With decent AOE, it has a burn buildup, making it a strong option for the best Inferno spells in Lords of the Fallen.

The spell is great at multiple hits at range but does not perform very well at close range. So, when using the spell, you must be at a longer distance from your enemy, which is perfectly fine because no one likes getting close to their enemies.


You can purchase a spell from the tortured prisoner. Free the prisoner from Skyrest Bridge and talk to her outside Pieta Boss’ room. Give her the Giant Eyeball dropped by the Spurned Progeny and purchase the spell.

The Best Inferno Spell In My Opinion

My Lords of the Fallen Profile 

According to my experience of the game, the best Inferno spell in Lords of the Fallen is Seismic Slam. The spell will make any other spell irrelevant, and when you are around multiple enemies, you must have this spell.

However, this spell suits best for me, but you can always have the option to try different spells according to your build. Another best Inferno spell to try is the Adyr’s duo; they can provide you enhanced resistance and physical damage. Also, they can retain buff even after removal, which provides versatility. 

Here, we conclude our thoughts on Lords of the Fallen’s best Inferno Spells; I hope you enjoyed it and find the read interesting. If you would like to learn more about Lords of the Fallen, you can head over to Haris Review of Lords of the Fallen.


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